Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

List of Demons

SMT 5 List of Demons

Demons are the main enemies as well as your recruitable allies in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)! Learn everything about Demons in this guide including how to talk and recruit demons, the list of all demons in the game and their races, and where to find them!

List of All Demons

Demon Level Race Fusion / Location Innate Skills Skills
Abaddon ImageAbaddon 72 Tyrant Special Fusion Crippling Blow
Abdiel ImageAbdiel 80 Herald Special Fusion Purging Blade
Abdiel (Transformed) ImageAbdiel (Transformed) 89 Fallen Special Fusion Servant of God
Adramelech ImageAdramelech 71 Fallen Temple of Eternity Fire Gestalt
Aeros ImageAeros 12 Element Special Fusion Force Enhancer
Agathion ImageAgathion 10 Yoma Minato Thunderous Melody
Agrat ImageAgrat 68 Qadistu Special Fusion Qadistu Artifice
Aitvaras ImageAitvaras 17 Drake Minato Fire Gestalt
Alice ImageAlice 40 Fiend Special Fusion Give Me Your Soul!
Alilat ImageAlilat 81 Lady Special Fusion Megalomania
Amabie ImageAmabie 39 Enigma Special Fusion Blessings Abound
Amanozako ImageAmanozako 76 Genma Special Fusion Heavenly Reversal
Ame-no-Uzume ImageAme-no-Uzume 22 Megami Special Fusion Curious Dance
Amon ImageAmon 82 Tyrant Special Fusion Burning Aspiration
Anahita ImageAnahita 29 Megami Special Fusion Grace Unto Service
Anansi ImageAnansi 49 Genma Special Fusion Wisdom Unleashed
Ananta ImageAnanta 59 Dragon Special Fusion Roaring Mist
Andras ImageAndras 18 Fallen Shinagawa Catastrophic Gales
Angel ImageAngel 10 Divine Special Fusion Blessed Melody
Anubis ImageAnubis 41 Avatar Special Fusion Blessed Melody
Anzu ImageAnzu 48 Raptor Chiyoda, Shinjuku Tablet of Destinies
Apsaras ImageApsaras 16 Yoma Special Fusion Ice Gestalt
Aquans ImageAquans 15 Element Special Fusion Ice Enhancer
Arahabaki ImageArahabaki 62 Kunitsu Special Fusion Affable Hospitality
Archangel ImageArchangel 18 Divine Special Fusion Focused Assault
Arioch ImageArioch 75 Tyrant Special Fusion Avenger
Armaiti ImageArmaiti 53 Herald Special Fusion Heart of Devotion
Artemis ImageArtemis 37 Megami Special Fusion Impenetrable Purity
Asura ImageAsura 84 Fury Special Fusion Focused Assault
Atavaka ImageAtavaka 54 Deity Special Fusion Focused Assault
Atropos ImageAtropos 64 Femme Taito Moirae Cutter
Attis ImageAttis 27 Kishin Special Fusion Pine Tree's Rebirth
Azazel ImageAzazel 61 Fallen Special Fusion Power Menace
Azumi ImageAzumi 11 Brute Minato Frigid Melody
Baal ImageBaal 93 Deity Special Fusion Hammer of Judgment
Baihu ImageBaihu 43 Holy Special Fusion Auspicious Beast
Baphomet ImageBaphomet 33 Vile Shinagawa Dark Gestalt
Barong ImageBarong 60 Avatar Special Fusion Elec Gestalt
Basilisk ImageBasilisk 31 Drake Shinagawa Deathly Affliction
Beelzebub ImageBeelzebub 95 Tyrant Special Fusion Biondetta
