Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance (SMTVV) Walkthrough Comments

Endings Guide | How to Get the Secret EndingComment

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    9 TheColdOne7 monthsReport

    I wonder about the Vengeance path ending info here. I had both Hayato and Maria unlocked, but got the Chaos/Yuko ending.

    8 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    So, do I have to defeat demifiend in each playthrough?

    7 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    I don't know if anyone else is having this same problem but I've completed the required quests to get the original SMT V Secret Ending using my physical copy of Vengeance but have still come up dry multiple times. I must be missing something somewhere or there must be some error with the game but my bet is on the prior and not the latter.

    4 Anonover 2 yearsReport

    >> It's not Shiva, It's Amnazaco (demon in Kamono) Quest line. It's both. To get the secret ending you need to do the below: Amanozako’s questline: -“A Power Beyond Control” -“The Destined Leader” Fionn Mac Cumhaill’s questline: -“The Falcon’s Head” -“Fionn’s Resolve” Khonsu’s questline: -“The Egyptians’ Fate” -“Winged Sun” -“The Succession of Ra” Shiva’s questline: -“A Universe in Peril”

    3 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    It's not Shiva, It's Amnazaco (demon in Kamono) Quest line.

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