FF7 Rebirth

How to Get Magnify Materia

This is a guide on how to get Magnify Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn more about Magnify Materia, including all ways to get Magnify Materia, its AP requirements per level, effects, and stats.

How to Get Magnify Materia

Sources of Magnify Materia

Recruit Cait Sith to Your Party at the End of Chapter 8

The earliest you can get Magnify Materia is after you recruit Cait Sith at the end of Chapter 8. Complete the chapter to access Cait Sith's materia loadout, granting you access to one of the available Magnify Materia in the game.

Chapter 8: All That Glitters Walkthrough

Reward for Completing the Victim of Circumstance Side Quest

Victim of Circumstance is a side quest available after you reach Chapter 12 of the main story. Upon arriving at Costa del Sol during the start of the chapter, new side quests will unlock. Head over to Cosmo Canyon's noticeboard to get the Victim of Circumstance quest.

Victim of Circumstance Guide and Rewards

Obtained from a Brutal Combat Simulator Challenge

Another way to get Magnify Materia is to unlock Brutal Challenges in Chadley's Combat Simulator. This can be done after you defeat Gilgamesh - an endgame boss. Complete the following Brutal Challenges to get Magnify Materia:

Challenge How to Unlock and Rewards
Brutal Challenge: Hellions' Intonement Unlock Conditions:
・Complete Brutal Challenge: Unending Nightmare.
・Defeat the Tonberry King in the Corel Region.
・1★ Magnify Materia

Brutal and Legendary Combat Simulator Guide

Temporarily Acquired During Chapter 1

Map Location World View

During Chapter 1 of the main story, Cloud will be able to find a Magnify Materia upon reaching the Northern Ridge Bluff (after exiting Gnipahellir Ravine). It can be picked up from one of the lower cliffs after you shimmy across a narrow wooden ledge.

Note: This Magnify Materia does not carry over to Chapter 2. You will not gain access to it despite picking it up during Chapter 1. This is the same case for all the other Materia found in the level.

Chapter 1: Fall of a Hero Walkthrough

Magnify Materia Effect and AP per Level

Basic Information

Materia Information
Allows you to expand the range of spells with the linked materia. Magnify
Type Support
Effect Allows you to expand the range of spells with the linked materia.

Magnify Effects per Level

Level Effects AP to Next Level
★1 Expand range of linked materia (Potency modified by -60% when expanded) 500
★2 Expand range of linked materia (Potency modified by -45% when expanded) 1500
★3 Expand range of linked materia (Potency modified by -25% when expanded) Max

Magnify Materia Stats

Max HP - Max MP -
Attack - Defense -
Magic Attack - Magic Defense -
Strength - Magic -
Vitality - Spirit -
Speed - Luck -

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Materia

List of All Materia

All Materia by Type

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Materia Guides

Other Materia Guides
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All Support Materia

Related Materias
Level Boost Auto-Cast Magnify
Elemental Synergy AP Up
Warding HP Absorption MP Absorption
Magic Efficiency Magic Focus Swiftcast


3 Anonymous12 months

Magnify isn’t available from Chadley. Junon store is Magic Efficiency.

2 Anonymous@Game812 months

Thank you for the information. These have been confirmed in-game and added to the page. Thank you for using our guides!


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