Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Triton's Ascension Quest: My Memories Walkthrough

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - My Memories
My Memories in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the Ascension Quest of Triton, so completing it allows you to rank Soulhacker up to level 20. Read on for a detailed walkthrough that includes how to unlock the quest, all rewards, and the quest location.

My Memories Location and Rewards

Aetia Region - Hillside Ferronis Hulk

Zoomed Out Map Zoomed In Map

How to Unlock and Recommended Level

Chapter Chapter 5
How to Unlock Eat Manana's Battlesoup with Triton in your party.
Recommended Level 60
Quest Giver N/A
Required Hero Triton


4600 G 4900 EXP 10 SP
Item Rewards
Miso x10

Character and Class Limit Broken

Triton - Soulhacker Class

Character Class Role
TritonTriton Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Soulhacker IconSoulhacker Attacker ImageAttacker

Completing this quest allows you to rank up the Soulhacker class past Rank 10, all the way up to Rank 20. Since Triton is a Hero, their class also instantly ranks up to Rank 20.

My Memories Walkthrough

My Memories Walkthrough

1. Eat Manana's Battle Soup

XC3 - Eat Manana

To start Triton's ascension quest "My Memories", you need to eat Manana's Battle Soup while he's in your party. This will allow you to acquire info that will start the quest.

The Hillside Hulk Quest Walkthrough

List of Ingredients and Location

Glitter Radish

Can be found in the area south of Menno Arch in Fornis Region
Comet Carrot
XC3 - Comet Carrot
Can be found in the area south of Menno Arch in Fornis Region
Bunnit Meat
XC3 - Bunnit Meat
Obtained as a drop from Bunnits. A bunch can be found north of Colony 9 in Aetia Region

2. Discuss Manana's Cooking at Hillside Ferronis Hulk

XC3 - Discuss Manana
After getting the "Manana's Cooking" information, head to the Hillside Ferronis Hulk rest spot and discuss it with the party. This will start the quest "My Memories" where the party must look for Triton's marks that he left all over Aionios.

3. Investigate Triton's Marks

XC3 - Investigate Triton
Once you're finished discussing with Triton about his pot, you'll have to investigate each location with his mark in order for him to regain his memories.

Triton's Mark Near Colony Gamma

XC3 - Triton
The first mark is located near Colony Gamma, west of the Loch Ciel landmark in the Aetia Region. After investigating the mark, you will encounter a Lv.62 Memorial Ropl.

Aetia Region Interactive Map

Triton's Mark in Pentelas Region

XC3 - Triton
The next mark can be found in the Pentelas Region, south of the Aquifer Exhaust landmark. You'll be fighting three Lv. 62 Memorial Rhogul this time.

Pentelas Region Interactive Map

Triton's Mark in Syra Hovering Reef

XC3 - Triton
The final mark can be found in the Syra Hovering Reef, near Hovering Reef 2 Camp rest spot. You'll be fighting a single Lv. 62 Memorial Ekidno and after which, will conclude the quest.

Keves Castle Region Interactive Map

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