FF7 Rebirth

Thug Location and Weaknesses

Thug is a Human Enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to pressure and stagger Thug as well as its weaknesses, resistances, immunities, drops , and possible locations.

Thug Locations

Primary Region
Map Location World Location
Thug Thug
The Thug can be encountered in Chapter 8 main story: Feed for Piko

Thug Overview

Thug Basic Information

23. Thug
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Thug
Unscrupulous and rapacious thugs who operate out of the Dustbowl. They run a number of crooked schemes, all of which are designed to draw in wnwitting guests of the Gold Saucer.
Areas Species Movement
Dustbowl Human Grounded

Thug Weaknesses and Resistances

Normal: FF7 Rebirth - Fire

Staggered: FF7 Rebirth - Fire
Lesser: -

Greater: -

Staggered: -
Normal: FF7 Rebirth - Morphable Items

Staggered: -
Normal: -

Thug Droppable Items

Drops Common: Hi-Potion
Rare: Molotov Cocktail
Ability Yield Steal: Molotov Cocktail
Morph: None

Thug Abilities

Abilities ・Shotgun
・Slice and Dice

How to Pressure and Stagger Thug

How to Pressure Thug
Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

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