Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

Canon of Vengeance Walkthrough Guide

SMTVV - Canon of Vengeance Story

This is the complete walkthrough of the Canon of Vengeance in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V). Read on for a complete story of the Canon of Vengeance!

Canon of Vengeance Walkthrough

Canon of Vengeance Story
The Lay of the Land
The Angel's Trail
The Angels' Request
Save the Students
Head to Jozoji Temple
A Golden Opportunity

※The complete story walkthrough for the Canon of Vengeance is currently a work-in-progress. Check back soon for the full story!※


SMTVV: Vengeance Choice
At the beginning of Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, you will be asked to either "take her hand" or "not take her hand". Choosing to take her hand begins the Canon of Vengeance storyline.
Difficulty Differences | Recommended Difficulty Setting
1 SMTVV: Yuzuru Choice
The prologue officially begins with you awakening in a classroom. Here, you'll name your character, after which you'll be able to chat with three fellow classmates of yours.

After class, you'll be presented with a choice to either go home with Yuzuru and his friends or not. Your choice doesn't have any affect on the course of the story.
2 SMTVV: Shinagawa West Overworld
Proceed to Shinagawa: West to check on the disturbance amidst the crowd. You'll also be asked to speak to Miyazu after.
3 SMTVV: Takanawa Tunnel Overworld
After checking up on the commotion, head to Takanawa Tunnel. Somehow, you'll find yourself in the middle of a desert.
4 SMTVV: Meeting Aogami
Head to the objective point and meet Aogami. You will then transform into the Nahobino and you'll be able to learn the basics of combat afterwards.

After the battle, Aogami will teach you about the basic movement and overworld features in Da'at.
5 SMTVV: Tokyo Tower
Head to Tokyo Tower after climbing the platform, and receive the main quest, "Lay of the Land".

