Diablo Immortal

Necromancer Corpse Explosion Challenge Rift Build Guide: Gems, Items, and How to Play

Corpse Explosion Challenge Rift
This is a guide to the Corpse Explosion Challenge Rift Build, a PvE Necromancer Build in Diablo Immortal! This is a build that relies on the Corpse Explosion's high damage output and maximizing its value by using legendary and set effects to create an unstoppable chain of explosions.

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Corpse Explosion Challenge Rift Build Profile

Build Profile and Rating

Corpse Explosion Challenge Rift
Class NecromancerNecromancer
Build Rating A Rank Icon
Preference Solo and Party
Build Focus PvE: Bounty, Elder Rift, Challenge Rift
Stat Priorities Intelligence
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Movement Speed

Build Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
・Quick mob clearing
・ fast pacing when clearing rifts, bounties, and other non-boss PvE content
・High burst damage
・Low DPS
・Suffers against places with no corpses to create like Helliquary bosses
・Damage drops if corpses on the field run out

Build Gear and Skill Summary

Main Hand Off Hand
Clotburst The Prong
Head Shoulder Chest Legs
Coals for Eyes Surge and StillnessSurge and Stillness Gallowsborn Proximal FearProximal Fear
Issatar Set
Neck Ring 1 Ring 2 Waist
WisdomWisdom's Edge FairfleetFairfleet FoulfleetFoulfleet WhipcrackWhipcrack
Hands Feet
Hurtling SteelHurtling Steel Stump-StirStump-Stir
Paragon Trees
Vanquisher > Treasure Hunter
SoulfireSoulfire (Primary)
Corpse ExplosionCorpse Explosion Command SkeletonsCommand Skeletons
Wraith FormWraith Form Grim ScytheGrim Scythe
Charm Priority

Gem Setup

Normal Gems
Legendary Gems
Gem Name Effect
SapphireSapphire x4+ 8 Armor Penetration
TopazTopaz x4+ 8 Resistance
TourmalineTourmaline x6+ 8 Damage
Gem Name Effect
BerserkerBerserker's Eye Increases all damage you deal by 5.00%, but increases all damage you take by 6%.
Increases your Critical Hit Chance by 1%.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Blood-Soaked JadeBlood-Soaked Jade Increases all damage you deal by up to 8% while at full Life, with a minimum bonus of 4% while at low Life. Increases your Movement Speed by 10%.
Take 2% decreased damage while below 50% Life.
Unlocks at Rank 3
CaCa'arsen's Invigoration Increases the speed of your Primary Attack by 6%.
Increases the damage of your primary attack by 2%.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Chained DeathChained Death Increases damage done by your attacks by 1.50% per target hit, up to a maximum of 4.5% with 3 targets.
Chained death bonus damage increases to a maximum of 4 targets.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Everlasting TormentEverlasting Torment Your critical hits inflict agony, dealing 16.7% Base damage + 202 every second for 3 seconds. Each enemy can only be affected by this once every 6 seconds.
Each nearby enemy afflicted with agony increases your Attack Speed by 1%. Each enemy can only be affected by this once every 6 seconds.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Fervent FangFervent Fang Each time you deal damage to an enemy, that enemy now takes 0.80% increased from your attacks, up to a maximum increase of 8% at 10 stacks.
All damage you deal to Elite monsters increased by 1.5%
Unlocks at Rank 3

Indicated gem effects only display their base effect. Values will be higher depending on the gem's upgrade level.

Homing Corpse Explosions with Surge of Stillness

This build is focused on clear speed by utilizing the Corpse Explosion's homing mechanic from Surge and Stillness. Surge and Stillness allow your Corpse Explosions to be summoned as a walking corpse that will chase enemies when used. This makes it easy to use corpses from a separate mob group and crash it into other mobs.

Burst and more Burst

In this build, we make sure to always generate a corpse or use a corpse with every move we make. Use Corpse Explosion to dish out Burst and use your other skills to generate more corpses to generate more bursts!

Cover our weakness with Legendary Gems

This build highly suffers in a scenario where we can't generate corpses at all either due to our skills being unavailable or just enemy groups missing in general. We try to slot in more Primary Skill enhancing gems like Ca'arsen's Invigoration and Fervent Fang to increase our DPS against bosses. However, this is still not enough to take down these bosses and the build will still be weak against boss-type enemies.

Stats and Paragon Priorities

Attribute Priorities

Intelligence Higher Combat Rating and higher damage output. The most important stat to raise for this build.
Critical Hit Chance Potentially doubles our damage output. This can easily increase the burst damage we can deal.
Critical Hit Damage Greatly amplifies the effects of critical strikes and is the next stat to raise once a decent amount of crit chance is obtained.
Movement Speed Faster pacing and easier mob pulling to chain your Corpse Explosions.
Vitality Not slotting in some durability in your character is sure to spell doom. Make sure to invest in some Vitality to avoid dying especially in higher hell difficulties.

Paragon Priorities

Vanquisher > Treasure Hunter > Survivor


Vanquisher provides the best value for PvE-focused builds that want to dish out damage as much as they can. This also makes it easier to chain Corpse Explosions as this paragon tree gives you more damage output to easily one-shot enemies.

Treasure Hunter

Better resources gained, more Experience points, and more rewards just for clearing PvE content. The only tree that can provide real value to this build after the Vanquisher tree.


Some investment in defensive stats becomes more valuable as you reach higher hell difficulties. Make sure to invest some stats in Survivor to avoid dying too fast against enemies!

How to Play

Chain Your Corpse Explosions

Chaining your Corpse Explosions is mandatory for this build. With its homing property, it becomes easier to use Corpses from a mob group and have it deal damage to the next one. Leaving corpses behind means you won't get a good burst when fighting the next group so always pull enemies to corpses when starting a fight!

Use Command Skeletons to Apply Burst

Our Command Skeletons applies an additional burst due to its self-destruct property. This self-destruct feature is also the reason we don't have pet-based sets or legendary gems equipped as we'll be always consuming these corpses instead of having them up on the field. Use Corpse Explosion to burst enemies down then use Command Skeletons to deal the finishing blow if needed.

Grim Scythe Can Generate 2 Additional Burst

Grim Scythe Corpse Creation.gif

Grim Scythe can dish out some decent AoE damage and it can also create corpses. Use Grim Scythe to generate more corpses if you happen to run out during your movement on the map or if your burst is insufficient.

Avoid Using Too Many Corpses Instantly

Corpse Explosion's damage output gets reduced for each subsequent corpse use. Try to aim your Corpse Explosions in angles that won't immediately use up all corpses in the area to reset the damage reduction formula and be able to dish out 100% of its damage output to gain max value from corpses.

Corpse Explosion Usage Example

Corpse Explosion deal 40% less damage with each cumulative hit. However, this only applies during the cumulative hits during that single use of Corpse Explosion. So if you use it once on 2 corpses, you can only deal 160% damage but using your Corpse Explosion in an angle that only uses one corpse and using it twice, you can dish out 200% damage instead! This is why it's important to space out your corpse explosion usage!

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