Xenoblade Chronicles 3

All Enemy Arts and How to Unlock

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Enemy Arts

Enemy Arts are Arts from by monsters and enemies in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 that can be used by the Soulhacker class. Read on to see a list of all Monster Arts, their effects, and the Target Monsters you need to unlock.

All Enemy Arts and How to Unlock

Keves Arts

Enemy Arts Type & Effect Unique Monster
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Hard DigHard Dig Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Boosts damage dealt when attacking toppled enemies by 100%.

Sycophantic Lilith (Lvl. 5)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Beast HowlBeast Howl Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.

Lapdog Veece (Lvl. 9)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - ThunderclapThunderclap Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Boosts damage dealt when attacking launched enemies by 100%.

Wicked Wolf Aranqui (Lvl. 70)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Raid StrikeRaid Strike Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Boosts damage dealt by 100% when HP is at 30% or lower.

Puzzled Raquinu (Lvl. 45)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Snake EyesSnake Eyes Type: Ether Attack
Effect: 50% chance to remove all buffs from target upon landing a hit.

Hazardous Jarrahed (Lvl. 16)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Dragon GasDragon Gas Type: Ether Attack
Effect: None

Villainous Igna (Lvl. 46)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Tail SlapTail Slap Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Reduces aggro toward self when Art hits.

Scornful Daria (Lvl. 22)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Horn DanceHorn Dance Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Boosts damage by 20% for every enemy in battle (max. 200%).

Perspicacious Oldar (Lvl. 20)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Wild WaveWild Wave Type: Ether Attack
Effect: When using Art, reduces HP by 10% of current HP.

Immovable Gonzalez (Lvl. 88)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Life PlantLife Plant Type: Set Field
Effect: Field range of effect - small

Gorgeous Mandora (Lvl. 96)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Double SlapDouble Slap Type: Physical Attack
Effect: None

Aquatic Beasts (Lvl. 64~65)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Dino StormDino Storm Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Evades enemy attacks while Art is active.

Blazing Karlos (Lvl. 40)
Keves Castle
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Spinning BoltSpinning Bolt Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Boosts damage dealt to Aquatic Life by 70%.

Diabolical Rindolph (Lvl. 49)
Keves Castle
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - AquaballAquaball Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Boosts damage dealt to Terrestrial Life by 70%.

Covetous Gerondon (Lvl. 60)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - CavalryCavalry Type: Physical Attack
Effect: None

Littlefort Morley (Lvl. 46)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Trout HopTrout Hop Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 100%.

Naval Gyrus (Lvl. 75)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Desperate ChargeDesperate Charge Type: Buff
Effect: Grants Critical Hit Plus on Art execution.

The King-Kings (Lvl. 102)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Dual AttackDual Attack Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Reduces damage taken by 20% while performing Art.

Seadragoon Melchior (Lvl. 85)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - PsychowavePsychowave Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Boosts damage dealt to Keves forces by 70%.

Obliterator Centaurio (Lvl. 91)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Neck SliceNeck Slice Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Generates more aggro and boosts damage to Agnus Forces by 70%.

The Executioners (Lvl. 42)
Keves Castle
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Spit BeamSpit Beam Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Adds 50% chance for attack to be unblockable.

Mobile Vespa (Lvl. 41)
Keves Castle
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Dino FlashDino Flash Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Boosts damage dealt by 100% when HP is at 90% or higher.

Fineblade Faltaar (Lvl. 47)
Great Sword, Upper
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Radiant ArtsRadiant Arts Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Evades attacks. Also boosts accuracy by 30%.

Shimmering Marcko (Lvl. 28)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Rhino StormRhino Storm Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Nulifies Knockback and Blowdown while Art is active.

Foolhardy Saide (Lvl. 58)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - PredationPredation Type: Ether Attack
Effect: 1% chance to instantly defeat an enemy at 30% HP or lower (excluding bosses/uniques).

Ruthless Grokken (Lvl. 81)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Double StrikeDouble Strike Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Deals 50% more damage against enemies who are at 30% HP or less.

Bloodsucking Elvis (Lvl. 53)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Fin of FearFin of Fear Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Boosts evasion by 30% while Art is active.

Massive Georges (Lvl. 37)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Spider WebSpider Web Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Adds 80% chance to reset enemy recharge when Art hits.

Flyswatter Kamado (Lvl. 77)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Toxic GasToxic Gas Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Buffs self with Power Charge when Art hits.

Spectral Remy (Lvl. 42)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Murder KnuckleMurder Knuckle Type: Physical Attack
Effect: When using Art, reduces HP by 10% of current HP. Deals damage that ignores defense.

Armbenders (Lvl. 66)

Agnus Arts

Enemy Arts Type & Effect Unique Monster
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Healing RestHealing Rest Type: Healing
Effect: None

Timbercorn Cthinos (Lvl. 61)
Upper Aetia
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Sumo PressSumo Press Type: Physical Attack
Effect: None

Indiscreet Gombaba (Lvl. 12)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Shell GuardShell Guard Type: Stance
Effect: Reduces damage taken by 25% and damage dealt by 25%.

