Xenoblade Chronicles 3

All Gems and Their Effects

Xenoblade 3 List of Gems and Effects

Gems are useful items that your characters can equip to gain bonus stats in Xenoblade Chronicles 3! Here, we'll explain what gems are, how to craft each gem, and list down all the different gems in the game!

List of Gems

Defender Gems

Gem Family Effect
Ultimate Counter IUltimate Counter Level 1 Effect: Deal 80% of Attack damage when you take damage.
Level 10 Effect : Deal 280% of Attack damage when you take damage.
Tailwind ITailwind Level 1 Effect: Increases Agility by 10.
Level 10 Effect : Increases Agility by 35.
Steel Protection ISteel Protection Level 1 Effect: Increases Block Rate by 5 percentage points.
Level 10 Effect : Increases Block Rate by 30 percentage points.
Perilous Presence IPerilous Presence Level 1 Effect: Start each battle with aggro.
Level 10 Effect : Start each battle with aggro.
Brimming Spirit IBrimming Spirit Level 1 Effect: Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 20%.
Level 10 Effect : Boost aggro generated when using Arts by 45%.

This family of Gems is best suited to Defender classes, as they provided certain bonuses such as increased aggro, Block Rate, and Agility.

Attacker Gems

Gem Family Effect
Swelling Scourge ISwelling Scourge Level 1 Effect: Boosts power of debuffs applied to enemies by 25%.
Level 10 Effect : Boosts power of debuffs applied to enemies by 50%.
Steelcleaver ISteelcleaver Level 1 Effect: Increases Attack by 20.
Level 10 Effect : Increases Attack by 70.
Refined Incantation IRefined Incantation Level 1 Effect: Extends duration timers of debuffs applied to enemies by 25%.
Level 10 Effect : Extends duration timers of debuffs applied to enemies by 50%.
Analyze Weakness IAnalyze Weakness Level 1 Effect: Increases critical hit damage bonus by 20 percentage points.
Level 10 Effect : Increases critical hit damage bonus by 70 percentage points.
Accurate Grace IAccurate Grace Level 1 Effect: Increases Dexterity by 20.
Level 10 Effect : Increases Dexterity by 45.

This famly of Gems increases stats such as Attack and improves the effectiveness of debuffs, making them ideal for the Attacker class.

Healer Gems

Gem Family Effect
Swelling Blessing ISwelling Blessing Level 1 Effect: Boosts power of buff effects issued by self by 25%.
Level 10 Effect : Boosts power of buff effects issued by self by 50%.
Soothing Breath ISoothing Breath Level 1 Effect: When helping an incapacitated ally, revives them with 20% more HP; also raises Healing by 5.
Level 10 Effect : When helping an incapacitated ally, revives them with 45% more HP; also raises Healing by 15.
Refined Blessing IRefined Blessing Level 1 Effect: Extends duration of buff effects issued by self by 25%.
Level 10 Effect : Extends duration of buff effects issued by self by 50%.
Lifesaving Expertise ILifesaving Expertise Level 1 Effect: Boosts speed of ally revival by 20% and raises Healing by 5.
Level 10 Effect : Boosts speed of ally revival by 45% and raises Healing by 15.
Lifebearer ILifebearer Level 1 Effect: Increases Healing by 20.
Level 10 Effect : Increases Healing by 45.

Healer Gems are best suited for the Healer class, as they increase the user's Healing stat, as well as the effects of buffs.

General Combat Gems

Gem Family Effect
Steady Striker ISteady Striker Level 1 Effect: Shortens auto-attack interval by 15%.
Level 10 Effect : Shortens auto-attack interval by 40%.
Ironclad IIronclad Level 1 Effect: Increases maximum HP by 100.
Level 10 Effect : Increases maximum HP by 1500.
Empowered Combo IEmpowered Combo Level 1 Effect: When canceling, boosts damage dealt by 25%.
Level 10 Effect : When canceling, boosts damage dealt by 75%.
Doublestrike IDoublestrike Level 1 Effect: Adds 15% chance to strike twice per auto-attack.
Level 10 Effect : Adds 40% chance to strike twice per auto-attack.
Disperse Bloodlust IDisperse Bloodlust Level 1 Effect: Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 20%.
Level 10 Effect : Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 45%.

General Combat Gems serve a variety of purposes. If you want to put focus on a character's auto-attack capabilities, or executing Arts, we suggest equipping these gems.

What Are Gems?

Items That Boost Stats and Effects

SteelCleaver 1 Gem

Gems are special items that can be equipped to characters to improve their stats. There are a variety of Gems available, so make sure to craft them when you can.

Equip Gems to Characters to Use Them

equip Gems from the main menu

Access the Gems menu on the Characters page in order to equip any Gems available. Take into consideration a character's class and statistics when deciding what Gem to equip.

You can Equip a Maximum of 3 Gems

A maximum of 3 Gems can be equipped

Although you can initially only equip one Gem, the number of Gem slots increases as you level up your characters, allowing you to create a character that is more combat-ready over time.

Level No. of Gem Slots Available
1-19 1
20-39 2
40 and above 3

How to Get Gems

Through Gem Crafting

Gem Crafting

Crystals can be obtained through harvesting from ether ores, and by defeating certain enemies. Each crystal will contain certain qualities, which can be used to craft gems. If there is a specific gem you have your eye on, this is usually the best way to get it!

Gem Crafting Guide

Pin Items for the Gem You Want to Craft

Pin Items on the Gem Crafting screenPress the '+' Button to Pin Items
Check what Pinned Items you have collected in the Items MenuYou can check how many Pinned Items you have collected in the Items Menu.

Pressing the + Button on the Gem Crafting Screen allows you to pin the Items necessary to craft a specific Gem. As you collect Items throughout your adventure, you can confirm if you have gathered enough items to craft that specfic Gem by check the Pinned Items tab in the Items menu.

You Can Only Craft One Gem of Each Type and Level

You can only have one of each type and level of gem

Once you craft a gem of certain type and level, you cannot make another. With this in mind careful consideration must be made when crafting gems, as you will more than likely have to use more material to craft a gem with the same effects.

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