Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Classes Guide: All Classes and How to Unlock

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 All Classes and How to Unlock

Classes in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 determine a character's roles in the team, as well as what arts, skills, and weapons they use. Read on to see a list of all classes and to find out how to switch and unlock all classes.

The following content contains info related to the storyline of Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Continue reading at your discretion.

All Classes and How to Unlock

Class Role How to Unlock
SwordfighterSwordfighter Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 2
Unlock class changing by completing the The Hillside Hulk Standard Quest
ZephyrZephyr Defender ImageDefender Chapter 2
Unlock class changing by completing the The Hillside Hulk Standard Quest
Medic GunnerMedic Gunner Healer ImageHealer Chapter 2
Unlock class changing by completing the The Hillside Hulk Standard Quest
TacticianTactician Healer ImageHealer Chapter 2
Unlock class changing by completing the The Hillside Hulk Standard Quest
Heavy GuardHeavy Guard Defender ImageDefender Chapter 2
Unlock class changing by completing the The Hillside Hulk Standard Quest
OgreOgre Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 2
Unlock class changing by completing the The Hillside Hulk Standard Quest
Flash FencerFlash Fencer Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 3
Complete the Hero Quest: No Want of Courage to unlock Ethel and their class.
War MedicWar Medic Healer ImageHealer Chapter 3
Complete the Hero Quest: The Kind Right Hand to unlock Valdi and their class.
Guardian CommanderGuardian Commander Defender ImageDefender Chapter 3
Complete the Hero Quest: Where the Heart Is to unlock Zeon and their class.
ThaumaturgeThaumaturge Healer ImageHealer Chapter 3
Complete the Hero Quest: Going Beyond Power to unlock Teach and their class.
YumsmithYumsmith Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 3
Complete the Hero Quest: A Nopon's Counsel to unlock Riku & Manana and their class.
Full Metal JaguarFull Metal Jaguar Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 3
Complete the Hero Quest: A Gray Matter to unlock Gray and their class.
StrategosStrategos Healer ImageHealer Chapter 4
Complete the Hero Quest: Unwavering Resolve to unlock Isurd and their class.
StalkerStalker Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 4
Complete the Hero Quest: Natural Selection to unlock Juniper and their class.
Lone ExileLone Exile Defender ImageDefender Chapter 4
Complete the Hero Quest: The Wrath of Ashera to unlock Ashera and their class.
IncursorIncursor Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 3
Complete the Hero Quest: Her Reasons to unlock Alexandria and their class.
Lost VanguardLost Vanguard Defender ImageDefender Chapter 5
Complete the Hero Quest: Vandham's Heir to unlock Monica and their class.
SigniferSignifer Healer ImageHealer Chapter 5
Complete the Hero Quest: Transparent Dreams to unlock Fiona and their class.
SoulhackerSoulhacker Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 5
Complete the Hero Quest: Doing It My Way to unlock Triton and their class.
Martial ArtistMartial Artist Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 5
Complete Chapter 5 of the game to unlock Ghondor and their class.
TroubadourTroubadour Healer ImageHealer Chapter 6
Complete the Hero Quest: Side Story: Mio to unlock Miyabi and their class.
SeraphSeraph Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 6
Complete the Hero Quest: A Twist of Fate to unlock Cammuravi and their class.
Machine AssassinMachine Assassin Attacker ImageAttacker Chapter 6
Complete the Hero Quest: Inhumanity to unlock Segiri and their class.
LifesageLifesage Healer ImageHealer Post Game
Meet up with Nia in their castle after completing the main story of the game to unlock Nia and their class.
Royal SummonerRoyal Summoner Attacker ImageAttacker Post Game
Meet up with Melia in their castle after completing the main story of the game to unlock Melia and their class.
Noponic ChampionNoponic Champion Defender ImageDefender DLC Expansion Pass Wave 2
Complete the Hero Quest: Champion of the Nopon after downloading and installing the DLC to unlock Ino and their class.
Currently UnavailableSharpshooter Attacker ImageAttacker This class currently cannot be unlocked in-game.

Character Class Compatibility

Noah Class Compatibility


Noah Best Arts and Classes

Rank Class
XC3 - Swordfighter Icon XC3 - Stalker Icon XC3 - Guardian Commander Icon XC3 - Flash Fencer Icon XC3 - Royal Summoner Icon XC3 - Noponic Champion Icon
XC3 - Zephyr Icon XC3 - Yumsmith Icon XC3 - Martial Artist Icon XC3 - Machine Assassin Icon
XC3 - Medic Gunner Icon XC3 - Heavy Guard Icon XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar Icon XC3 - Strategos Icon XC3 - Lost Vanguard Icon
XC3 - Tactician Icon XC3 - Lone Exile Icon XC3 - War Medic Icon XC3 - Troubadour Icon XC3 - Soulhacker Icon
XC3 - Ogre Icon XC3 - Incursor Icon XC3 - Signifer Icon XC3 - Thaumaturge Icon XC3 - Seraph Icon XC3 - Lifesage Icon

Mio Class Compatibility


Mio Best Arts and Classes

Rank Class
XC3 - Zephyr Icon XC3 - Thaumaturge Icon XC3 - Troubadour Icon XC3 - Lifesage Icon
XC3 - Swordfighter Icon XC3 - War Medic Icon XC3 - Signifer Icon XC3 - Soulhacker Icon
XC3 - Tactician Icon XC3 - Ogre Icon XC3 - Yumsmith Icon XC3 - Lone Exile Icon XC3 - Guardian Commander Icon XC3 - Strategos Icon XC3 - Martial Artist Icon XC3 - Lost Vanguard Icon XC3 - Flash Fencer Icon
XC3 - Heavy Guard Icon XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar Icon XC3 - Incursor Icon XC3 - Seraph Icon XC3 - Machine Assassin Icon
XC3 - Medic Gunner Icon XC3 - Stalker Icon XC3 - Royal Summoner Icon XC3 - Noponic Champion Icon

