Diablo Immortal

Fading Embers Guide: Where to Get and How to Use

Diablo Immortal - Fading Embers Guide

Fading Embers are a type of Currency in Diablo Immortal used to purchase different kinds of Runes for Legendary Gem Crafting. Read on to learn more about Fading Embers including how to get and farm them, as well as how to use them.

How to Farm Fading Embers

Complete Elder Rifts

Weekly Cap for Fading Embers

Weekly Cap 200 Fading Embers
(With or Without Crests)

Fading Embers can only be obtained by running and completing Elder Rifts. The base value you can earn per run will be 8 Fading Embers, increasing only if you use Crests while running them.

Take note that you can only obtain a maximum of 200 Fading Embers per week from solo Elder Rift runs regardless if you used Crests or not.

All Soft and Hidden Caps

Complete Elder Rifts with Party Members that Use Crests

Play with Players Using Crests

Bonus Weekly Cap 120 Fading Embers

On top of the Weekly Cap, Fading Embers will also have a Bonus Weekly Cap that can be filled out by running Elder Rifts with others that use Crests. Any bonus Fading Embers you get by playing with others will count towards this Bonus Weekly Cap, increasing the amount you can earn weekly to 320 Fading Embers.

How to Use Fading Embers

Used to Buy Fa Runes

Used to Buy Fa Runes

Fading Embers are primarly used to buy Fa Runes from the Fading Embers and Runes merchant in Westmarch. Spend 18 Fading Embers to buy 1 Fa Rune, for use when randomly crafting Legendary Gems.

Crafting Cost Legendary Gem
Fa Rune Fa Rune x7
Fading Ember Fading Embers x126
Random 1-Star Legendary GemRandom 1-Star Legendary Gem
Fa Rune Fa Rune x28
Fading Ember Fading Embers x504
Random 2-Star Legendary GemRandom 2-Star Legendary Gem
Fa Rune Fa Rune x22
Fading Ember Fading Embers x396
Random Legendary GemRandom Legendary Gem*

* Random Legendary Gem crafting includes 1-star, 2-star, and 5-star legendary gems in its crafting pool.

Fa Runes can also be used to craft Eternal Legendary Crests

DI - Eternal Legendary Crest in Jeweler

After the Version 1.5.2 Update, Fa Runes can now be used to craft Eternal Legendary Crests. These crests are different from the normal Legendary Crests as these guarantees an unbound Legendary Gem after clearing an Elder Rift. Unbound items can be sold in the market for Platinum.

An Eternal Legendary Crest costs 22 Fa Runes in any of the Apprentice Jewelers.

Fa Rune: How to Get and Crafted Legendary Gem

Used When Trading-In Runes

Used to Trade In Runes

Trade Type Trade-In Cost
Magic RunesAti Rune x1
Magic RunesMagic Runes x12
Fading EmberFading Embers x15
Rare RunesAti Rune x1
Rare RunesRare Runes x3
Fading EmberFading Embers x15

Fading Embers are also used when trading Magic Runes for Ati Runes at the Fading Embers and Runes merchant. A base cost of 15 Fading Embers will be applied when when trading in for more Ati Runes.

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