FF7 Rebirth

Gilgamesh Summon and How to Get

This is a guide on how to get the Gilgamesh Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to know more information about the Gilgamesh Materia including all methods on how to get Gilgamesh, AP requirement per level, and its effects.

How to Get the Gilgamesh Materia

Defeat Gilgamesh

FF7 Rebirth - Gilgamesh

In order to get the Gilgamesh Summon Materia, you will first need to be able to challenge Gilgamesh in a boss fight. To unlock this endgame boss fight, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Obtain all 24 Protorelics in the game.
  2. Defeat Titan, Phoenix, Alexander, Kujata, Bahamut Arisen, and Odin in the Combat Simulator.
  3. Obtain the Tiny Bronco in Chapter 12 to navigate the Meridian Ocean.

Once all of the above are complete, you will have unlocked the ability to reach Gilgamesh Island in the Meridian Ocean where you can challenge the fabled swordsman. Winning will grant you the Gilgamesh Summon Materia.

How to Unlock and Beat Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh Materia Info and Abilities

Basic Information

Gilgamesh Summoning Materia
Allows you to summon GilgameshSummon
Effect Allows you to summon Gilgamesh
Summon Size Medium
Req. Atb required atb.png

Gilgamesh Abilities and Ultimate

Ultimate Attack Ultimate Illusion
Deals a massive amount of non-elemental damage
Ability 1 Spatial Rend (1 ATB)
Bring his axe down with enough force to send out a wide-ranging shockwave. Increased damage on stagger.
Ability 2 Pinwheel (1 ATB)
Charge toward an enemy while swiftly spinning his naginata.

Gilgamesh Materia Stats

Max HP - Max MP -
Attack - Defense -
Magic Attack - Magic Defense -
Strength - Magic -
Vitality - Spirit -
Speed - Luck -

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