Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

List of Support Skills

Support Skills Banner.png

Support skills give beneficial effects to your party for a certain number of turns. Read on for a list of Support skills in Shin Megami Tensei (SMT 5).

List of Support Skills

Support Skills Provide Beneficial Effects to Allies and Debuffs to Enemies

Support skills will either provide a beneficial effect to your party or a single ally or inflict debuffs on enemies.

Below is a list of the Support skills in the game.

Skill Cost Effect
Hot Dark Matter - Boss Exclusive Skill: Maximizes Attack for 3 turns.
Holy Crucifixion - Boss Exclusive Skill: Minimizes Attack/Defense/Accuracy/Evasion of 1 foe for 3 turns.
Cold Dark Matter - Boss Exclusive Skill: Maximizes Defense for 3 turns.
Witness Me 5 Draws enemy hostility, but increases your Accuracy/Evasion 2 tiers for 3 turns.
Red Capote 8 Raises Accuracy/Evasion of 1 ally by 2 ranks for 3 turns.
Tarukaja 8 Raises Attack of 1 ally by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Rakukaja 8 Raises Defense of 1 ally by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Rakunda 8 Lowers Defense of 1 foe by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Sukukaja 8 Raises Accuracy/Evasion of 1 ally by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Sukunda 8 Lowers Accuracy/Evasion of 1 foe by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Tarunda 8 Lowers Attack of 1 foe by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Concentrate 10 Greatly increases the damage of the next Magic-based attack from self.
Charge 10 Greatly increases the damage of the next Strength-based attack from self.
Taunt 10 Raises chances of being targeted by foes for 3 turns.
Kannabi Veil 15 Decreases damage to all allies until the next turn.
Bowl of Hygieia 20 Greatly increases the effect of the next HP healing skill of self and allows it to heal above MAX HP.
Critical Aura 25 Next Strength-based attack of self will be 100% accurate and guaranteed Critical.
Fierce Roar 30 Draws enemy hostility, but increases your Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Matarukaja 30 Raises Attack of all allies by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Masukukaja 30 Raises Accuracy/Evasion of all allies by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Marakunda 30 Lowers Defense of all foes by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Marakukaja 30 Raises Defense of all allies by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Matarunda 30 Lowers attack of all foes by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Masukunda 30 Lowers Accuracy/Evasion of all foe by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Estoma 35 Prevents any enemy encounters until next New Moon.
Force Block 40 Nullifies a Force attack against all allies once for 1 turn.
Ice Block 40 Nullifies an Ice attack against all allies once for 1 turn.
Elec Block 40 Nullifies an Electric attack against all allies once for 1 turn.
Dark Block 40 Nullifies a Dark attack against all allies once for 1 turn.
Donum Gladi 40 Greatly incrases damage of the next Strength-based attack on 1 ally.
Fire Block 40 Nullifies a Fire attack against all allies once for 1 turn.
Phys Block 40 Nullifies a Physical attack against all allies once for 1 turn.
Dekaja 40 Negates status buff effects on all foes.
Donum Magici 40 Greatly increases damage of the next Magic-based attack on 1 ally.
Dekunda 40 Negates status debuff effects on all allies.
Light Block 40 Nullifies a Light attack against all allies once for 1 turn.
Impaler's Animus 50 Increases the damage of the next attack and adds Pierce effect for self.
Tetrakarn 50 Reflects a Phys attack once for 1 ally for 1 turn.
Cautious Cheer 50 Raises Defense/Accuracy/Evasion of all allies by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Makarakarn 50 Reflects a Magic attack once for 1 ally for 1 turn.
Luster Candy 150 Raises all stats of all allies by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Debilitate 150 Lowers all stats of all foes by 1 rank for 3 turns.

Skills Related Links

List of Skills Partial Banner.png

List of Skills

List of Skills

Skill Type
Physical Skills Banner.pngPhysical Skills Ailment Skills Banner.pngAilment Skills Fire Skills Banner.pngFire Skills
Ice Skills Banner.pngIce Skills Force Skills Banner.pngForce Skills Elec Skills Banner.pngElec Skills
Dark Skills Banner.pngDark Skills Light Skills Banner.pngLight Skills Recovery Skills Banner.pngRecovery Skills
Support Skills Banner.pngSupport Skills Almighty Skills Banner.pngAlmighty Skills Passive Skills Banner.pngPassive Skills
Misc Skills Banner.pngMisc Skills SMT 5 Vengeance - Innate SkillsInnate Skills Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - List of Group Skills Banner.pngGroup Skills


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