Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

Ichiro Dazai Guest Character Stats and Weakness

SMTV Ichiro Dazai

Ichiro Dazai is a guest character in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V). Read on to learn about Ichiro's backstory, his role in the story, stats and stats as a guest character, skill and skill proficiencies, and as well as info on the English and Japanese voice actors.

Ichiro Dazai Stats and Weakness

Ichiro Dazai Apperance Overview

Ichiro Dazai Overview
Ichiro Dazai
Base Level 44 Race Human
Innate Skill Beginner's Luck
Weaknesses and Affinities
Weakness Ice
Resist Light, Dark
Null Fire

Only Appears in Vengeance!

Ichiro Dazai is a guest character that only appears in the Canon of Vengeance. He'll join your party once you progress through Egypt and Shinjuku Ward.

SMTV: Vengeance Guides

Ichiro Dazai Skill Proficiencies

Ichiro Dazai All Skill Proficiencies

physical.png Fire.png ice.png elec.png
- 3 -3 -
force.png light.png, dark.png, moon.png
2 4 -6 -
ailment.png recovery.png Support.png
3 - 1

SMT V Skill Proficiency Effects

Ichiro Dazai List of Skills

Ichiro Dazai Skills List

Level Skill Attack
Raises Defense/Accuracy/Evasion of all allies by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Heavy Light attack to all foes. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
Medium Fire attack to 1 foe. Chance of inflicting Mirage.
Medium Force attack to 1 foe.
Guarantees escape from escapable battles.
Chance of inflicting Poison to all foes.
Increases effects of Poison.

List of Skills and Effects

Ichiro Dazai Character Profile

Jack Frost
Notice from Game8!
Spoilers Ahead!
The following sections may contain important plot details. Scroll up to avoid spoilers!

Ichiro Dazai Voice Actor

Ichiro Dazai Ichiro Dazai English Voice Actor Stuart Allan
Japanese Voice Actor Kishō Taniyama
谷山 紀章

Ichiro Dazai Biography

SMTV Ichiro Dazai VA Stuart Allan

Ichiro Dazai is a cheerful high school student with poor grades and an interest in making videos. Although he might not be the brightest when it comes to academics, he does want to become someone people can turn to.

Ichiro Dazai Story Role

Friend and Classmate

SMTV Ichiro Dazai Finger Guns

Ichiro Dazai is a classmate and close friend of the main character. He claims he is useless at school, but still wants to be someone people depend on. When Ichiro goes to investigate a suspicious tunnel, he is transported to Da'at, setting the story in motion.

Demon Summoner

SMTV Ichiro and Abdiel

After returning from Da'at, Ichiro is given the Demon Summoning Program from Hayao Koshimizu and joins Bethel. Ichiro sees this as a chance to prove his usefulness.

Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT 5) Related Guides

Characters Partial

Characters Front Page

All Guest Characters

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STM V - Yuzuru AtsutaYuzuru Atsuta Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Demi-Fiend IconDemi-fiend -

Other Characters

Other Characters
Main Character Nahobino Character IconMain Character: Nahobino Miyazu Atsuta Character IconMiyazu Atsuta Shohei Yakumo Character IconShohei Yakumo
Nuwa Character IconNuwa Abdiel Character IconAbdiel Aogami Character IconAogami
Hayao Koshimizu Character IconHayao Koshimizu SMTV Vengeance - Sophia Character IconSophia


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