Belial ImageBelial 92 Tyrant Special Fusion Heavenly Reversal
Belphegor ImageBelphegor 44 Tyrant Special Fusion Boon of Sloth
Berith ImageBerith 24 Fallen Shinagawa Frontline Adaptability
Bicorn ImageBicorn 14 Wilder Minato Critical Melody
Bishamonten ImageBishamonten 58 Kishin Special Fusion Four Heavenly Kings
Black Frost ImageBlack Frost 44 Night Special Fusion Twilit Melody
Black Ooze ImageBlack Ooze 33 Foul Shinagawa Virus Carrier
Black Rider ImageBlack Rider 52 Fiend Special Fusion Four Horsemen
Bugs ImageBugs 24 Wilder Shinagawa Unending Nightmare
Cait Sith ImageCait Sith 7 Beast Minato Paw-to-Paw Combat
Camael ImageCamael 69 Herald Special Fusion Flame of 12,000 Angels
Cerberus ImageCerberus 64 Beast Taito Faithful Companion
Chernobog ImageChernobog 52 Fury Special Fusion Dark Gestalt
Cherub ImageCherub 71 Divine Taito Pandemonic Feast
Chi You ImageChi You 87 Tyrant Temple of Eternity Vengeful Might
Chimera ImageChimera 55 Holy Special Fusion Spirited Synergy
Cironnup ImageCironnup 27 Holy Shinagawa Incendiary Stoning
Cleopatra ImageCleopatra 61 Femme Special Fusion Allure
Clotho ImageClotho 52 Femme Special Fusion Moirae Spinner
Cu Chulainn ImageCu Chulainn 52 Genma Special Fusion Surrogate Guard Hound
Cybele ImageCybele 56 Lady Special Fusion Megalomania
Daemon ImageDaemon 7 Brute Minato Dark Enhancer
Dagda ImageDagda 80 Deity Special Fusion Magic Harp TBD
Daisoujou ImageDaisoujou 30 Fiend Special Fusion Willpower
Dakini ImageDakini 46 Femme Chiyoda, Shinjuku Critical Melody
Danu ImageDanu 93 Lady Special Fusion Bountiful Earth
Decarabia ImageDecarabia 55 Fallen Taito Kept Waiting
Demeter ImageDemeter 76 Megami Special Fusion Thesmophoria
Demi-Fiend ImageDemi-Fiend 99 Chaos Special Fusion Ruler of Chaos
Dionysus ImageDionysus 44 Fury Special Fusion Megalomania
Dis ImageDis 31 Yoma Shinagawa Planck of Norn
Dominion ImageDominion 50 Divine Special Fusion Scales of Dominion
Dormarth ImageDormarth 40 Wilder Chiyoda, Shinjuku Death's Door
Efreet ImageEfreet 52 Yoma Special Fusion Incendiary Stoning
Eisheth ImageEisheth 66 Qadistu Special Fusion Qadistu Savagery
Eligor ImageEligor 37 Fallen Shinagawa Phys Gestalt
Erthys ImageErthys 9 Element Special Fusion Elec Enhancer
Fafnir ImageFafnir 60 Drake Taito Virus Carrier
Feng Huang ImageFeng Huang 22 Avian Special Fusion Fiery Melody
Fenrir ImageFenrir 65 Wilder Special Fusion Ice Gestalt
Fionn mac Cumhaill ImageFionn mac Cumhaill 71 Genma Special Fusion Healing Hand
Flaemis ImageFlaemis 18 Element Special Fusion Fire Enhancer
Flauros ImageFlauros 50 Fallen Demon King's Castle Paw-to-Paw Combat
Forneus ImageForneus 31 Fallen Shinagawa Best Friend
Fortuna ImageFortuna 15 Megami Special Fusion Force Gestalt
Futsunushi ImageFutsunushi 69 Wargod Special Fusion Phys Enhancer
Fuu-Ki ImageFuu-Ki 63 Brute Taito Four Oni
Gabriel ImageGabriel 86 Herald Special Fusion Angelic Order
