FF7 Rebirth

How to Get the Poison Materia

This is a guide on how to get the Poison Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to know more information about the Poison Materia including all methods on how to get Poison, AP requirement per level, and its effects.

How to Get the Poison Materia

Obtained in the Upper Level of Bandit's Bluffs

Map View World View

The Poison Materia can be obtained during a Side Quest in Chapter 8 called The Bartender’s “Untended Garden”. When you are in the Upper Level of Bandits' Bluf in the Mission The Bartender's Untended Garden, turn right and the materia will be located at the end.

Obtained from Combat Simulator

The Poison materia can be obtained from the following combat simulator stages.

Name How to Unlock and Rewards
Gongaga Region Intel: Level 1 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 12 enemies in the Gongaga region
・Poison Materia ★★

Purchased from Stores

The Poison materia can be purchased from stores that sell materia from chapter 6 onwards.

One of Red XIII's Starting Materia

The Poison Materia is one of the many starting Materia that Red XIII has at the beginning of the game.

Poison Materia Effect and AP per Level

Basic Information

Materia Information
Allows you to use toxin-related spells. Poison
Type Magic
Resistance Poison
Max Level 3
Effect Allows you to use toxin-related spells.

Poison Effects per Level

Level Abilities AP to Next Level Ability Effects
★1 Use Bio 300 Bio: Poison and deal a small amount of non-elemental damage. Guaranteed to hit.
★2 Use Biora 900 Biora: Poison and deal a moderate amount of non-elemental damage. Guaranteed to hit.
★3 Use Bioga Max Bioga: Poison and deal a large amount of non-elemental damage. Guaranteed to hit.

Stack Poison to Apply Venom for Higher Damage Over Time

Once an enemy is affected by a poison status, you can target it with a Bio Spell for a second time. Stacking poison once will result in a Venom Status which deals higher damage over time. However, the duration of the status will not reset.

Battle Icons, Status Effects, and Ailments Explained

Poison Materia Stats

Max HP - Max MP -
Attack - Defense -
Magic Attack - Magic Defense -
Strength - Magic -
Vitality - Spirit -
Speed - Luck -

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