Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

Amanozako Weakness, Essence, and Fusion Guide | How to Recruit Amanozako

Amanozako is a demon belonging to the race in Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT V). Read on to know everything about Amanozako including its stats, resistances, available movesets, its essence effects, and how to fuse Amanozako!

Amanozako Guides
Boss Guide Stats and Fusion Guide

Will Amanozako Be My Ally?

Becomes Ally Via a Subquest Before the Final Dungeon

SMT5 Amanozako Recruitment.png

Amanozako can become your ally by completing The Destined Leader subquest after clearing A Power Beyond Control. You will have access to these quests just before the final dungeon of the game.

How to Recruit Amanozako

Speak to Kurama Tengu in Honjo, Taito Ward

Kurama Tengu's subquest can be obtained by speaking to him in Honjo, Taito Ward near the end of the game.

Talk to Kurama Tengu in Tokyo Tower

SMT5 Kurama Tengu Subquest.png

Next, meet Kurama Tengu at Tokyo Tower. He will ask you to bring Amanozako.

Find Amanozako in Nagatacho

SMT5 Amanozako Nagatacho.png

You'll find Amanozako in Nagatacho. Ask her to go with you and then return to Tokyo Tower.

Refuse to Hand Over Amanozako

SMT5 Amanozako Refusal.png

When you return to Tokyo Tower, refuse to hand over Amanozako.

This will prompt a battle to begin.

Amanozako Joins After the Battle

SMT5 Amanozako Recruitment Success.png

If you win the battle, Amanozako will join your party.

How to Fuse Amanozako

Obtain via Special Fusion

Demon 1 Demon 2 Demon 3 Demon 4
Kurama Tengu iconKurama Tengu Koppa Tengu iconKoppa Tengu Nue iconNue Kin-Ki iconKin-Ki

Amanozako Stats, Skill Potentials, and Weaknesses

Amanozako Profile

Amanozako Image.jpg
Base Level 76 Race Genma
Innate Skill Heavenly Reversal
Alignment Group Skill Omagatoki: Momentum

Amanozako Skill Proficiency

physical.png Fire.png ice.png elec.png
- -4 -4 +4
force.png light.png, dark.png, moon.png
+2 - - +3
ailment.png recovery.png Support.png
- +2 -

Amanozako Stats and Weaknesses

Weaknesses and Affinities

Weaknesses and Affinities
Weakness Fire, Ice
Resist Light
Null Force, Dark
Repel Electricty

Status Ailment Proficiencies

Sleep Confuse Charm Mirage Seal Poison
- - - - - -



Skills Learned by Amanozako

Skill List
Omagatoki: Critical Omagatoki: Luck Maziobarion
Mediarahan Energy Drain Thunder Reign
Heavenly Counter Zanbarion Almighty Pleroma

Amanozako Essence Effects

Coming Soon!

Amanozako Locations

Location Not Found in Overworld

Amanozako Navigator Specialties

Specializes in Almost All Categories

Enemy Ambush Combat Items Growth Items Jewels
Amanozako ---
  • ◎ = Very frequent
  • ◯ = Frequent
  • △ = Normal
  • --- = Infrequent

Amanozako seems to be an all-around Navigator, with equal chances of finding Enemy Ambushes, Combat Items, and Growth Items.

The only thing she does not specialize in is finding Jewels.

List of Navigators

Recruitable in Minato Ward

Amanozako can be made a Navigator near the Nagatacho Leyline in Minato Ward.

List of Area Maps

Amanozako Reveal Trailer

Shin Megami Tensei V Related Guides

List of Demons Partial.png

List of Demons

List of Demons by Race

Avatar Avian Beast Brute
Deity Divine Dragon Drake
Element Enigma Fairy Fallen
Femme Fiend Foul Fury
Genma Haunt Holy Herald
Jaki Jirae Kishin Kunitsu
Lady Megami Night Qadistu
Raptor Snake Tyrant UMA
Vile Wargod Wilder Yoma

List of Demons by Alignment

Light-Law Light-Neutral Light-Chaos
Neutral-Law Neutral-Neutral Neutral-Chaos
Dark-Law Dark-Neutral Dark-Chaos

New Endgame Demons

Samael Satan


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