Ganesha ImageGanesha 57 Wargod Special Fusion Divine Benevolence
Garuda ImageGaruda 64 Avian Special Fusion Force Enhancer
Girimekhala ImageGirimekhala 66 Vile Taito Elephantine Ricochet
Glasya-Labolas ImageGlasya-Labolas 59 Beast Special Fusion Divined Fortune
Gogmagog ImageGogmagog 61 Jirae Taito Vengeful Might
Gremlin ImageGremlin 5 Jaki Minato Trickery
Gurulu ImageGurulu 68 Raptor Taito Catastrophic Gales
Halphas ImageHalphas 11 Fallen Minato Virus Carrier
Hanuman ImageHanuman 46 Genma Chiyoda, Shinjuku Forager
Hare of Inaba ImageHare of Inaba 31 UMA Special Fusion Okuninushi's Teachings
Hariti ImageHariti 35 Lady Special Fusion Unending Nightmare
Hayataro ImageHayataro 40 Holy Special Fusion Lightning Speed
Hecatoncheires ImageHecatoncheires 55 Jaki Taito Pandemonic Feast
Hell Biker ImageHell Biker 36 Fiend Special Fusion Speed Star
High Pixie ImageHigh Pixie 18 Fairy Special Fusion Elec Gestalt
Horus ImageHorus 42 Deity Special Fusion Eye of Horus
Hua Po ImageHua Po 31 Jirae Shinagawa Fire Gestalt
Huang Long ImageHuang Long 78 Dragon Special Fusion Shining Dragon Scales
Hydra ImageHydra 53 Drake Special Fusion Pernicious Venom
Idun ImageIdun 42 Megami Special Fusion Demonic Mediation
Inanna ImageInanna 87 Lady Special Fusion Sacrificial Proxy
Incubus ImageIncubus 22 Night Shinagawa Unending Nightmare
Inugami ImageInugami 24 Beast Shinagawa Faithful Companion
Ippon-Datara ImageIppon-Datara 17 Brute Minato One-Foot Hop
Ishtar ImageIshtar 62 Lady Special Fusion Capricious Goddess
Isis ImageIsis 46 Lady Special Fusion Mother of Ploys
Jack Frost ImageJack Frost 25 Fairy Shinagawa Fickle Personality
Jack-oJack-o'-Lantern 20 Fairy Shinagawa Forager
Jatayu ImageJatayu 32 Avian Special Fusion Critical Melody
Jikokuten ImageJikokuten 51 Kishin Special Fusion Four Heavenly Kings
Kaiwan ImageKaiwan 45 Night Chiyoda, Shinjuku Dark Star
Kali ImageKali 76 Femme Temple of Eternity Phys Gestalt
Karasu Tengu ImageKarasu Tengu 35 Brute Shinagawa Gusting Melody
Kaya-no-Hime ImageKaya-no-Hime 21 Jirae Shinagawa Demonic Mediation
Kelpie ImageKelpie 30 Fairy Shinagawa Restorative Melody
Khonsu ImageKhonsu 62 Deity Special Fusion Divine Dismantlement
Khonsu Ra ImageKhonsu Ra 78 Deity Special Fusion Eye of Ra
Kikuri-Hime ImageKikuri-Hime 24 Lady Special Fusion Divine Benevolence
Kin-Ki ImageKin-Ki 49 Brute Demon King's Castle Four Oni
King Frost ImageKing Frost 33 Tyrant Special Fusion Ice Gestalt
Kinmamon ImageKinmamon 68 Enigma Special Fusion Restorative Melody
Kodama ImageKodama 6 Jirae Minato Gusting Melody
Konohana Sakuya ImageKonohana Sakuya 50 Kunitsu Special Fusion Oath of Plenteousness
Koppa Tengu ImageKoppa Tengu 24 Yoma Shinagawa Gusting Melody
Koropokkur ImageKoropokkur 26 Jirae Shinagawa Frigid Melody
Koumokuten ImageKoumokuten 44 Kishin Special Fusion Four Heavenly Kings
Kresnik ImageKresnik 60 Genma Special Fusion Righteous Cross
