Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

A Golden Opportunity Main Quest Guide

Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - A Golden Opportunity
This is a story walkthrough for the A Golden Opportunity and Go to Yuzuru's Aid quest, whic are the eighth and ninth Main Quests in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V). Read on for a full guide for A Golden Opportunity, boss strategies for Lahmu and Yuzuru and Hayataro, decisions in this area, and all obtainable demons, essences, and items!

◀ Previous Quest Next Quest ▶
Save the Students Canon of Creation
Canon of Vengeance
Coming Soon!

SMTV: Vengeance Guides

Main Character Nahobino Character IconAttention! The Canon of Vengeance walkthroughs are currently a work-in-progress. Check back soon for a complete list!

Overall Map - Shinagawa Ward

Overall Map

A Golden Opportunity Walkthrough

Fairy Village - A Golden Opportunity - Shinagawa Station

To Fairy Village
A Golden Opportunity
To Shinagawa Station
Destroy the Abscess in Konan 2nd Block
Go west through the parking building. Once you reach the 4th floor, exit towards the west.
3 Unlock the Leyline Fount in Konan 2nd Block
4 Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Talk to Dazai in Konan 2nd Block
Go up the hill to the west and talk to Dazai.
After the cutscene, head southwest and go towards the Fairy Village.
The Demeter Subquest is located nearby, but you can only accept it after beating the "A Golden Opportunity" main quest.
▶︎ The Tyrant of Tennozu Subquest Guide
6 Unlock the Fairy Village Leyline Fount.
Canon of Creation: Talk to Miyazu
Canon of Vengeance: Talk to Yuzuru
1 Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Talk to the Fairy King and Queen
Talk to the Fairy King and start the Main Quest "A Golden Opportunity".
2 Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Idun Location
Go south along the river and talk to Idun in South Shinagawa.
3 Collect all 3 Apples
Optional: Destroy the Abscess in North Shinagawa
4 Once you've collected all 3 Apples, talk to the Fairy King to complete "A Golden Opportunity".
Apple Locations
Apple 1 Apple 2 Apple 3
Warp to Konan 2nd Block and go northwest past the area that Dazai was blocking.
2 Follow the path and unlock the Leyline Fount at Shinagawa Station.
Make a save since there will be a boss immediately after.
Canon of Creation

Once you walk past the Leyline Fount, you will fight Lahmu.
・You will fight 3 consecutive battles, so prepare your party accordingly.
・Use Electricity and Light Attacks on the Tentacles and First Form.
・Use Fire Attacks on the Second Form.
▶︎ How to Beat Lahmu (2nd Fight)
Canon of Vengeance

Once you walk past the Leyline Fount, you will fight Yuzuru and Hayataro.
・Hayataro will always be revived until you beat Yuzuru
・Hayataro is weak to Force and Dark
・Yuzuru is weak to Fire
3 After defeating the boss, proceed to the next part of the story.
Next Part of the Canon of Creation
▶ Next Part of Canon of Vengeance

⬆️ Jump to Walkthrough Tabs ⬆️

A Golden Opportunity Tips and Choices

A Golden Opportunity Choices and Alignment

Question Answer and Alignment

Canon of Creation
Before Facing Lahmu
We take down Lahmu.
We prioritize rescuing her.

Canon of Creation
After the Boss Fight
Tell them the truth
Stay silent
Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Shinagawa Yoko Dialogue Choices
Canon of Vengeance
Conversation with Yoko
I think it's bright
I can't count on it

Destroying the Abscess in Konan 2nd Block

SMT V Abscess in Konan 2nd Block
The Abscess will spawn 3 Baphomet that are all weak to Light attacks. Bring Hama users like Cironnup but be cautious when bringing demons that are weak to Fire as Baphomet can strike your team with Maragion.

Destroying the Abscess in North Shinagawa

SMT V Abscess in North Shinagawa
You will face a Thoth which is weak to Dark attacks. Bring demons with Dark attacks like Shiki-Ouji and Loa to target its weakness. The enemy doesn't really have an attack to be careful of so just use a Magatsuhi skill and finish it as soon as possible.

A Golden Opportunity Bosses and Strategies


Recommended Level: 38
SMT V Lahmu 2nd fight
Tips and Strategy
CheckmarkBring Chakra Drops or substitute demons

CheckmarkFirst form is weak to Force and Light

CheckmarkSecond form is weak to Fire

Lahmu is now in his true form and is much stronger than the first fight. Bring demons that have high proficiency in Force or Light attacks like Quetzalcoatl and Jatayu (for the first form) and Fire attacks like Eligor (for the second form).

Due to the boss having 2 phases, we recommend bringing some Chakra Drops with you or substitute demons (or both) in cases you run out of MP or your allies get wiped out.

How to Beat Lahmu

Yuzuru and Hayataro

Recommended Level: 38
Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Yuzuru and Hayataro Boss Fight
Tips and Strategy
CheckmarkYuzuru will always revive Hayataro when they go down

CheckmarkHayataro is weak to Force and Dark

CheckmarkYuzuru is weak to Fire

During the fight, Hayataro will taunt you to only attack him while Yuzuru continuously uses Elemental Shards on your party. You'll need to take down Hayataro first to make Yuzuru vulnerable to attacks. Once Hayataro goes down, Yuzuru will revive them and you'll need to take down them again to expose Yuzuru once more.

Remember to bring Fire, Dark, and Force attacks since Yuzuru is weak to Fire while Hayataro is weak to the other two. Also, save your highest damage attacks and Magatsuhi Skills for when Hayataro is gone so you can finish off Yuzuru as quickly as possible.

