FF7 Rebirth

How to Beat Legendary Bout: Cait Sith vs. The Abominable

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This is a guide on how to beat Legendary Bout: Cait Sith vs. The Abominable in the Combat Simulator of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Check out the unlock requirements and rewards, a list of enemies and bosses in each round, and the best build for Cait Sith to beat this challenge.

Cait Sith's Best Build

Equipment and Materia

FF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith Cait Sith
Weapon Armor
Crystal Megaphone Cetran Bracer
Accessory Summon Materia
Gotterdammerung Gilgamesh
Weapon Materia Armor Materia

Weapon Skills
Magic Attack Power +20Magic Attack Power +20
Max MP +3Max MP +3
Offensive MP SaverOffensive MP Saver
Restorative MP SaverRestorative MP Saver

This Cait Sith build relies on his Moogle to tank the enemy's attacks while you're repeatedly casting offensive spells safely at a distance. Thanks to MP Absorption and Offensive MP Saver, you won't have to worry about using too much MP every round.

Just make sure that you always have your Moogle active to distract the enemies and use Chakra as your main healing source so you can dedicate all of your MP to buffs and offensive spells.

If you feel like you don't need the reduced MP cost for healing spells from Restorative MP Saver, you can opt to replace it with Moogle Sentinel instead to help the Moogle tank more hits and reduce the amount of times you need to re-summon it.

How to Beat All Rounds

Round 1

Jump to Round
1 2 3 4 5
Enemies Grangalan x3

Wait for the Grangalans to group up together before killing them in one hit with your Limit Break.

Round 2

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Enemies ・Gi Lancer
・Gi Archer

Start the fight by using a Limit Break to one shot the Gi Archer. If you're lucky, the archer will move towards the Gi Lancer and kill them both in one hit, but if it doesn't, simply use Fira to finish off any remaining enemies.

Round 3

Jump to Round
1 2 3 4 5
Enemies Reapertail

Have Moogle Take the Aggression

Summon and dismount your Moogle as soon as possible so that it can draw away the Reapertail and let you cast Blizzard spells safely at a distance. Make sure that you also have Haste active to maximize the amount of spells you cast and use Moogle Mine once it's pressured to stagger it.

Cast Barrier If It Starts Attacking Cait Sith

If ever the Reapertail goes after you instead of the Moogle, cast Barrier and prioritize blocking and dodging its attacks until it's drawn back to the Moogle.

Cast Stop When It is Staggered

Once you stagger the Reapertail, you cast Stop on it to extend the stagger time. From here, you can cast your powerful attacks like Moogle Knuckle.

Round 4

Jump to Round
1 2 3 4 5
Enemies Suevite Disgorgon

Beware of Toxic Shot and Petrifying Mist

Similar to the last round, have the Moogle distract the Reapertail so that you can safely spam Blizzard spells. Just stay away from its Toxic Shot and Petrifying Mist since you don't have Warding or Cleansing Materias to counteract it.

Cast Blizzara After It Uses Petrifying Mist

Also, make sure to have ATB Charges to cast Blizzara once it uses Petrifying Mist to break its jaw, stopping it from using the attack and pressuring it in the process. Similar to before, once it is staggered you can use Stop to extend the stagger time.

Round 5

Jump to Round
1 2 3 4 5
Enemies Mindflayer

Have Moogle Take the Aggression

This fight will go very slowly since you don't have any Synergy Abilities to pressure the Mindflayer. However, as long as you have the Moogle out to distract the boss, there should be no issues in taking it down.

Use Physical Attacks and Moogle Mines for Damage

Do note that since the Mindflayer is resistant to Magic attacks, you'll want to be hitting it with melee attacks and Moogle Mines as your main damage source. Just make sure that you have Manaward or Manawall active in case you fail to block or dodge an attack.

Use Limit Break during Psychotic Break

When you lower its health, it will use Psychotic Break to kill you. You can avoid this attack by using your Limit Break so that you can be immune to damage.

Legendary Bout: Cait Sith vs. The Abominable Unlock and Rewards

Basic Information
Legendary Bout: Cait Sith vs. The Abominable

A series of solo fights for Cait Sith. Defeat a number of nasty fiends causing all manner of mayhem around the world.
・Items cannot be used
・Only available on Hard difficulty
Level 70 Rounds 5 Team 1
Rewards ・Fortunes Untold Vol. XVI
Unlock Requirements
・Complete the main scenario

To unlock Legendary Bout: Cait Sith vs. The Abominable in the Combat Simulator, you will first need to complete all Chapters of the main story. Once you've done this, you'll be able to attempt this Combat Simulator challenge as long as Cait Sith is in your party.

Walkthrough and List of Chapters

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4 Anonymous16 days


3 Anonymous11 months

wish I would've read the comments earlier. I just beat it with this setup after like 15 tries


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