Diablo Immortal

Bestial Threat: Effects and Associated Builds

Bestial Threat is a Legendary item in Diablo Immortal and is equipped in the Head slot. Read on for full information on Bestial Threat's effects, uses, and skills buffed.

Bestial Threat Overview

Equipment Info
Bestial ThreatBestial Threat Class Barbarian
Slot Head
Rarity Legendary
Effect Demoralize is replaced with a terrifying roar that damages all nearby enemies and Immobilizes them

Bestial Threat Tier Ranking

Tier Rating Reason
A-Tier.png Bestial Threat is highly valuable. In terms of defenses and buffs, this armor is almost unmatched. It will definitely make your journey through the pitfires of Hell a lot more bearable.

Builds with Bestial Threat

Associated Builds
Diablo Immortal - BuildCleave Challenge Rift

Should I Salvage Bestial Threat?

Is Bestial Threat Worth Salvaging?
Bestial Threat is a priceless piece of equipment and should not be salvaged under any circumstances. It is invaluable in your efforts to defeat the hordes of Hell. It is highly recommended that you always extract the essence of this item at the Essence Transfer NPC if possible.

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