Hardshelled Admory (Lvl. 57)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Bubble CloudBubble Cloud Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Boosts machine damage dealt to Machines by 70%.

Househunter Carly (Lvl. 21)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Burrowing RocketBurrowing Rocket Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Evades attacks. Also boosts damage dealt to Aerial Life by 70%

Keen Chicky-Chicky (Lvl. 59)
Upper Aetia
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Electric SkinElectric Skin Type: Ether Attack
Effect: None

Sundappled Floria (Lvl. 71)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Trick DartTrick Dart Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Applies 1 randomly chosen debuff(s) when Art hits.

Witchwind Kujjat (Lvl. 59)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Butterfly DustButterfly Dust Type: Buff
Effect: None

Perturbed Bilkin (Lvl. 13)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Poison SprayPoison Spray Type: Ether Attack
Effect: None

Rambler Curalie (Lvl. 17)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Hawk ShotHawk Shot Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from side.

Terrorbird Zieger (Lvl. 37)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Water JetWater Jet Type: Ether Attack
Effect: None

Wraithfin Segna (Lvl. 24)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Cursed CuisineCursed Cuisine Type: Physical Attack
Effect: None

Crystalline DuGarre (Lvl. 27)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Hypno-LightHypno-Light Type: Debuff
Effect: Inflicts Accuracy Down upon landing hit.

Heretical Saurow (Lvl. 25)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - HypnotismHypnotism Type: Debuff
Effect: None

Profound Hodzuki (Lvl. 44)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Battle PheromoneBattle Pheromone Type: Buff
Effect: Grants Critical Rate Up on Art Execution.

Gracious Titania (Lvl. 50)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Last FencerLast Fencer Type: Physical Attack
Effect: 30% chance to ignore defense.

Raucous Ron (Lvl. 27)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Pointy StickPointy Stick Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Deals 50% more damage against enemies who are at 30% HP or less.

Virtuous Gulkin (Lvl. 52)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Aquatic MissileAquatic Missile Type: Physical Attack
Effect: None

Frolicking Parker (Lvl. 31)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Piercing LaserPiercing Laser Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Boosts damage dealt for each Art with depleted recharge.

Besieger Sheritt (Lvl. 48)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - BomberheadBomberhead Type: Physical Attack
Effect: None

Oceanic Lucera (Lvl. 73)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Jet StreamJet Stream Type: Physical Attack
Effect: None

Otherworldly Rodsin (Lvl. 60)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Dragon DecreeDragon Decree Type: Clear Debuffs
Effect: None

Whirlpool Triumvirate (Lvl. 66)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Shark ShockShark Shock Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Grants a high Critical Rate.

Intrusive Neville (Lvl. 49)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Ether SphereEther Sphere Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the front by 50%.

Seatiger Tridence (Lvl. 77)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Vampire BatVampire Bat Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.

Defiled Ishtar (Lvl. 65)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Transient BondTransient Bond Type: Ether Attack
Effect: On critical hit, recharge Art used by 10%.

Seraphic Ceratinia (Lvl. 120)
Great Sword, Upper
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Gatling PeckGatling Peck Type: Physical Attack
Effect: None

Heavenrazor Egreet (Lvl. 90)
Great Sword, Upper
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - MinistormMinistorm Type: Ether Attack
Effect: Boosts damage against enemies performing Arts by 50%.

Spartan Fennick (Lvl. 78)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Hydra GasHydra Gas Type: Ether Attack
Effect: None

Demonic Krenolur (Lvl. 75)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - KingKing's Bash Type: Physical Attack
Effect: Other Arts recover 20% recharge when Art hits.

The King-Kings (Lvl. 102)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Elimination BeamElimination Beam Type: Ether Attack
Effect: None

Clinging Azreel (Lvl. 69)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Evasive PostureEvasive Posture Type: Stance
Effect: Boosts evasion by 15% but reduces damage dealt by 25%.

Hollow Ones (Lvl. 70)

How to Use Enemy Arts

Unlock the Soulhacker Class

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Unlock Triton

The different Monster Arts in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are available for player characters to use and equip once they unlock the Soulhacker Class in Chapter 5.

To unlock the class, you will need to complete Triton's Hero Quest: Doing It My Way and recruit him as a Hero.

Defeat Unique Monsters to Gain Arts and Skills

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Art Stealing

By default, you will only have three Monster Arts at your disposal. To unlock more Arts and equip them onto your Soulhacker characters, you must defeat different Unique Monsters scattered across the map.

If you have previously battled this unique monster before obtaining the class, you'll need to defeat it again in a rematch.

All Unique Monster Locations

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 List of Arts

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

All Art Categories

Art Categories in Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Talent Arts Master Arts
Ouroboros Arts Enemy Arts


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