Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Unlock Cammuravi and Ascension Quest Conditions

Xenoblade 3 Cammuravi Class and Best Arts

Cammuravi is a recruitable hero in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn more about Cammuravi's stats, Arts, skills, and chain attack bonuses as well as how to unlock Cammuravi's Hero Quest and Ascension Quest!

How to Unlock Cammuravi

Complete the Hero Quest A Twist of Fate

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Unlock Cammuravi

Cammuravi can be recruited in Chapter 6 after Side Story: Mio by revisiting Colony Omega and completing his Hero Quest: A Twist of Fate.

Cammuravi's Hero Quest: A Twist of Fate Walkthrough

Cammuravi Profile and Voice Actor

Class Role
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Seraph IconSeraph Attacker ImageAttacker
Tier Rank Nation
A Rank Icon Agnus
Voice Actors
ENG: Shai Matheson JP: Taiten Kusunoki
This spear-wielding warrior is Cammuravi, commander of Agnus’ Colony Delta in. A mighty general who values respect in combat, his fiery passion on the battlefield has earned him the name “Smoldering Cammuravi”.

Cammuravi Hero Rating

Attack Defense Healing Support

Cammuravi Strengths and Weaknesses


Camuravi's class causes him to inflict damage to himself to increase the amount of damage he deals to enemies. While this may seem risky at first, the overall amount of damage he can achieve is great enough to consider adding him to your party.

As Cammuravi's offensive power is enhanced when he has less HP, we recommend adding him to your party to fight tougher enemies.


Cammuravi's strength is increased when his HP is below a certain percentage. This means that you will either have to constantly watch his HP and make sure that he is not healed too much, or choose to not add a Healer to your party, adding a great level of risk to your overall chance for victory.

Regarding Chain Attacks, Cammuravi's Heroic Chain allows you to double his overall TP if you pick him first, however, his rather low 15 TP makes this ability rather useless.

Cammuravi Ascension Quest Unlock Conditions

Make Ethel Rejoin the Party

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Rank 20 Cammuravi

Unlike other characters, Cammuravi does not have the typical Ascension Quest. Instead, you'll need make Ethel rejoin the party by bringing her to the Lab in Colony Omega. Once completed, Rank 20 for Cammuravi and the Seraph class are unlocked.

At the same time, Rank 20 is also unlocked for Ether and her class, Flash Fencer.

How to Make Ethel Rejoin the Party

Cammuravi Best Arts

Best Combat Arts

Art Attack Type AoE Base Effect
Inferno DanceInferno Dance Physical Attack Frontward AOE When using Art, reduces HP by 10% of current HP.
Leveling FireLeveling Fire Stance Self Boosts damage dealt by 50%, but reduces HP when using Arts.
DragonDragon's Snarl Physical Attack One Target When using Art, reduces HP by 10% of current HP. Grants a high Critical Rate.

Cammuravi's Seraph class focuses on inflicting damage to the user to increase overall damage output, as reflected by the Arts shown here. Leveling Fire's 50% Attack increase is particularly useful, while Inferno Dance's ability to hit multiple enemies makes up for its reduction in HP.

Cammuravi Arts And Skills

Arts List

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
Crimson LanceCrimson Lance Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 180%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Topple
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 9
Effect Inflicts Topple on enemy when attacking from side.
Leveling FireLeveling Fire Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 12
Effect Boosts damage dealt by 50%, but reduces HP when using Arts.
Sturm und DrangSturm und Drang Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 165%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 3
Effect When using Art, reduces HP by 10% of current HP. Grants High Critical Rate.
Heavenly SpearHeavenly Spear Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 410%
Buff/ Debuff Blaze Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 7
Effect When using Art, reduces HP by 10% of current HP.
Searing FurySearing Fury Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Fast Recharge Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 6
Effect None

Talent Art

Base Art Information
Empyrean SalvoEmpyrean Salvo Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 500%
Buff/ Debuff Blaze Reaction None
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 3
Effect Boosts damage dealt by 50% when Awakened.

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

Skills List

Skill Base Effect
Universal AnnihilationUniversal Annihilation Boosts damage to Toppled and Launched targets by 50%.
Greatest WarriorGreatest Warrior Boosts damage by 25% for each enemy in battle. (Maximum is 200%)
Beast ModeBeast Mode Grants Awakening when damage taken exceeds 45% or more of Max HP.
Got the GutsGot the Guts Attack increases by 60% when HP drops to 80% or below.

List of All Skills

Cammuravi Default Equipment

Default Accessories

Slot Accessory Effect
1 Whirlwind NecklaceWhirlwind Necklace Boosts damage dealt by 10% when HP is at 30% or lower.
2 Ice HeadbandIce Headband Boosts Critical Rate by 20%.
3 DiamondDiamond Boosts damage by 20% for every enemy in battle (max. 200%).

List of Accessories

Default Gems

Slot Gem Effect
1 Steelcleaver ISteelcleaver Increases Attack.
2 Accurate Grace IAccurate Grace Increases Dexterity.
3 Analyze Weakness IAnalyze Weakness Increases critical hit damage bonus.

All Gems and Their Effects

Cammuravi Chain Attack Effects

The Indomitable
Initial TP 15
Completion Bonus Increases dmaage ratio by 175 percentage points and grants Attack Up to all allies.
Heroic Chain Multiplies TP by 200% when first in line to attack, but TP returns to pre-action state upon reactivation.

Chain Attack Guide

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