The Lay of the Land

1 SMTVV: Cadaver
At the bottom of the hill, you will encounter a Leyline Fount. Interacting with it will transport you to Cadaver's Hollow, where you will meet the shopkeep Gustave.
2 SMTVV: First Miman
Approach the Miman north of the leyline fount. Learn about Glory and Miman.
All Miman Locations | Miman Rewards
3 SMTVV: Gustave
Return to Cadaver's Hollow and talk to Gustave.
  • Obtain Onmoraki's Essence and learn about demon essences.
  • 4 SMTVV: Pixie Recruitment
    Past the Miman, recruit the Pixie nearby.
  • Learn about demon recruiment and relics afterwards.
  • 5 SMTVV: Demon in Kimono First Encounter
    After turning right on the fork, you will see a demon in a kimono being attack by a group of Pretas.
  • Defeat the group and learn about Magatsuhi skills.
  • Turning left on the fork will lead you to the subquest, "A Preta Predicament" to obtain a Haunt Talisman.
  • 6 SMTVV: Aogami - Type A
    Continue forward towards the objective point and Aogami will point you towards a Proto-fiend husk.
  • Obtain Aogami-Type A Essence.
  • 7 SMTVV: World of Shadows
    Interacting with the leyline fount nearby will teleport you into the World of Shadows, where you will meet Sophia.
  • Learn about Miracles and Essence Fusions.
  • Gustave will tell you about fast travel between leyline founts.
  • 8 SMTVV: Mita Abscess
    Advance forward to clear the Abscess in Mita.
  • After the battle, learn about Magatsu Rails.
  • 9 Follow the objective point and in front of the Yamanote line, you will encounter Yuzuru and will be prompted with a choice.
  • Neither choice will affect the ending.
  • 10 SMTVV: Glasya-Labolas Boss
    Canon of Vengeance
    After a short cutscene, you will meet Yoko Hiromine and be engaged in a boss battle with Glasya-Labolas.
  • Use Electric attacks against this boss to gain extra Press Turns.
  • 11 SMTVV: Apsaras Side Quest
    Head north from the Yamanote Line.
  • Northeast of the Yamanote Line, you can start a quest where you can either recruit Apsaras or Leanan Sidhe to your party.
  • Apsaras or Leanan Sidhe: Best Demon to Side With
  • 12 Following the road will lead you to the leyline fount of Shiba. The demon in a kimono, Amanozako, will join you as your navigator.
    List of All Quest Navigators
    13 SMTVV: Demon Haunts
    Interacting with the Shiba leyline fount will introduce you to Demon Haunts.
  • You will be able to interact with the demons that you've befriended.
  • These demons will be able to level up, learn skills or give you items.
  • You will be able to also interact Aogami on the bench and have conversations with him.
  • In rare cases, you will be able to strengthen the Nahobino through conversations with Aogami.
  • 14 SMTVV: Kodama Shiba Park Abscess
    Head towards the Shiba Park abcess, and engage in a battle against Kodama.
  • Magatsuhi demons in this Abscess may drop Incense.
  • Mermaid is weak against Fire and Ice attacks, spamming Agi and Bufu will net you more Press Turns.
  • 15 SMTVV: Mermaid Hamamatsucho Abscess
    Head towards the Hamamatsucho abcess, and engage in a battle against Mermaid.
  • Magatsuhi demons in this Abscess may drop Incense.
  • Mermaid is weak against Fire and Electric attacks, spamming Agi and Zio will net you more Press Turns.
  • 16 SMTVV: The Cursed Mermaids
    After clearing the abscess in Shiba Park and Hamamatsucho, head towards Tokyo Tower.
  • An Aogami Essence can be found at the top of the hill just before the highway.
  • South of the Hamamtsucho leyline fount, under the highway, you can start The Cursed Mermaids Sidequest here.
  • 17 Open the leyline fount nearest to the Tokyo Tower.
  • We highly recommned saving here and preparing your party for a boss battle.
  • We recommend being at least Level 15.
  • 18 SMTVV: Hydra Boss
    Defeat the Hydra to complete the Lay of the Land Main Quest.
  • Hydra is weak against Ice, prepare demons that carry Bufu and who aren't weak against Fire.
  • It's also ideal to bring Fire and Dark Dampeners to help mitigate damage against the Hydra.
  • The Lay of the Land - Tokyo Tower Main Quest Guide

    The Angel's Trail

    1 SMTVV -The Angel
    After defeating Hydra in the Tokyo Tower, head towards the marked location on the map to meet Goko. He will provide you with a Return Pillar.
    2 SMTVV - Amanozako seeing an Angel
    After Goko leaves, Amanozako will inform you that she saw an Angel in the direction of the city. After this brief cutscene, The Angel's Trail main quest will automatically begin.

    Continue down the slope north and register the leyline fount of Kamiyacho
    3 Turn right and make your way south to destroy the Abscess of Onarimon
    Abscess of Onarimon tips and strategy
    4 Use the Return Pillar to warp back to Kamiyacho then head north to destroy the Abscess of West Shinbashi
    Abscess of West Shinbashi tips and strategy
    5 SMTVV - Naamah
    Head to the location marked on the map and prepare to fight Naamah. It is advisable that you save the game first either through a nearby fount or by pressing the Save button on the overworld.
    6 SMTVV - The Angel
    Upon Naamah's Defeat, the quest will be completed and you will receive Luck Balm as a reward.

    The Angel's Trail Mission Guide

    The Angels' Request

    1 SMTVV - Talk to Angels
    After defeating Naamah, head north to the Nagatacho region and talk to the Angels standing guard at the Tokyo Diet Building near the Leyline Fount to begin the quest.
    2 Before going to the marked area for the quest, head to the Toranomon region and defeat the Abscess there containing two Shiisas.
    3 SMTVV - Nagatacho Leyline
    Use the Return Pillar to travel back to Nagatacho's Leyline Fount and head southwest towards the quest marker.
    4 SMTVV - Quest marker
    Going to the quest marker will lead you to fight Eligor and 2 Andras. Save the game before fighting them as they can pack quite a punch.
    5 One of the treasure boxes below contains Aogami Type-2 Essence.Returning to the Angels will complete The Angels' Request main quest.
    6 SMTVV - Explore
    You'll find 2 treasure boxes north of the pointer as well as obtain the Jaki Talisman from a demon on the west side.
    7 SMTVV - Nuwa
    It is imperative that you save your game before heading inside the Tokyo Diet Buiding as it will immediately lead you to a Boss Fght with Nuwa.

