Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

Demon King's Castle Story Walkthrough, Bosses, and Item Locations

SMT V Demon King

Demon King's Castle is an area accessible after reaching Tokyo Station in Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT 5). Read on for a full walkthrough in Demon King's Castle including all objectives, all bosses, tips and strategies, decisions in this area, and all obtainable demons, essences, and items!

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Tokyo Station Taito

Demon King's Castle Objectives


1 Enter the castle and register the leyline fount of Castle: 1st Stratum Hall to your right
2 Head north and register the leyline fount of Castle: 1st Stratum Stairs
Time your movement and get past the marked walls so you don't fall down the area with demons below.
3 Make your way to the southeast corner of the map and get past another gust room to reach the 2nd Stratum
4 Register the leyline fount of Castle: 2nd Stratum Hall
5 Head west and follow the path until you find dead bodies of angels that will lead you to a fight against Chernobog
Fury Chernobog will be available for fusion after the battle.
Chernobog boss fight guide
6 Make your way to the northwest corner and enter through the doors to reach the next room
7 Use the wall gusts to reach the leyline fount of Castle: 2nd Stratum Stairs
The green arrows on the map above shows the mark that you should use.
8 Follow the path and make your way south to the next room
9 Use the wall gusts to reach the path on the southwest corner and reach the Castle: 3rd Stratum
10 Make a right and register the leyline fount of Castle: 3rd Stratum Hall
11 Proceed north and register the leyline fount of Castle: 3rd Stratum Stairs
12 Make your way to the path on the southwest corner to reach Castle: 4th Stratum
13 Register the leyline fount of Castle: Audience Chamber
14 Approach the door ahead and defeat Arioch
Tyrant Arioch will be unlocked for fusion after the battle.
Arioch boss fight guide

Demon King's Castle General Tips

Keep an Eye Out for Wall Gusts

SMT V Wall marks

There are marked walls around the castle that will produce a strong gust of wind each time it lights up. Time your movement so you don't get pushed far back, though there are cases that you need them to move around in some areas of the castle.

Demon King's Castle Bosses and Strategies


Recommended Level: 53
SMT V Chernobog
Tips and Strategy
CheckmarkWeak to Light

CheckmarkDefend against the Magatsuhi charge

Chernobog mainly uses Physical attacks and Mamudoon. He is also weak to Light so bring demons like Anubis and Pazuzu (who learned Hamaon from Dominion).

Chernobog will use Omagatoki: Critical after gathering Magatsuhi. Use a Dark Dampener to block the following Mamudoon then for the critical hits, raise your defense/evasion and lower his attack/accuracy to avoid getting wiped out.

How to Beat Chernobog


Recommended Level: 55
SMT V Arioch
Tips and Strategy
CheckmarkWeak to Electric

CheckmarkUse Light attacks on Decarabia

CheckmarkTake out Decarabia first

CheckmarkBring Ice Dampeners

The fight will begin with Arioch summoning two Decarabia. Take these out first using Light attacks before targeting Arioch with Electric attacks.

We recommend bringing Nue and Kin-Ki to deal with Arioch, which are also found inside the castle. Both use Electric attacks and are great choices for attacker roles in this boss fight. As for Decarabia, you can bring Kushinada-Hime or Dominion, both having strong Light attacks and Recovery skills.

When Arioch starts gathering Magatsuhi, use an Ice Dampener to block the Mabufudyne that follows.

How to Beat Arioch

Demon King's Castle Encounterable Demons

Pazuzu Flauros Yurlungur
Orobas Nue Kin-Ki

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Tokyo Station Taito

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