Diablo Immortal

Showdown at the Peak Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Diablo Immortal - Showdown at the Peak

Showdown at the Peak is a Main Quest in Diablo Immortal. Learn more about the objectives of Showdown at the Peak, rewards, as well as tips for completion!

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Take Back the Worldstone Shard To the Frozen Tundra

Showdown at the Peak Overview

Basic Information

Quest Type Main Quest
Recommended Level 51
Zone Mount Zavain

How to Unlock Showdown at the Peak

Take Back the Worldstone Shard - Follow Oza and Dravec

Showdown at the Peak will unlock after you defeat Agronix during the main quest, Take Back the Worldstone Shard. As soon as you approach the injured acolyte, this quest will trigger.

Showdown at the Peak Quest Walkthrough

1 Showdown at the Peak - Aid the Acolyte
To begin, aid the Injured Acolyte at the exit of the Training Grounds. He will tell you that Oza went to the peak, chasing after Dravec.
Follow the path up to the peak of the mountain and catch up with Oza.
3 Showdown at the Peak - Watch the Duel
At the top, a cutscene will trigger. Watch the duel between Oza and Dravec for the Worldstone Shard.
4 Showdown at the Peak - Speak to Oza
Once the duel ends, approach Oza and speak to her one last time.
・One Thousand Judgments (Main-Hand)
・45,000 EXP
・3,000 Gold
・Mount Zavain Auto-Navigation
5 Showdown at the Peak - Listen to Dravec
After speaking to Oza, listen to Dravec and watch as he takes the Worldstone Shard for himself. This will trigger the next main quest, To the Frozen Tundra.

Previous and Next Quests

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Take Back the Worldstone Shard To the Frozen Tundra

Diablo Immortal Related Guides

Diablo Immortal - Quests partial

Quest Guides and Walkthroughs

Quests by Type

Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
Bounties Elite Quests

Mount Zavain Main Quests

1 Into the Mountains
2 Khazra Aggression
3 Free the Captives
4 Devious Magic
5 Into the Khazra Den
6 The Stranger's Identity
7 Track Dravec
8 Suspicious Cave
9 Strange Wooden Hut
10 Monastery Crisis
11 Evil Stronghold
12 Dravec's Conspiracy
13 Save the Temple
14 Take Back the Worldstone Shard
15 Showdown at the Peak


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