    The Angels' Request Main Quest Guide

    Save the Students

    1 New Da'at: Shinagawa Region
    A new Da'at is available. Save your progress in the nearby Leyline Fount.
    2 Start the Quest
    Slide down the slope for a cutscene. Save the Students main quest will automatically be triggered after the cutscene.
    3 SMT V Abscess in TennozuDestroy the Abscess of Tennozu
    Head south first past the fourth pointer and destroy the Abscess of Tennozu. treasure box on the north end of the highway contains Aogami Type-3 essence.
    4 Find the Four Students
    Register the Leyline Fount of Tennozu and find the 4 students marked by objective pointers. Tao will heal you at the end of every battle after finding one of the students. The quest will end after finding all four students.
    5 Begin the Next Quest
    After completing Save the Students, the next main quest, Save the Students (cont.) will be triggered upon reaching the marked location.
    6 Finish Infiltrate the Devil's Feast subquest
    From the pinned location, head southeast. Follow the path to take the Infiltrate the Devil's Feast subquest. This is a time-limited quest so finish this first.
    7 Head to Shinagawa Pier
    Travel southeast, then go north until you reach the Leyline Fount of Shinagawa Pier. Save your progress..
    8 Reach the Container Yard
    Enter the Container Yard and make your way to the area's Leyline Fount. There are trails of Magatsuhi crystals that will guide you through the maze.
    9 SMT V Loup-garouDefeat Loup-garou
    Approach the marked location and defeat Loup-garou. Defeating Loup-garou will complete the main quest Save the Students (cont.).
    * EishethDefeat Eisheth
    Canon of Vengeance
    In Canon of Vengeance, you will be fighting Eisheth instead of Loup-Garou. Approach the marked location and defeat Eisheth. Defeating her will complete the main quest Save the Students (cont.).
    10 Destroy the Abscess of Container Yard
    Drop down and destroy the Abscess of Container Yard east of your location. South of the container you just came out from is an Angel that will give you the Divine Talisman.
    11 Register Konan 3rd Block's Leyline Fount
    Head north to the objective pointer, find and register Konan 3rd Block's Leyline Fount. East of the highway is a treasure box containing Aogami Type-4 essence.
    12 Destroy the Abscess of Konan 3rd Block
    Go all the way southwest and destroy the Abscess of Konan 3rd Block
    13 Register the Mitatebashi Leyline Fount
    Head west and register the Leyline Fount of Mitatebashi. Save your progress and prepare for the boss fight.
    14 Finn MaccolDefeat Fionn mac Cumhaill
    Approach the pointer for a cutscene and defeat Fionn mac Cumhaill

