Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Sena Best Arts and Class

Xenoblade 3 Sena Best Arts and Classes

Sena is one of the main characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to see the best arts, classes, builds, and accessories for Sena, including the best Ouroboros Arts and Soul Tree Abilities, as well as to learn about their Ascension Quest!

Sena Character Overview

Basic Profile

Starting Class
Starting Role
Attacker Image Attacker
Voice Actors
ENG: Rebecca LaChance JP: Miyuki Satô
Sena is an ally of Mio and Taion. Despite her petite figure, Sena wields immense physical strength! She is an Attacker who specializes in powerful, single blows, using her giant hammer to crush her enemies easily.

Sena Best Arts

Best Early Game Arts

Name Area of Effect Recharge Gauge Effect
bull rushBig Impact One Target 10 Auto Attack Hits Inflicts Blowdown on enemy when attacking from front.
crash outHammerhead One Target 3 Auto Attack Hits Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 120%.
solid stanceMaximum Voltage Self 12 Auto Attack Hits Attacks become unblockable
Damage dealt is boosted by 20%.

Senna should be set up with Big Impact and Hammerhead which inflict increased damage when the directional specifications are met. Maximum Voltage is also recommended to further increase her damage.

Sena Best Accessories

Best Early Game Accessories

Increased Auto ATK DMG Increased DMG to Launched Enemies
attack stone.pngAttack Stone white wraps.pngWhite Wraps

Increased Auto Attack Power or Increased Damage to Launched Enemies is Recommended

Due to Sena's starting class being Ogre, accessories that improve her already strong auto attacks will be your best bet when starting out.

Sena Best Classes

Best Classes for Sena

Best Classes
XC3 - Incursor IconIncursor XC3 - Ogre IconOgre XC3 - Royal Summoner IconRoyal Summoner

Sena Class Compatibility

Rank Class
XC3 - Ogre Icon XC3 - Yumsmith Icon XC3 - Martial Artist Icon XC3 - Machine Assassin Icon
XC3 - Heavy Guard Icon XC3 - Stalker Icon XC3 - Guardian Commander Icon XC3 - Flash Fencer Icon XC3 - Royal Summoner Icon
XC3 - Zephyr Icon XC3 - Tactician Icon XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar Icon XC3 - Incursor Icon XC3 - Thaumaturge Icon XC3 - Troubadour Icon XC3 - Soulhacker Icon XC3 - Seraph Icon XC3 - Noponic Champion Icon
XC3 - Swordfighter Icon XC3 - Medic Gunner Icon XC3 - Signifer Icon XC3 - Strategos Icon XC3 - Lifesage Icon
XC3 - Lone Exile Icon XC3 - War Medic Icon XC3 - Lost Vanguard Icon

All Classes and How to Unlock

Sena Best Builds

Incursor Solo Combo Crit DPS Build

DPS Build
Class Master Skills
XC3 - Incursor IconIncursor Critical Strike
Ultimate Qigong
Swift Death
Master Arts Arts
Shield Bash
Soaring Tempest
Shadow Eye
Glitter Stream
Mystic Vision
Etched Deep
Gems Accessories
Analyze Weakness
Swelling Blessing
Saturni Rings
Mercurii Rings
Silver Earrings

Sena Best Ouroboros Arts

Arts List

Arts Area of Effect Effect
Earth CrusherEarth Crusher One Target Inflicts Launch on all enemies when Interlink is at level 3.
Mortal BulletMortal Bullet One Target Nullififes Knockback and Blowdown while Art is active.
Dino UpperDino Upper Frontward AOE Causes Blowdown and lowers Physical Defense.

Sena's Ouroboros should focus on inflicting damage through combos. This particular Arts set is very useful since it allows you to deal damage while inflicting status, ideal for breaking the combat rhythm of your enemies,

Sena Best Soul Tree Abilities

Soul Tree Chart

Sena Soul Tree
Abilities marked with a ★ should be unlocked as soon as possible.

Focus on Combo-Related Abilities

Sena's Ouroboros does well in battle when it can constantly attack enemies unhindered. Because of this, abilities like Merciless Pummeling and Explosive Spirit will allow you to deal extra damage after inflicting Knockback or Blowdown conditions.

Skill-Realted Status related
Merciles PummelingMerciles Pummeling Dexterity UpDexterity Up

Sena Ascension Quest

Side Story: Sena

At the start of the game, you cannot rank up the Ogre class past Rank 10. To break the class limit and unlock Rank 20 for the class, you must first complete Sena's Ascension Quest: Side Story: Sena.

Side Story: Sena Walkthrough

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