How to Beat Yuzuru Atsuta and Hayataro Boss Fight

Miman Locations

20 Mimans Can Be Found Here

SMT5 Mimans Shinagawa
There are 20 Mimans that can be found in this section of the game.

There are 200 in total, 50 in each ward. Be careful not to miss them!

All Miman Locations

List of Miman Locations

Konan 2nd Block
Fairy Village
Actual Location Map Location
Behind the rock west of the Konan 2nd Block Leyline.
Northwest from the bridge Leyline. The Miman is behind the wall when you go up the stairs.
Near the vending machine north of the 2nd Miman's location.
Inside the building southwest from the Konan 2nd Block Leyline.
In between some buildings west of the 4th Miman's location.
  • Proceed north from the 5th Miman's location.
  • Enter the building and go upstairs.
  • The Miman is on the roof of the next building.
Rooftop of the building to the north of the 2nd Leyline.
On the footbridge southwest from the 2nd Leyline.
South of the 8th Miman's location past the footbridge and on the cliff.
Between 2 trains west of the Shinagawa Station Leyline.
Can only be accessed after completing the 'A Golden Opportunity' Main Quest.
Actual Location Map Location
North from the Fairy Village Leyline.
South of the Goten Yamashinagawa Station.
In a ruined building southwest the Fairy Village Leyline.
Northwest from the Fairy Village Leyline. Be careful not to fall off!
Behind the building southwest the Fairy Village Leyline.
Actual Location Map Location
Hiding in the shadows southeast of the Fairy Village Leyline.
On the hill west from the Fairy Village Leyline.
Basking in the shade of a rock northwest of the North Shinagawa Leyline.
Down the river southeast the South Shinagawa Leyline.
  • Go south from the North Shinagawa Leyline and go up the hill.
  • Go down the hill and head east.
  • Your friend is waiting at the end of the cliff.

⬆️ Jump to the Miman Location Tabs ⬆️

A Golden Opportunity Available Sidequests

These sidequests will be available in the Shinagawa region.

Chakra Drop Chomp Those Seeking Sanctuary
Holding the Line A Wish for a Fish
Magic from the East Can I Keep Them?
Iced Out Kumbhanda's Bottle
Birds of a Feather The Tyrant of Tennozu
The Root of the Problem A Goddess Stolen
The One I Love The Falcon's Head
Keeper of the South

A Golden Opportunity Encounterable Demons

Demons Lv Race
Jack Frost iconJack Frost 25 Fairy
Inugami iconInugami 24 Beast
Mothman iconMothman 29 Wilder
Lilim iconLilim 32 Night
Legion iconLegion 19 Foul
Manananggal iconManananggal 25 Femme
Cironnup iconCironnup 27 Holy
Eligor iconEligor 37 Fallen
Basilisk iconBasilisk 31 Drake
Naga iconNaga 27 Snake
Berith iconBerith 24 Fallen
Bugs iconBugs 24 Wilder
Nekomata iconNekomata 34 Beast
Loa iconLoa 30 Jaki
Hua Po iconHua Po 31 Jirae
Baphomet iconBaphomet 33 Vile
Koppa Tengu iconKoppa Tengu 24 Yoma
Kelpie iconKelpie 30 Fairy
Forneus iconForneus 31 Fallen
Andras iconAndras 18 Fallen
Oni iconOni 23 Brute
Rakshasa iconRakshasa 20 Jaki
Pisaca iconPisaca 31 Haunt
Koropokkur iconKoropokkur 26 Jirae
Setanta iconSetanta 35 Fairy
Incubus iconIncubus 22 Night
Shiki-Ouji iconShiki-Ouji 29 Brute
Poltergeist iconPoltergeist 25 Haunt
Jack-oJack-o'-Lantern 20 Fairy
Kaya-no-Hime iconKaya-no-Hime 21 Jirae
Yaksini iconYaksini 30 Femme

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Related Guides

Story Walkthrough Partial Banner

Story Walkthrough and Route Guides

SMT V: Vengeance Walkthrough Guides

Both Story Routes
SMT 5 Vengeance Lay of the LandThe Lay of the Land SMTVV - The AngelThe Angel's Trail
SMTVV - The AngelsThe Angels' Request SMT V Vengeance - Jouin High School and Jozoji TempleHead to Jozoji Temple
SMTVV - Save the StudentsSave the Students Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - A Golden OpportunityA Golden Opportunity
↓ Canon of Creation ↓ ↓ Canon of Vengeance ↓
SMT V Chiyoda Walkthrough banner.jpgChiyoda SMTVV - Investigate the Anomalies in Toyo.pngInvestigate the Anomalies in Tokyo
SMT V Tokyo Station Walkthrough banner.jpgTokyo Station SMT V Vengeance - Template - Top Banner Template (1)-min.pngRescue Miyazu Atsuta
SMT V Demon KingDemon King's Castle SMT V Vengeance - Chase Through Shakan Banner.jpgChase Through Shakan
Both Story Routes
SMT V Vengeance - The Three KeysThe Three Keys SMT V Vengeance - To The Empyrean BannerTo The Empyrean
SMT V Vengeance - Towards a New WorldTowards a New World SMTVV - Endings Banner.pngEndings Guide


6 Anonymous9 months


1 Anonymousover 3 years

Hello, Thank you a lot for this guide. For the Miman Location, it seems to be a mistake for : - 93 is the same as 91 - 100 is the same as 97


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