Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

List of All Guest Characters

SMT 5 Vengeance - Guest Characters

Guest Characters are human companions that fight alongside you in the Canon of Vengeance of Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V). Read on for a full list of all Guest Characters!

List of All Guest Characters

All Guest Characters in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

Yoko Hiromine

SMT 5 - Yoko Hiromine
Yoko Hiromine is one of the first guest characters you'll encounter in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. She'll fight alongside you until you reach the Tokyo Diet Building, then return later with other main quests in the Canon of Vengeance route.

Yoko Hiromine Profile and Voice Actor

Yuzuru Atsuta

SMTV Yuzuru Atsuta VA Mark Whitten

Yuzuru Atsuta is also one of the early guest characters you'll meet in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Unlike Yoko, he'll only join you during the boss fight against Glasya-Labolas. He will join you again later as you progress through the main quest in the Canon of Vengeance route!

Yuzuru Atsuta Profile and Voice Actor

Tao Isonokami

Tao Isonokami VA Jeannie Tirado

Tao Isonokami is one of the mid-game guest characters who will join you in the game. She'll start accompanying you after you complete all main quests in Minato, specifically when you begin quests in Jouin High School and Shinagawa Ward. Like Yuzuru, she will join you again later, but only if you're in the Canon of Vengeance route.

Tao Isonokami Profile and Voice Actress

Ichiro Dazai

SMT 5 - Ichiro Dazai Guest Character

Ichiro Dazai will also join you as a guest character as you progress through Egypt. Unlike the other characters, Ichiro will join you only once and will eventually leave after that chapter. He is also exclusive to the Canon of Vengeance route!

Ichiro Dazai Profile and Voice Actor


SMT 5 - Demi-Fiend Guest Character
Demi-Fiend, the King of Chaos, can also join you as a guest character in both the Canon of Creation and Canon of Vengeance routes. To do so, simply complete the Return of the True Demon subquest to have him join you.

How to Recruit Demi-Fiend

What are Guest Characters?

Human Companions in Your Party

SMT 5 - Guest Characters in Battle
Guest Characters are human characters that can join your party and fight alongside you in battles. They can also use skills and items during their turn in battle.

Previously in the base version, only demons can be a part of your team.

List of Characters

Can Be Interacted Within Demon Haunts

SMT 5 - Yoko Hiromine Guest Character

You can also interact with Guest Characters in Demon Haunts. After reaching certain points in the game, they may engage you in a special dialogue where you'll receive items and rewards.

Demon Haunt Features

How to Use Guest Characters

Automatically Joins Your Party

Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Use Guest Characters
Guest characters will automatically join and leave your party throughout the story. You won't have to worry about having to manually reconfigure your party to accommodate them.

Can Be Manually Removed From the Party

As a note, you can always choose to remove a Guest Character from the party if you prefer to use a demon instead. This way you won't have to worry about your team comp being ruined by the character automatically joining the party.

How Strong are Guest Characters?

High Stats With Useful Skills

Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Guest Character Stats
Guest Characters generally have strong stats and useful skills at the point of the story when they join your party. This makes them a typically good fit for your team, especially if you don't have any strong demons yet.

Cannot Be Upgraded With Essences and Items

Since they're only temporary party members, Guest Characters cannot be upgraded with Essences or Items, like Incenses for example. If you have a demon with a more optimized build, consider using them instead of the Guest Character.

Has Skills That Targets Enemy Weaknesses

Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Guest Characters Target Enemy Weaknesses
Guest Characters also have skills that target the weaknesses of enemies in the area you're in. This is extremely useful if you don't already have a demon or skill that can exploit weaknesses and give you extra press turns.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Related Guides

Characters Partial

Characters Front Page

All Guest Characters

All Guest Characters
STM V - Ichiro DazaiIchiro Dazai STM V - Tao IsonokamiTao Isonokami STM V - Yoko HiromineYoko Hiromine
STM V - Yuzuru AtsutaYuzuru Atsuta Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Demi-Fiend IconDemi-fiend -

Other Characters

Other Characters
Main Character Nahobino Character IconMain Character: Nahobino Miyazu Atsuta Character IconMiyazu Atsuta Shohei Yakumo Character IconShohei Yakumo
Nuwa Character IconNuwa Abdiel Character IconAbdiel Aogami Character IconAogami
Hayao Koshimizu Character IconHayao Koshimizu SMTV Vengeance - Sophia Character IconSophia


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