Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance (SMTVV) Walkthrough Comments

How to Beat Khonsu RaComment

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries


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    7 Anonymous13 daysReport

    This guide isn't effective. I have a team that's mostly resistant/immune to fire and light. All that happens is Ra spamming high-damage Almighty attacks. Also, the location is wrong- you fight him at Bethal Egypt, not the Fairy Village.

    6 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    DO NOT READ THIS GUIDE; Only use it for weakness and affinities information. 1) Ra absolutely will resummon Anubis and Thoth and more importantly 2) he will use HEAVY fire magic after setting his path and getting ready no matter if you attack or not. I was going to use a fire dampener after it happened to me the first time, but the guide said he only does it when getting hit and lo and behold- I just got wiped out. 2/10 guide

    2 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Yep, don't let this guide fool you. Khonsu-Ra likes his buddies. Build your party and affinities with the knowledge they will return. Eg have someone Null, reflect or absorb elek for our buddy Thot. Dude likes to zap sometimes and its an easy nibble at Khonsu's press turns. Ailments can help too, if they land.

    1 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    The summons are NOT a one time deal. I killed them both and he resummoned them a few turns later.

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