FF7 Rebirth

How to Get the Prayer Materia

This is a guide on how to get the Prayer Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to know more information about the Prayer Materia including all methods on how to get Prayer, AP requirement per level, and its effects.

How to Get the Prayer Materia

One of Aerith's Starting Materia

The Prayer Materia is one of Aerith's starter Materia. This allows Aerith (or a different ally if the Materia is equipped to them) to regularly heal the party without consuming an MP.

Prayer Materia Effect and AP per Level

Basic Information

Materia Information
Allows you to restore the party Prayer
Type Command
Effect Allows you to restore the party's HP with Pray.

Prayer Effects per Level

Level Abilities AP to Next Level Ability Effects
★1 Use Pray (Slight HP Restoration) 300 Pray: Restores a small amount of HP to allies. Costs 2 ATB.
★2 Use Pray (Modest HP Restoration) TBA Pray: Restores a modest amount of HP to allies. Costs 2 ATB.
★3 Use Pray (Moderate HP Restoration) TBA Pray: Restores a moderate amount of HP to allies. Costs 2 ATB.
★4 Use Pray (Great HP Restoration) TBA Pray: Restores a great amount of HP to allies. Costs 2 ATB.
★5 Use Pray (Significant HP Restoration) Max Pray: Restores a significant amount of HP to allies. Costs 2 ATB.

Prayer Materia Stats

Max HP - Max MP -
Attack - Defense -
Magic Attack - Magic Defense -
Strength - Magic -
Vitality - Spirit -
Speed - Luck -

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2 IxAMxNIGHTMARE9 months

Buy as many as you want in Cosmo Canyon

1 Anonymous11 months

Is there more than 2 prayers on this game?


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