Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

Calamitous Thunder Group Skill Effect and Demons Who Use It

Calamitous Thunder is a Electric-type Group Skill in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V). Check out Calamitous Thunder's effects and which Demons can use it.

Calamitous Thunder Basic Information

Skill Cost Effect
Calamitous Thunder Full Magatsuhi Gauge Severe level-based Electric attack with Pierce effect to all foes. Lowers Attack and Defense to the minimum for 3 turns.

List of Group Skills

Demons Who Use Calamitous Thunder

List of Demons
Thor iconThor Odin iconOdin

What Are Group Skills?

Magatsuhi Skills That Need Multiple Demons

Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Group Skill

Group Skills are a special type of Magatsuhi Skills that provide various effects, including damage, support, and healing. Unlike regular Magatsuhi Skills, Group Skills will need two or more specific Demons for the skill to become available for use.

SMTV: Vengeance Guides

Shin Megami Tensei Related Guides

List of Skills Partial Banner.png

List of Skills

List of Skills

Skill Type
Physical Skills Banner.pngPhysical Skills Ailment Skills Banner.pngAilment Skills Fire Skills Banner.pngFire Skills
Ice Skills Banner.pngIce Skills Force Skills Banner.pngForce Skills Elec Skills Banner.pngElec Skills
Dark Skills Banner.pngDark Skills Light Skills Banner.pngLight Skills Recovery Skills Banner.pngRecovery Skills
Support Skills Banner.pngSupport Skills Almighty Skills Banner.pngAlmighty Skills Passive Skills Banner.pngPassive Skills
Misc Skills Banner.pngMisc Skills SMT 5 Vengeance - Innate SkillsInnate Skills Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - List of Group Skills Banner.pngGroup Skills


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