Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

A Star is Born Subquest Walkthrough and Guide

SMT V Vengeance - A Star is Born Subquest Walkthrough and Guide
A full walkthrough and guide for A Star is Born subquest in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V). Read on to figure out where to find the subquest, how to complete it, and what rewards you can receive.

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SMTV: Vengeance Guides

A Star is Born Location

Map and Overworld Location

Map Image Overworld Image
SMT V Vengeance - A Star is Born Subquest Walkthrough and Guide Map
SMT V Vengeance - A Star is Born Subquest Walkthrough and Guide Macabre

Begin the A Star is Born subquest by heading towards Macabre at 3rd Block, Shinjuku and accepting the demon's request.

A Star is Born Subquest Information

Subquest Summary
A Star is Born
Client Macabre
Reward Charm Gem x10
Summary ・Find Amabie and talk to the demon

A Star is Born Subquest is Vengeance Exclusive

This subquest is exclusive to the Canon of Vengeance.

Players on Canon of Creation will not encounter this quest in their initial playthrough, but can be encountered during their New Game+ run by choosing the Canon of Vengeance this time.

How to Complete A Star is Born

1 Find Amabie at Jozoji Temple in Tokyo
2 Report Back to Macabre

Find Amabie at Jozoji Temple in Tokyo

You will need to head towards Tokyo and access the map so you could enter Jozoji Temple. From there, you will need to consult the map image below and proceed towards Amabie's location.

Amabie Map and Overworld Location

Map Image Overworld Image
SMT V Vengeance - A Star is Born Subquest Walkthrough and Guide Jozoji Map
Jozoji Temple
SMT V Vengeance - A Star is Born Subquest Walkthrough and Guide Amabie

Amabie is located on the western portion of the map.

Report Back to Macabre

Once Amabie departs from the current location, report back to Macabre to complete the subquest and earn your rewards.

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List of SMTV Vengeance Subquests

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