Kudlak ImageKudlak 60 Haunt Taito Figment of Darkness
Kumbhanda ImageKumbhanda 41 Haunt Chiyoda, Shinjuku Honey Trap
Kurama Tengu ImageKurama Tengu 39 Genma Chiyoda, Shinjuku Force Gestalt
Kushinada-Hime ImageKushinada-Hime 49 Kunitsu Special Fusion Monstrous Offering
Lachesis ImageLachesis 58 Femme Taito Moirae Measurer
Lahmu ImageLahmu 48 Vile Special Fusion Divine Decree
Lakshmi ImageLakshmi 70 Megami Special Fusion Chanchala
Lamia ImageLamia 36 Femme Chiyoda, Shinjuku Burden of Talent
Leanan Sidhe ImageLeanan Sidhe 17 Femme Special Fusion Burden of Talent
Legion ImageLegion 19 Foul Shinagawa Twilit Melody
Lilim ImageLilim 32 Night Shinagawa Allure
Lilith ImageLilith 68 Night Special Fusion Coming Soon!
Lilith (Qadistu) ImageLilith (Qadistu) 72 Qadistu Special Fusion Qadistu Mandate
Loa ImageLoa 30 Jaki Shinagawa Taboo
Loki ImageLoki 56 Tyrant Special Fusion Trickery
Loup-garou ImageLoup-garou 54 Beast Taito Carpet Bolting
Macabre ImageMacabre 43 Jaki Chiyoda, Shinjuku Trickery
Mad Gasser ImageMad Gasser 48 Foul Special Fusion Virus Carrier
Mada ImageMada 83 Vile Temple of Eternity Ailed Resurgence
Makami ImageMakami 21 Avatar Special Fusion Faithful Companion
Manananggal ImageManananggal 25 Femme Shinagawa Twilit Melody
Mandrake ImageMandrake 6 Yoma Minato Ward Off Evil
Mara ImageMara 67 Tyrant Special Fusion Fear of Death
Maria ImageMaria 83 Megami Special Fusion Impenetrable Purity
Masakado ImageMasakado 94 Wargod Special Fusion Scarlet Blade TBD
Mastema ImageMastema 83 Herald Special Fusion Crime and Punishment
Matador ImageMatador 24 Fiend Special Fusion Crippling Blow
Melchizedek ImageMelchizedek 60 Herald Special Fusion Light Enhancer
Mephisto ImageMephisto 79 Tyrant Special Fusion Compounded Calamity
Mermaid ImageMermaid 12 Femme Special Fusion Pandemonic Feast
Metatron ImageMetatron 95 Herald Special Fusion Ceaseless Crucifixion
Michael ImageMichael 90 Herald Special Fusion Angelic Order
Mishaguji ImageMishaguji 42 Vile Chiyoda, Shinjuku Fair Weather Prayer
Mithras ImageMithras 77 Tyrant Special Fusion Rallying Aid
Mitra ImageMitra 65 Deity Special Fusion Righteous Sentence
Mokoi ImageMokoi 16 Night Minato Compounded Calamity
Moloch ImageMoloch 51 Tyrant Special Fusion King of Conflagration
Mot ImageMot 63 Fury Special Fusion Crippling Blow
Mother Harlot ImageMother Harlot 64 Fiend Special Fusion Seven-Headed Beast
Mothman ImageMothman 29 Wilder Shinagawa Demonic Mediation
Muu Shuwuu ImageMuu Shuwuu 38 Raptor Special Fusion Vinyl Bomb
Naamah ImageNaamah 63 Qadistu Special Fusion Qadistu Deception
Naga ImageNaga 27 Snake Shinagawa Carpet Bolting
Naga Raja ImageNaga Raja 40 Snake Chiyoda, Shinjuku Thunderous Melody
Nahobeeho ImageNahobeeho 65 Fairy Special Fusion Magatsuhi Thriftiness
Nahobino ImageNahobino 3 Special Fusion Magatsuhi Spring TBD
Narcissus ImageNarcissus 38 Jirae Chiyoda, Shinjuku Gusting Melody
