Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

Aogami Profile and Voice Actor

SMTV Aogami

The Aogami is a powerful being who fuses with the main protagonist in Shin Megami Tensei V. Read on to learn about his backstory, his role in the story, as well as info on the English and Japanese voice actors.

Aogami Character Profile

Voice Actor Info

Aogami Aogami English Voice Actress Daman Mills
Japanese Voice Actress Toshiyuki Morikawa
森川 智之


SMTV Aogami VA Daman Mills

Not much is known about this powerful being, although it bears a strong resemblance to Hayao Koshimizu, the leader of the Bethel organization. That fact coupled with its high combat abilities suggests that Aogami was created by Bethel to help defend Tokyo from demon attacks.

Story Role

WARNING: This section may contain major spoilers!

Fuses With the Protagonist

SMTV Aogami Extends His Hand
Aogami appears before the main protagonist who is surrounded by demons and then extends his hand to the main character. The two fuse together to form a new powerful being known as the Nahobino to take down the surrounding demons.

Similar Appearance to Hayao Koshimizu

SMTV Hayao Koshimizu
Aogami shares the same appearance as Hayao Koshimizu, although the connection between these two is not yet known.

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Characters Partial

Characters Front Page

All Guest Characters

All Guest Characters
STM V - Ichiro DazaiIchiro Dazai STM V - Tao IsonokamiTao Isonokami STM V - Yoko HiromineYoko Hiromine
STM V - Yuzuru AtsutaYuzuru Atsuta Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Demi-Fiend IconDemi-fiend -

Other Characters

Other Characters
Main Character Nahobino Character IconMain Character: Nahobino Miyazu Atsuta Character IconMiyazu Atsuta Shohei Yakumo Character IconShohei Yakumo
Nuwa Character IconNuwa Abdiel Character IconAbdiel Aogami Character IconAogami
Hayao Koshimizu Character IconHayao Koshimizu SMTV Vengeance - Sophia Character IconSophia


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