Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT 5)

List of Recovery Items

SMTV List of Recovery Items

This is a list of all recovery items in Shin Megami Tensei V. Read on to view each recovery item and learn when it's best to use recovery items.

List of Recovery Items

Item Effect
Ambrosia Large set HP recovery to 1 ally.
Amrita Shower Cure status ailments on all allies.
Amrita Soda Cure status ailments on 1 ally.
Balm of Life Revive 1 ally to full HP.
Bead Full HP recovery to 1 ally.
Bead Chain Full HP recovery to all allies.
Chakra Drop Slight set MP recovery to 1 ally.
Chakra Pot Large set MP recovery to 1 ally.
Life Stone Slight HP recovery to 1 ally.
Medicine Slight set HP recovery to 1 ally
Muscle Drink Recover HP beyond max heath to 1 ally but has a chance to inflict Charm/Confusion/Mirage.
Ox Bezoar Moderate set HP recovery to 1 ally.
Revival Bead Revive 1 ally to half HP.
Soma Full HP and MP recovery to 1 ally.

When to Use Recovery Items

To Restore MP/HP

HP and MP are both important resources to manage even against normal encounters. Approaching enemies while being low on HP can spell a quick gameover while suddenly facing a strong foe without any MP will likely spell defeat. Manage your items and make sure you can up your HP or MP during crucial moments.

To Remove Status Ailments

Ailments gives nasty effects such as preventing proper movement to slowly depleting your HP. Make sure that your party isn't suffering from status ailments especially during tough challenges!

Use in Boss Fights

Recovery items are almost always best saved for boss fights, especially when it comes to MP recovery items. Most regular enemies you face won't put too much of a strain on your party before you have a chance to rest up. Bosses, however, have a lot more HP, meaning you'll need more MP to both heal and attack the boss' weakness.

Demon Negotiations

Recovery items can be used as a bargaining chip in Demon Negotiations. Demons will demand certain recovery items or Macca for a chance to recruit them, however even after investing resources there is no guarantee that they will join your team. If the Demon is demanding a particularly valuable item, it might be best to turn them down.

What Are Recovery Items

Replenishes Hp/MP or Removes Status Ailments

Recovery items are consumable items that can restore a party member's HP, MP, or revive a party member. Most common recovery items are single-target, but the more valuable recovery items can restore HP or MP to your entire active party. Some Recovery items are also focused on removing status ailments from party members so make sure to always carry these during your adventures!

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