Diablo Immortal

Parlay with Peril Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Diablo Immortal - Parlay with Peril

Parlay with Peril is a Main Quest in Diablo Immortal. Learn more about the objectives of Parlay with Peril, rewards, as well as tips for completion!

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Heart of the Jungle The Final Summoning

Parlay with Peril Overview

Basic Information

Quest Type Main Quest
Recommended Level 41
Zone Bilefen

How to Unlock Parlay with Peril

Heart of the Jungle - Exit the Dungeon

Parlay with Peril is immediately unlocked after you exit the Kikuras Rapids dungeon during the events of Heart of the Jungle.

Parlay with Peril Quest Walkthrough

After you exit the Kikuras Rapids, make your way to the Crimsonblade Haven where Jin will be waiting for you.
2 Parlay with Peril - Speak to Jin at the Crimsonblade Haven
Upon arrival, speak to Jin before following her into a solo Story Dungeon called Rhodri's Private Dock.
Once at the docks, begin by making your way to Rhodri's Ship. This is the area at the very top of the stairs. The area will not have any enemies yet, so feel free to explore.
4 Parlay with Peril - Examine Rhodri
Inside the ship, Jin will tell you to Inspect Rhodri's Desk. Do so before speaking to her about what you found.
5 Parlay with Peril - Inspect the Iron Cage
Next, head over to the room with the Iron Cage. Inspect it to progress the quest. Do note that this will trigger Rhodri the Red to spawn in and fight you.
6 Parlay with Peril - Defeat Rhodri the Red
Defeat Rhodri the Red and his pet Ichthid, Brinetusk.
Boss Drops:
・Rhodri's Favorite Ring (Ring)
7 Parlay with Peril - Raise the Iron Cage
With Rhodri defeated, head back to the Iron Cage and interact with it. Raise the cage to access the chest within.
8 Parlay with Peril - Speak to Jin Before Exiting Rhodri
After opening and interacting with the chest, speak to Jin before exiting the solo Story Dungeon. Immediately after you exit, you will get the final Nephalem Beacon and trigger the Final Summoning main quest.
・42, 886 EXP

Previous and Next Quests

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Heart of the Jungle The Final Summoning

Diablo Immortal Related Guides

Diablo Immortal - Quests partial

Quest Guides and Walkthroughs

Quests by Type

Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
Bounties Elite Quests

Bilefen Main Quests

1 Welcome to the Jungle
2 Overgrown Temple
3 Blazing Raid
4 Among the Bodies
5 Heart of the Jungle
6 Parlay with Peril
7 The Final Summoning
8 To the Arena
9 Back to Westmarch


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