Nebiros ImageNebiros 67 Fallen Taito Dark Enhancer
Neko Shogun ImageNeko Shogun 5 Wargod Special Fusion Paw-to-Paw Combat
Nekomata ImageNekomata 34 Beast Shinagawa Paw-to-Paw Combat
Nezha Taizi ImageNezha Taizi 28 Wargod Special Fusion Universe Ring
Norn ImageNorn 67 Megami Special Fusion Planck of Norn
Nozuchi ImageNozuchi 15 Snake Minato Tempest
Nue ImageNue 49 Wilder Demon King's Castle Hand You're Dealt
Nuwa ImageNuwa 80 Lady Special Fusion Firmament Restoration
Nuwa (Transformed) ImageNuwa (Transformed) 89 Lady Special Fusion Nine-Day Restoration
Nyami Nyami ImageNyami Nyami 13 Dragon Special Fusion Roaring Mist
Obariyon ImageObariyon 12 Haunt Minato Phys Gestalt
Oberon ImageOberon 47 Fairy Chiyoda, Shinjuku Fairy King's Melody
Odin ImageOdin 77 Deity Special Fusion Runes of Wisdom
Okuninushi ImageOkuninushi 55 Kunitsu Special Fusion Nation Founder
Ongyo-Ki ImageOngyo-Ki 78 Brute Temple of Eternity Four Oni
Oni ImageOni 23 Brute Shinagawa Trickery
Onmoraki ImageOnmoraki 4 Raptor Minato Fiery Melody
Onyankopon ImageOnyankopon 50 Enigma Special Fusion Skyward Withdrawal
Orobas ImageOrobas 49 Beast Demon King's Castle Fiery Melody
Orthrus ImageOrthrus 42 Beast Chiyoda, Shinjuku Faithful Companion
Ose ImageOse 44 Fallen Chiyoda, Shinjuku Paw-to-Paw Combat
Oyamatsumi ImageOyamatsumi 40 Kunitsu Special Fusion Wrath of Oyamatsumi
Pale Rider ImagePale Rider 57 Fiend Special Fusion Four Horsemen
Parvati ImageParvati 35 Megami Special Fusion Light Gestalt
Pazuzu ImagePazuzu 52 Vile Demon King's Castle Compounded Calamity
Peallaidh ImagePeallaidh 8 Wilder Minato Deathly Affliction
Pisaca ImagePisaca 31 Haunt Shinagawa Forager
Pixie ImagePixie 2 Fairy Minato Demonic Mediation
Poltergeist ImagePoltergeist 25 Haunt Shinagawa Thunderous Melody
Power ImagePower 39 Divine Special Fusion Frontline Adaptability
Preta ImagePreta 3 Haunt Minato Focused Assault
Principality ImagePrincipality 28 Divine Special Fusion Blessed Melody
Qing Long ImageQing Long 45 Dragon Special Fusion Auspicious Beast
Queen Medb ImageQueen Medb 56 Night Taito Ailed Resurgence
Quetzalcoatl ImageQuetzalcoatl 34 Dragon Special Fusion Breath of Abundance
Rakshasa ImageRakshasa 20 Jaki Shinagawa Helmsman
Rangda ImageRangda 70 Femme Taito Force Gestalt
Raphael ImageRaphael 84 Herald Special Fusion Angelic Order
Red Rider ImageRed Rider 47 Fiend Special Fusion Four Horsemen
Samael ImageSamael 88 Special Fusion Coming Soon! TBD
Sandalphon ImageSandalphon 88 Herald Special Fusion Glorious Invocation
Sandman ImageSandman 8 Night Minato Unending Nightmare
Sarasvati ImageSarasvati 47 Megami Special Fusion Vina Raga
Satan ImageSatan 99 Special Fusion Adversary TBD
Saturnus ImageSaturnus 88 Vile Special Fusion Price of Prosperity
Scathach ImageScathach 55 Megami Special Fusion Warrior Trainer
Senri ImageSenri 43 Holy Special Fusion Paw-to-Paw Combat
