Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

Chase Through Shakan Main Quest Guide

SMT V Vengeance - Chase Through Shakan Banner.png

This is a complete walkthrough for Chase Through Shakan, which is the sixteenth Main Quest in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V). Read on for a detailed guide on Vengeance's newest dungeon, Abdiel Boss Strategy, maps, and encounterable demons!

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SMTV: Vengeance Guides

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Chase Through the Shakan Walkthrough

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Before Shakan and First Stratum
Second Stratum
Third and Forth Stratum
1 Teleport to the Tokyo Metropolitan Building leyline fount and proceed to the objective marker.
2 Proceed to Shakan through the Magatsu Rail, picking up the Qadistu Talisman and Periapt in the area before leaving.
3 Going deeper into the first floor, you will encounter a pair of Dominions and Powers guarding the entrance, engaging you in battle.
Both Dominion and Power are weak to Force and Dark. Avoid using Electric and Light attacks on them.
After the battle, proceed forward to find the Shakan: 1st Stratum Nave leyline fount.
  • Go up the stairs and follow the path. There will be a mechanism that will flip the floor upside down. Activate it and proceed.
  • 5
    Proceeding from the Nave leyline, you will see Nues, who will block your path around the second part of the 1st Stratum. You will find the 1st Stratum Pulpit leyline fount at the end of the maze.
  • We recommending avoiding them as they tend to spawn 3-4 demons to block the corridor.
  • 6

    Entering the room from the Pulpit leyline, you will come across the same floor mechanisms you encountered in the first half of the Stratum. Activate them and proceed to the 2nd Stratum.
    Make your way to the 2nd Stratum Nave leyline fount.
  • Just like in the 1st Stratum, Nues will be blocking your path but now, Kin-kis will also be wandering around so it's best to avoid them.
  • 8

    From the 2nd Stratum Nave leyline, proceed to the next room. Activate the mechanism in order and proceed to the next room.
    Continue to proceed south to reach the end of the Second Stratum. Activate the 2nd Stratum Pulpit leyline fount and head downstairs.

    Entering the Third Stratum, you are greeted by another floor mechanism puzzle. Activate the ones indicated above and continue forward.
    11 SMTVV - Shakan 3rd Stratum_11zon.jpg
    From the 3rd Stratum Nave leyline, make your way through the maze.
  • Your paths will now be blocked by Efreets and Pazuzus, Yurlungurs, Oberons, and Flauros will be wandering around. Be careful and avoid them throughout the maze.
  • 12 Once inside the Fourth Stratum, activate the nearby leyline fount and get ready for a battle against a pair of Cherub.
    Cherub uses Wind and Light skills and is weak to Dark.
    12 After defeating Cherub, save and head inside the inner sanctuary. You will then fight Abdiel after a short cutscene.
    Abdiel reflects Light skills and is weak against Dark. Spam Mudo skills until she falls.

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    Shakan Maps and Locations

    First Stratum
    Second Stratum
    Third Stratum
    Forth Stratum
    This is the map for the First Stratum Leyline Founts.
    Number Item
    1 Attack Mirror
    2 Yurlurgur's Essence, Light Gem, Chakra Drop
    3 Magic Mirror, Amrita Shower, Cu Chulainn's Essence
    4 Light Gem, Dispel Charm
    5 30,000 Macca
    6 Armaiti's Essence
    7 Grimoire
    This is the map for the Second Stratum Leyline Founts.
    Number Item
    1 Efreet's Essence, Critical Gem
    2 Moloch's Essence, Hydra's Essence
    3 Nue's Essence
    4 Chernobog's Essence, Bead Chain
    5 Grimoire
    6 Chakra Pot, Attack Mirror
    7 Purge Charm, Kin-ki's Essence
    7 Gold Card, Muscle Drink, Life Drain Gem
    This is the map for the Third Stratum Leyline Founts.
    Number Item
    1 Pazuzu's Essence
    2 20,000 Macca, Flauros's Essence
    3 Ambrosia
    4 Elec Gem
    5 20,000 Macca
    6 Charge Gem, Concentrate Gem
    7 Vritra's Essence
    8 Balm of Life
    9 Attack MIrror
    10 Whittled Goat
    11 Bead
    SMTVV - 4th Stratum Item Map_11zon.jpg, moder:scaleThis is the map for the Fourth Stratum Leyline Founts.
    Number Item
    1 Atavak's Essence
    2 Lavish Demon Box

    Shakan Bosses and Strategies


    Recommended Level: 53
    Tips and Strategy
    CheckmarkWeak to Dark

    CheckmarkDefend against the Magatsuhi charge

    Bring demons who block Light and Wind

    Cherub mainly uses regular Physical attacks and Wind Breath throughout the fight. When he charges up for Magatsuhi, he may use Concentrate and use Judgement Light. Bringing demons who counter Light and Wind will limit his Press Turns and chances to move.

    Use Dark skills against Cherub

    Spam Dark skills, like Mudoon or Mamudoon to bring the fight to an end fast. We recommend bringing Pazuzu, Anansi or Flauros against Cherub.


    Recommended Level: 58
    Tips and Strategy
    CheckmarkWeak to Dark

    CheckmarkDefend against Physical, Fire and Light attacks

    CheckmarkUse Phys/Fire Dampeners when Magatsuhi is charged

    Bring demons who block Light, Fire and Physical

    Abdiel has a lot of moves to dish out damage so bring demons who can block or resist Physical, Light and Fire. When Abdiel charges her Magatsuhi, she will use Maragidyne or her Physical skills to get crits so make sure to use dampeners before her turn.

    Use Dark skills against Abdiel

    Spam Dark skills, like Mudoon or Mamudoon to bring the fight to an end fast. We recommend bringing Pazuzu, Anansi or Flauros against Abdiel.

    Shakan Encounterable Demons

    Demons Lv Race
    Orobas iconOrobas 49 Beast
    Kin-Ki iconKin-Ki 49 Brute
    Power iconPower 39 Divine
    Dakini iconDakini 46 Femme
    Nue iconNue 49 Wilder
    Dominion iconDominion 50 Divine
    Yurlungur iconYurlungur 50 Snake
    Anzu iconAnzu 48 Raptor
    Oberon iconOberon 47 Fairy
    Flauros iconFlauros 50 Fallen
    Pazuzu iconPazuzu 52 Vile
    Kaiwan iconKaiwan 45 Night
    Efreet iconEfreet 52 Yoma
    Cherub iconCherub 71 Divine

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