Diablo Immortal

Marks Guide: How to Get and How to Use

Diablo Immortal - Marks Guide

Marks are a special type of Currency in Diablo Immortal used to improve your ranking as a members of the Shadows. Read on to learn more about Marks including where to get them and how to use them.

Essence Transfer Note from Game8 Marks can only be earned by members of the Shadows Faction. To join the faction, players will need to either win the Shadow Lottery or be invited into the Shadows by a member with extra Akeba's Signets.

How to Get Marks

How to Get Marks

Complete Daily and Challenge Quests

Daily and Challenge Quests

Marks can be obtained by completing your Daily and Challenge Quests as a Shadow. Since most of these are tied to your activities as a Shadow, they should be easy to complete by simply participating and progressing daily.

Complete 3 Weekly Contracts

Do Weekly Contracts

Completing 3 Weekly Contracts will reward you with 3 Shadow Chests that contain 700 Marks each. To accept them, speak to Bartender Bailey just outside the entrance to the Court of Whipsers to get a Solo or Dungeon contract of your choice.

Challenge the Path of Blood

Path of Blood

On top of exclusive contracts, Shadows will also have access to an exclusive dungeon called the Path of Blood. These are a series of floors that contain mobs or bosses that you will have to beat within a certain time. Clearing a floor will reward you with 200 Marks.

Participate in the Assembly

The Assembly

The Assembly is a special activity that Shadows can attend at the Court of Whispers. Attend it to plan your attack against the Immortals while also receiving Marks for your troubles.

Participate in the Rite of Exile

Rite of Exile

If you high-ranking member are part of a top Dark Clan, you can participate in the weekly Rite of Exile and face off against the champions of the Immortals. Complete this activity to gain Marks that increase your Shadow Ranking.

Recruit a Player Into the Shadows

While the reward is only 50 Marks, every little bit helps. Use your extra Akeba's Signets to recruit other players into the Shadows and you will receive a Marks and Hilts for your troubles.

How to Use Marks

Used to Improve Shadow Ranking

Shadows Rank

Earning Marks will allow you to rank up as a Shadow. Keep earning them through the various Shadow activities to reap the benefits of higher ranks. As you go up the ladder of Shadow ranks, you will enjoy damage and defense bonuses depending on how high you can climb.

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