Setanta ImageSetanta 35 Fairy Shinagawa Surrogate Guard Hound
Seth ImageSeth 67 Drake Special Fusion Usurper's Ambition
Shiisaa ImageShiisaa 19 Holy Special Fusion Guardian Beast
Shiki-Ouji ImageShiki-Ouji 29 Brute Shinagawa Ward Off Evil
Shiva ImageShiva 96 Fury Special Fusion Tripura Samhara
Siegfried ImageSiegfried 63 Wargod Special Fusion Dragon's Blood
Silky ImageSilky 41 Fairy Special Fusion Frigid Melody
Skadi ImageSkadi 67 Lady Special Fusion Ice Enhancer
Slime ImageSlime 1 Foul Minato Deathly Affliction
Sraosha ImageSraosha 77 Herald Special Fusion Light Gestalt
Succubus ImageSuccubus 38 Night Chiyoda, Shinjuku Allure
Sudama ImageSudama 6 Jirae Minato Virus Carrier
Sui-Ki ImageSui-Ki 56 Brute Taito Four Oni
Sukuna-Hikona ImageSukuna-Hikona 37 Kunitsu Special Fusion Nation Builder
Surt ImageSurt 62 Tyrant Special Fusion Fire Enhancer
Take-Minakata ImageTake-Minakata 19 Kunitsu Special Fusion Pandemonic Feast
Tao ImageTao 60 Panagia Story Saint's Prayer
Thor ImageThor 66 Kishin Special Fusion Elec Enhancer
Thoth ImageThoth 33 Deity Special Fusion Trickery
Throne ImageThrone 64 Divine Taito Lighted Wheel
Thunderbird ImageThunderbird 38 Avian Special Fusion Elec Gestalt
Titania ImageTitania 57 Fairy Taito Summer Dream
Trumpeter ImageTrumpeter 73 Fiend Special Fusion Trumpets of Judgment
Tsuchigumo ImageTsuchigumo 13 Jirae Minato Forager
Turbo Granny ImageTurbo Granny 26 Foul Special Fusion Speed Star
Turdak ImageTurdak 11 Jaki Minato Helmsman
Tzitzimitl ImageTzitzimitl 75 Vile Special Fusion Myopic Pressure
Unicorn ImageUnicorn 11 Holy Special Fusion Light Enhancer
Uriel ImageUriel 82 Herald Special Fusion Angelic Order
Valkyrie ImageValkyrie 40 Yoma Chiyoda, Shinjuku Helmsman
Vasuki ImageVasuki 74 Drake Special Fusion Naga-Loka
Vishnu ImageVishnu 87 Deity Special Fusion Tripura Samhara
Vouivre ImageVouivre 20 Snake Shinagawa Willpower
Vritra ImageVritra 52 Dragon Special Fusion Pandemonic Feast
White Rider ImageWhite Rider 43 Fiend Special Fusion Four Horsemen
Xiezhai ImageXiezhai 29 Avatar Special Fusion Helmsman
Xuanwu ImageXuanwu 23 Dragon Special Fusion Auspicious Beast
Yaksini ImageYaksini 30 Femme Special Fusion Pandemonic Feast
Yamata no Orochi ImageYamata no Orochi 72 Snake Taito Brewing Storm
Yatagarasu ImageYatagarasu 54 Avian Special Fusion Helmsman
Yoko ImageYoko 82 Panagia Story Alms of Uprising
Yoshitsune ImageYoshitsune 45 Wargod Special Fusion Yumi Nagashi
Yurlungur ImageYurlungur 50 Snake Demon King's Castle Fickle Personality
Zaou-Gongen ImageZaou-Gongen 72 Fury Special Fusion Sankosho
Zeus ImageZeus 86 Deity Special Fusion Herkeios
Zhen ImageZhen 14 Raptor Minato Deathly Affliction
Zhu Tun She ImageZhu Tun She 9 Drake Minato Phys Enhancer
Zhuque ImageZhuque 43 Avian Special Fusion Auspicious Beast
Zouchouten ImageZouchouten 36 Kishin Special Fusion Four Heavenly Kings