    Save the Students Main Quest Guide

    Head to Jozoji Temple

    Part 1 - Head to Jozoji Temple
    Part 2 - Eliminate Lahmu
    Part 2 - Explore the School
    Part 1 - Head to Jozogi Temple
    1 Return to Tokyo
    Proceed into the building by going up the stairs to trigger an event. After finishing or skipping the event, you will return to Tokyo by using the Terminal.
    2 Head to Conference Room
    From there, proceed towards the northwest conference room located at the Terminal.
    3 Talk with Everyone
    Interact with everyone found in the conference room to trigger an event. You can unlock the Virtual Trainer by talking with Koshimizu.
    4 Head to the Dorm Room
    Leave the institute, and head towards your dorm room to rest in your bed.
    5 Talk with Tao
    You will eventually encounter Tao as you progress the game. Interact with her, and proceed inside the school.
    6 Go to the Entrance
    You will trigger an event with Sahori after you go through the entrance.
    7 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple Miyazu
    Talk with Miyazu
    As you proceed down the hallway, you'll encounter Miyazu and be given an option to unlock a subquest.
    8 Talk with Ichiro
    Proceed towards the hallway to trigger a conversation with Ichiro.
    9 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple 3-A Classroom
    Go to 3-A Classroom
    Head towards the nearby stairs that leads to the second floor, and enter the 3-A classroom. The classroom can be found inside the first door on the right after reaching the top of the stairs.
    * Select from Choice Event (Goddess of Vengeance Route)
    Once you've entered the classroom, you will trigger a cutscene that will eventually lead you to a choice event.
    10 Talk with Tao
    Once you've left the classroom, you will trigger a conversation with Tao. From there, head down towards the first floor to select between a choice event.
    11 Talk with Yuzuru
    Once you've head towards the entrance, you will be able to trigger a conversation with Yuzuru.
    12 Head to the Roof
    Leave the school and head towards the roof of your school dormitory.
    SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple Naamah
    SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple Glasya Labolas
    Defeat Naamah and Glasya Labolas (Goddess of Vengeance Route)
    If you rest in your bed located at your bedroom, you will need to fight Naamah and Glasya Labolas soon after.
    Part 2 - Eliminate Lahmu (Vengeance Route)
    1 Head to Jozoji Temple
    Proceed towards the Jozoji Temple, just north of the Tokyo Tower.
    2 Yoko Will Join Your Party
    You will trigger a choice event once you've entered the Jouin High School. Yoko will be joining your party as a guest character.
    3 Enter the School
    Once you've entered school premises, be wary of the demons roaming around the area.
    4 Talk with Tao
    Head west towards the hallway, and interact with Tao. Tao will be joining your party as a guest character.
    5 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple 2nd Floor
    Head to 2nd Floor
    Proceed west down the hallway, and take the stairs that lead to the 2nd floor.
    6 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple Jack Frost
    Complete the Event Battle
    Continue through the hallway to unlock an event battle near the stairs. Jack Frost can heal you after the battle.
    7 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple 3rd Floor
    Head to 3rd Floor
    Head up the stairs located next to Jack Frost, which leads to the 3rd floor.
    8 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple 4th Floor
    Head to 4th Floor
    If you choose to head up the stairs on the west portion of the 4th floor, you will find a female student and trigger an event. It is recommended to save after the event to prepare for the upcoming boss battle.
    9 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple Lahmu
    Defeat Lahmu
    Once the event plays out, proceeds towards the east of the corridor and reach the end of it to face the boss Lahmu. Defeat Rahmu to clear Jouin High School.
    Part 2 - Explore the School (Creation Route)
    1 Head to Jozoji Temple
    Proceed towards the Jozoji Temple, just north from the Tokyo Tower.
    2 Finish 2 Consecutive Battles
    Once you've entered Jozoji Temple, you will need to complete two consecutive battles. It is recommended to return to the institute and save before the battles.
    3 Head to the School
    Once you've chosen an option in the selection event, proceed to Jouin High School.
    4 Finish the Event Cutscene
    Continue to enter the school after the selection event plays out.
    5 Explore the School
    Start exploring the school and proceed with caution as demons are roaming the area.
    6 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple 2nd Floor
    Head to 2nd Floor
    Proceed to the west of the hallway and climb the stairs that leads to the 2nd floor.
    7 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple Jack Frost
    Climb Up the Stairs
    Just continue to the hallway to trigger a battle near the stairs where Jack Frost is located.
    8 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple 3rd Floor
    Head to 3rd Floor
    Climb up the stairs next to Jack Frost to reach the 3rd floor.
    9 SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji Temple 4th Floor
    Head to 4th Floor
    Proceed towards the west portion of the hallway to reach the stairs that lead to the 4th floor. From there, you will encounter a female student and trigger an event.
    10 Complete the Event
    Head east towards the corridor to trigger an event. The Jouin High School will be completed once the event plays out.

