Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

Story Walkthrough and Route Guides

Story Walkthrough and Route Guides

Our Story Walkthrough will help you pinpoint each plot objective in Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT V). Find the best routes, all the secrets in each area, the best choices to make, and find all the encounterable items and objects in each story section!

Story Walkthrough

SMT V: Vengeance Walkthrough Guides

Both Story Routes
SMT 5 Vengeance Lay of the LandThe Lay of the Land SMTVV - The AngelThe Angel's Trail
SMTVV - The AngelsThe Angels' Request SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji TempleHead to Jozoji Temple
SMTVV - Save the StudentsSave the Students Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - A Golden OpportunityA Golden Opportunity
↓ Canon of Creation ↓ ↓ Canon of Vengeance ↓
SMT V Chiyoda Walkthrough banner.jpgChiyoda SMTVV - Investigate the Anomalies in Toyo.pngInvestigate the Anomalies in Tokyo
SMT V Tokyo Station Walkthrough banner.jpgTokyo Station SMT V Vengeance - Template - Top Banner Template (1)-min.pngRescue Miyazu Atsuta
SMT V Demon KingDemon King's Castle SMT V Vengeance - Chase Through Shakan Banner.jpgChase Through Shakan
Both Story Routes
SMT V Taito Walkthrough banner.jpgTaito SMT V Temple of Eternity Walkthrough banner.jpgTemple of Eternity
SMT V Empyrean Walkthrough banner.jpgEmpyrean SMTVV - Endings Banner.pngAll Endings Guide

Decision Choices and Route Guide

Shin Megami Tensei 5 Choices.png

While in the game, you will often encounter multiple decisions that can change your affiliation with certain characters in the game. These decisions will impact the possible ending you can obtain after clearing the game. Refer to our ending guide to see the best choices you can take to pursue certain endings!

Endings Guide | How to Get the Secret Ending

Story Plot and Synopsis

Set in a Post-Apocalyptic World Infested With Demons

SMT 5 Takanawa Tunnel.png

After a day at school, the protagonist winds up in Takanawa Tunnel where he, along with a few other students, are transported to a place called Da'at.

SMT 5 Aogami.png

While venturing through the sea of sand, the protagonist is ambushed by demons. A ray of light comes down and erases the winged creatures. A mysterious man named Aogami emerges from the beam and forges a bond with the protagonist, creating Nahobino.

SMT 5 Nahobino.png

The protagonist learns that the wasteland they are currently in is post-apocalyptic Tokyo, after the clash between the gods and demons occured. Now it's up to them to save Tokyo from its future state and change the fate of the world.

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1 MinorTurnip about 3 years

I’ll gladly use this guide when I need to just like the SMT Noucturne one.


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