Mitamas Available in SMTV: Vengeance

List of Mitama
SMTV Saki MitamaSaki Mitama SMTV Nigi MitamaNigi Mitama
SMTV Ara MitamaAra Mitama SMTV Kushi MitamaKushi Mitama

Mitamas are rare enemies that drop items that can increase your EXP, sold for Macca, and to gain Glory. Defeat these demons whenever you see them so that you can get their drops.

Do note that these demons cannot be recruited and are solely meant to be killed for their drops.

List of Demons Obtainable Through Fusion

These demons cannot be obtained by recruiting them in the overworld, but rather through Demon fusion.

Demons Lv Race
Angel iconAngel 10 Divine
Feng Huang iconFeng Huang 22 Avian
Futsunushi iconFutsunushi 69 Wargod
Sraosha iconSraosha 77 Herald
Xuanwu iconXuanwu 23 Dragon
Horus iconHorus 42 Deity
Arahabaki iconArahabaki 62 Kunitsu
Silky iconSilky 41 Fairy
Cu Chulainn iconCu Chulainn 52 Genma
Scathach iconScathach 55 Megami
Garuda iconGaruda 64 Avian
Archangel iconArchangel 18 Divine
Thor iconThor 66 Kishin
Narcissus iconNarcissus 38 Jirae
Demeter iconDemeter 76 Megami
Shiisaa iconShiisaa 19 Holy
Melchizedek iconMelchizedek 60 Herald
Alilat iconAlilat 81 Lady
Power iconPower 39 Divine
Asura iconAsura 84 Fury
Neko Shogun iconNeko Shogun 5 Wargod
Hariti iconHariti 35 Lady
Baihu iconBaihu 43 Holy
Vishnu iconVishnu 87 Deity
Fortuna iconFortuna 15 Megami
Anubis iconAnubis 41 Avatar
Flaemis iconFlaemis 18 Element
Apsaras iconApsaras 16 Yoma
Kushinada-Hime iconKushinada-Hime 49 Kunitsu
Ananta iconAnanta 59 Dragon
Bishamonten iconBishamonten 58 Kishin
Thunderbird iconThunderbird 38 Avian
Seth iconSeth 67 Drake
Attis iconAttis 27 Kishin
Inanna iconInanna 87 Lady
Jikokuten iconJikokuten 51 Kishin
Ame-no-Uzume iconAme-no-Uzume 22 Megami
Makami iconMakami 21 Avatar
Mitra iconMitra 65 Deity
Skadi iconSkadi 67 Lady
Siegfried iconSiegfried 63 Wargod
Chernobog iconChernobog 52 Fury
Dionysus iconDionysus 44 Fury
Zouchouten iconZouchouten 36 Kishin
Lakshmi iconLakshmi 70 Megami
Ganesha iconGanesha 57 Wargod
Dominion iconDominion 50 Divine
Sandalphon iconSandalphon 88 Herald
Take-Minakata iconTake-Minakata 19 Kunitsu
Zhuque iconZhuque 43 Avian
Atavaka iconAtavaka 54 Deity
Isis iconIsis 46 Lady
Principality iconPrincipality 28 Divine
Cybele iconCybele 56 Lady
Lilith iconLilith 68 Night
Parvati iconParvati 35 Megami
Sarasvati iconSarasvati 47 Megami
Jatayu iconJatayu 32 Avian
Barong iconBarong 60 Avatar
Leanan Sidhe iconLeanan Sidhe 17 Femme
Zaou-Gongen iconZaou-Gongen 72 Fury
Belphegor iconBelphegor 44 Tyrant
Kikuri-Hime iconKikuri-Hime 24 Lady
Mot iconMot 63 Fury
Thoth iconThoth 33 Deity
Abaddon iconAbaddon 72 Tyrant
Camael iconCamael 69 Herald
Yatagarasu iconYatagarasu 54 Avian
Quetzalcoatl iconQuetzalcoatl 34 Dragon
Yoshitsune iconYoshitsune 45 Wargod
Chimera iconChimera 55 Holy
Loki iconLoki 56 Tyrant
Aeros iconAeros 12 Element
Koumokuten iconKoumokuten 44 Kishin
Oyamatsumi iconOyamatsumi 40 Kunitsu
Amon iconAmon 82 Tyrant
Qing Long iconQing Long 45 Dragon
Okuninushi iconOkuninushi 55 Kunitsu
Maria iconMaria 83 Megami
Mara iconMara 67 Tyrant
Belial iconBelial 92 Tyrant
Metatron iconMetatron 95 Herald
Aquans iconAquans 15 Element
Hare of Inaba iconHare of Inaba 31
Amabie iconAmabie 39
Kinmamon iconKinmamon 68

All New and Redesigned Demons in SMT5

New Demons
Abdiel Aitvaras Amanozako
Bugs Daemon Danu
Fionn mac Cumhaill Hayataro Hydra
Loup-garou Manananggal Melchizedek
Nuwa - -
Redesigned Demons
Angel Jack Frost Sraosha

Abdiel (New)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons Abdiel

Abdiel appears in Christian religion as the only angel who had sided with God during the angels' rebellion against their creator. In the game, she acts as the commander of angels.

The angels' commander wears a divine golden armor and brandishes a sleek, golden pointed sword. In all her glory she is golden, even her tattooes which she engraved on herself as punishment for being deceived by Lucifer, and as a symbol for her loyalty to God.

Abdiel Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Aitvaras (New)

SMT V Aitvaras

A fairy in Lithuanian mythology. Indoors, it takes the form of a black cat or a rooster. Outdoors, it takes the form of a small dragon or a snake with a burning tail. The AItvaras makes the home it inhabits rich by stealing form its neightbors. It is said that it typically demands an omelette as compensation and is difficult to chase away once it's settled into a home. It can, however, be exterminated by shining it with the flame of a candle purified by the church.

Aitvaras Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Amanozako (New)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons  Amanozako

A fabled goddess of Japan, born from Susan-o's spirit, associated with creation and said to be an ancestor of Tengu and Amanojaku, Amanozako is designed loosely based on the legends.