Eunie Class Compatibility


Eunie Best Arts and Classes

Rank Class
XC3 - Medic Gunner Icon XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar Icon XC3 - Lone Exile Icon XC3 - Lost Vanguard Icon
XC3 - Tactician Icon XC3 - Incursor Icon XC3 - Strategos Icon XC3 - Seraph Icon
XC3 - Swordfighter Icon XC3 - Heavy Guard Icon XC3 - Stalker Icon XC3 - War Medic Icon XC3 - Signifer Icon XC3 - Thaumaturge Icon XC3 - Soulhacker Icon XC3 - Machine Assassin Icon XC3 - Royal Summoner Icon XC3 - Lifesage Icon XC3 - Noponic Champion Icon
XC3 - Ogre Icon XC3 - Yumsmith Icon XC3 - Guardian Commander Icon
XC3 - Zephyr Icon XC3 - Troubadour Icon XC3 - Martial Artist Icon XC3 - Flash Fencer Icon

Taion Class Compatibility


Taion Best Arts and Classes

Rank Class
XC3 - Tactician Icon XC3 - Incursor Icon XC3 - Strategos Icon XC3 - Seraph Icon
XC3 - Medic Gunner Icon XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar Icon XC3 - Lone Exile Icon XC3 - Lost Vanguard Icon
XC3 - Zephyr Icon XC3 - Ogre Icon XC3 - Yumsmith Icon XC3 - Stalker Icon XC3 - War Medic Icon XC3 - Signifer Icon XC3 - Troubadour Icon XC3 - Machine Assassin Icon XC3 - Flash Fencer Icon XC3 - Lifesage Icon
XC3 - Thaumaturge Icon XC3 - Martial Artist Icon XC3 - Royal Summoner Icon XC3 - Noponic Champion Icon
XC3 - Swordfighter Icon XC3 - Heavy Guard Icon XC3 - Guardian Commander Icon XC3 - Soulhacker Icon

Lanz Class Compatibility


Lanz Best Arts and Class

Rank Class
XC3 - Heavy Guard Icon XC3 - War Medic Icon XC3 - Signifer Icon XC3 - Soulhacker Icon
XC3 - Ogre Icon XC3 - Thaumaturge Icon XC3 - Troubadour Icon XC3 - Royal Summoner Icon XC3 - Lifesage Icon XC3 - Noponic Champion Icon
XC3 - Swordfighter Icon XC3 - Medic Gunner Icon XC3 - Lone Exile Icon XC3 - Guardian Commander Icon XC3 - Incursor Icon XC3 - Martial Artist Icon XC3 - Seraph Icon
XC3 - Zephyr Icon XC3 - Stalker Icon XC3 - Lost Vanguard Icon XC3 - Flash Fencer Icon
XC3 - Tactician Icon XC3 - Yumsmith Icon XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar Icon XC3 - Strategos Icon XC3 - Machine Assassin Icon

Sena Class Compatbiilty


Sena Best Arts and Class

Rank Class
XC3 - Ogre Icon XC3 - Yumsmith Icon XC3 - Martial Artist Icon XC3 - Machine Assassin Icon
XC3 - Heavy Guard Icon XC3 - Stalker Icon XC3 - Guardian Commander Icon XC3 - Flash Fencer Icon XC3 - Royal Summoner Icon
XC3 - Zephyr Icon XC3 - Tactician Icon XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar Icon XC3 - Incursor Icon XC3 - Thaumaturge Icon XC3 - Troubadour Icon XC3 - Soulhacker Icon XC3 - Seraph Icon XC3 - Noponic Champion Icon
XC3 - Swordfighter Icon XC3 - Medic Gunner Icon XC3 - Signifer Icon XC3 - Strategos Icon XC3 - Lifesage Icon
XC3 - Lone Exile Icon XC3 - War Medic Icon XC3 - Lost Vanguard Icon

Best Classes for Each Character

How to Change Classes

Unlock Class Changing in Chapter 2

How to Unlock
Complete the Hillside Hulk Quest to Change classesComplete the Chapter 2 Quest, The Hillside Hulk.

You will be able to change Classes after completing the Quest The Hillside Hulk, a quest available in Chapter 2 of the main story.

Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Default Class Changing Pairs

Ouroboros Interlink Partners
NoahNoah MioMio
EunieEunie TaionTaion
LanzLanz SenaSena

At first, each character will only be able to change to the class of their Ouroboros partner. For example, Noah is only able to change into Mio's class, Zephyr, and Mio is only able to change into Noah's class, Swordfighter.

Ouroboros Guide: All Forms and How to Interlink

Earn Class Points to Unlock Other Classes

The classes of your other party members will remain locked for your characters until they earn the necessary amount of Class Points (CP). This is also true for succeeding classes you unlock from Heroes.

Class Rating Determines the Speed of Ranking Up

If you look at the Class Selection screen, you will see a letter rating in the upper right corner of the Class Info. This Class Rating is the compatibility of that character with that class and determines how fast they can unlock it and rank up.

Raising Class Rank

Each character can earn additional ranks in a class the more they use it. By ranking up a class, they gain access to Master Skills and Arts available for that class. Master Skills and Arts can be used by the character even when they are not currently using that class.

The More Party Members with the Class, the Faster it Unlocks

To quickly unlock a class for another character, make sure that you have other party members that also have that class. The more party members with that class, the faster it will unlock.

If you are trying to unlock a Hero Class, for example, make sure to have the Hero in your party to speed up the unlock.

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