Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

Shohei Yakumo Profile and Voice Actor

SMTV Shohei Yakumo Banner

Shohei Yakumo is a mysterious demon hunter who appears in Da'at, accompanied by Mother Goddess Nuwa. Read on to learn about Shohei's backstory, his role in the story, as well as info on the English and Japanese voice actors.

Shohei Yakumo Character Profile

Voice Actor Info

Shohei YakumoShohei Yakumo English Voice Actor Ben Lepley
Japanese Voice Actor Tomokazu Sugita
杉田 智和


SMTV Shohei Yakumo VA Ben Lepley
A mysterious man in a military uniform who appears in Da'at weilding a katana. He is accompanied by Mother Goddess Nuwa who has been with him since a young age. Shohei is said to be Nuwa's other half and it seems they are working together to achieve an unknown goal.

Story Role

WARNING: This section may contain major spoilers!

Mysterious Man in Da'at

SMTV Shohei Yakumo Close Up

Shohei Yakumo appears before the main character in Da'at, although it is unclear whether he will be friend or foe. It is highly likely that Shohei's true colors will be made clear through repeated encounters as the story progresses.

Demon Hunter

Shohei Yakum Draws His Sword

Shohei Yakumo is a hunter of demons, although he also works alongside Mother Goddess Nuwa, who is herself, a demon. This contradiction further serves to shroud Shohei's true motives in mystery.

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STM V - Yuzuru AtsutaYuzuru Atsuta Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Demi-Fiend IconDemi-fiend -

Other Characters

Other Characters
Main Character Nahobino Character IconMain Character: Nahobino Miyazu Atsuta Character IconMiyazu Atsuta Shohei Yakumo Character IconShohei Yakumo
Nuwa Character IconNuwa Abdiel Character IconAbdiel Aogami Character IconAogami
Hayao Koshimizu Character IconHayao Koshimizu SMTV Vengeance - Sophia Character IconSophia


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