She is given tiny wings and tall sandals similar to Tengu, and wears a one-piece outfit that has semblances of ancient Japanese civilization. Amanozako also has futuristic touches with her hairstyle being more akin to a helment rather than natural hair.

Amanozako Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide | How to Recruit Amanozako

Bugs (New)

SMT V Bugs

A type of goblin from Welsh folklore that eats children who don't listen to their parents. They are said to look like humans covered head to toe with hair, and are recognized as an iconic monster that appears at nighttime. They are often spoken of by mothers wishing to discipline their children as noted in the popular phrase, For naughty kids who disobey, the Bugs will come and surely prey.

Bugs Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Daemon (New)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons Daemon

Daemon is the classic chaotic demon minion in SMT V, sporting red hair that resembles a flame and all-black skintone. Daemon is seen as a direct counterpart to the demon Angel from a narrative standpoint, it is equipped with a golden pitchfork and golden horns to further illustrate the contrast between lawful and chaotic.

Daemon Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Fionn mac Cumhaill (New)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons Fionn mac Cumhaill

Fionn mac Cumhaill appears in Celtic mythology as the hero of the Fenian Cycle. Being the resident demon heartthrob in SMT 5, he appears poised, cool, and mesmerizing, with his golden locks and straightforward Celtic handsomeness.

Fionn mac Cumhaill Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Hayataro (New)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons Hayataro

Originating in the legends of the Spirit Dog Hayataro, Hayataro served as the guardian of Shinshu Kozenji temple. In the game, Hayataro is depicted as a white dog with wolf-like characteristics, sporting a black and red mane, and talismanic features on its legs.

The pattern on Hayataro's legs represent the zigzag pattern of Japanese shide papers that represent the thunder and lightning that are believed to protect people from evil and misfortune.

Hayataro Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Hydra (New)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons Hydra

Hydra is a giant serpent with nine head that appears in Greek mythology. Its character design conists of symbols and patterns reminiscent of ancient Greek pottery – the serpent's head (all nine of them, yes) and body are based on depictions of the Hydra in ceramic artifacts.

Hydra Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Loup-garou (New)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons  Loup garou

Loup-garou is a werewolf who appears in French folklore. Originally, Loup-garou was a violent, tyrinnical French feudal lord who was then punished by being transformed into a werewolf. He can be seen donning the colors of the French flag with his aristocratic clothing.

Loup-garou Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Manananggal (New)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons Manananggal

This vampiric demon of Philippine folklore is a quintessential monster of body horror. The manananggal flies with its severed upper body at night to devouor on the fetuses of pregnant people using her long, slithering tongue.

Manananggal embodies both the grotesque and erotic, as she is depicted as a voluptous young woman whose torso is cut in half revealing a little bit of her insides.

Manananggal Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Nuwa (New)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons Nuwa

In Chinese mythology, Nuwa is the creator of all mankind and both wife and sister of Fuxi. She appears as a beautiful, serpentine woman working a modernized red Hanfu and a distinct ornamental headpiece.

It has been teased that Nuwa has two appearances — her alluring human form and her true nature as the creator in mythology.

Nuwa Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Angel (Redesigned)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons Angel

The poster demon for SMT's lawful faction, Angel, appears more angelic with a complete 180 redesign. Draped in white garment, wings, and a new mask that represents Angel's loyalty to God.

Another distinct new feature for Angel is its genderless qualities, with a more masculine voice and feminine physical appearance.

Angel Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

Jack Frost (Redesigned)

Shin Megami Tensei V SMT 5 - List of Demons Jack Frost

Jack Frost comes back in SMT V and has been given a more 3D feel to his design. The more life-like looking Jack Frost has been given a new skill exclusive to him as well, not a lot has been revealed about this new skill but the graphic artist of Atlus has said it's a fun, comical skill that show how much the staff loves Jack Frost.

Jack Frost Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide

How to Recruit Demons

Talk to Them and Negotiate During Battle

SMT 5 How to Recruit Demons

The best way to recruit demons is by talking to them while in battle. While negotiating, your options will range from providing satisfactory answers to giving enemies some money, items, or HP/MP. Take note that there are also several conditions for your recruitment to be successful. Refer to our demon recruitment guide for more details.

How to Recruit Demons

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMTVV) Related Guides


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6 Anonymous24 days


1 Anonymousabout 3 years

What demon recruitment guide????


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