    Head to Jozoji Temple Main Quest Guide

    A Golden Opportunity

    To Fairy Village
    A Golden Opportunity
    To Shinagawa Station
    Destroy the Abscess in Konan 2nd Block
    Go west through the parking building. Once you reach the 4th floor, exit towards the west.
    3 Unlock the Leyline Fount in Konan 2nd Block
    4 Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Talk to Dazai in Konan 2nd Block
    Go up the hill to the west and talk to Dazai.
    After the cutscene, head southwest and go towards the Fairy Village.
    The Demeter Subquest is located nearby, but you can only accept it after beating the "A Golden Opportunity" main quest.
    ▶︎ The Tyrant of Tennozu Subquest Guide
    6 Unlock the Fairy Village Leyline Fount.
    Canon of Creation: Talk to Miyazu
    Canon of Vengeance: Talk to Yuzuru
    1 Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Talk to the Fairy King and Queen
    Talk to the Fairy King and start the Main Quest "A Golden Opportunity".
    2 Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Idun Location
    Go south along the river and talk to Idun in South Shinagawa.
    3 Collect all 3 Apples
    Optional: Destroy the Abscess in North Shinagawa
    4 Once you've collected all 3 Apples, talk to the Fairy King to complete "A Golden Opportunity".
    Apple Locations
    Apple 1 Apple 2 Apple 3
    Warp to Konan 2nd Block and go northwest past the area that Dazai was blocking.
    2 Follow the path and unlock the Leyline Fount at Shinagawa Station.
    Make a save since there will be a boss immediately after.
    Canon of Creation

    Once you walk past the Leyline Fount, you will fight Lahmu.
    ・You will fight 3 consecutive battles, so prepare your party accordingly.
    ・Use Electricity and Light Attacks on the Tentacles and First Form.
    ・Use Fire Attacks on the Second Form.
    ▶︎ How to Beat Lahmu (2nd Fight)
    Canon of Vengeance

    Once you walk past the Leyline Fount, you will fight Yuzuru and Hayataro.
    ・Hayataro will always be revived until you beat Yuzuru
    ・Hayataro is weak to Force and Dark
    ・Yuzuru is weak to Fire
    3 After defeating the boss, proceed to the next part of the story.
    Next Part of the Canon of Creation
    ▶ Next Part of Canon of Vengeance

    A Golden Opportunity Main Quest Guide

    Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Related Guides

    Story Walkthrough Partial Banner

    Story Walkthrough and Route Guides

    SMT V: Vengeance Walkthrough Guides

    Both Story Routes
    SMT 5 Vengeance Lay of the LandThe Lay of the Land SMTVV - The AngelThe Angel's Trail
    SMTVV - The AngelsThe Angels' Request SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji TempleHead to Jozoji Temple
    SMTVV - Save the StudentsSave the Students Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - A Golden OpportunityA Golden Opportunity
    ↓ Canon of Creation ↓ ↓ Canon of Vengeance ↓
    SMT V Chiyoda Walkthrough banner.jpgChiyoda SMTVV - Investigate the Anomalies in Toyo.pngInvestigate the Anomalies in Tokyo
    SMT V Tokyo Station Walkthrough banner.jpgTokyo Station SMT V Vengeance - Template - Top Banner Template (1)-min.pngRescue Miyazu Atsuta
    SMT V Demon KingDemon King's Castle SMT V Vengeance - Chase Through Shakan Banner.jpgChase Through Shakan
    Both Story Routes
    SMT V Vengeance - The Three KeysThe Three Keys SMT V Vengeance - To The Empyrean BannerTo The Empyrean
    SMT V Vengeance - Towards a New WorldTowards a New World SMTVV - Endings Banner.pngEndings Guide


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