Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Tailwind Gem Effects and How to Craft

Tailwind is a type of Defender Gem that can be crafted in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn about all levels and effects for the Tailwind Gem and the required crafting materials for each level!

Tailwind Effects and How to Craft

Required Materials and Gold Nopon Coins

Gem Effect Required Crafting Materials Gold Nopon Coins to Craft
Tailwind ITailwind I Increases Agility by 10. Pale Skeeter Wing(Common) x1
Tailwind IITailwind II Increases Agility by 12. Vang Membrane(Common) x1
Glitter Radish(Common) x1
Decorative Grebel Quill(Common) x1
Tailwind IIITailwind III Increases Agility by 15. Vang Membrane(Rare) x1
Ether Cylinderx1
Munchygrub Fossil(Common) x1
Gold Arachno Queensilk(Common) x1
Arachno Thread(Common) x1
Tailwind IVTailwind IV Increases Agility by 17. Accord Acorn(Common) x1
Slender Flamii Bone(Rare) x1
Pure Gemstonex1
Piercing Rhogul Quill(Rare) x1
Ether Cylinderx1
Mobility Thruster(Common) x1
Tailwind VTailwind V Increases Agility by 20. Pure Gemstonex1
Pale Skeeter Wing(Rare) x2
Ether Cylinderx2
Lightweight Velites Base(Rare) x2
Small Speculatos Base(Rare) x2
Ion Booster(Common) x1
Tailwind VITailwind VI Increases Agility by 22. Pure Gemstonex1
Ether Cylinderx2
Equites Tank Wheel(Common) x2
Vollgull Stormwind Wing(Legendary) x2
Sagittarius Frame(Rare) x2
Anti-Grav Chassis(Common) x1
Tailwind VIITailwind VII Increases Agility by 25. Ultra Pure Gemstone(Legendary) x1
Accord Acorn(Rare) x3
Ether Cylinderx2
Small Speculatos Base(Common) x3
Ring Guava(Rare) x1
Geometric Myoot Gear(Legendary) x2
Horrish Propeller(Legendary) x2
Tailwind VIIITailwind VIII Increases Agility by 27. Vang Membrane(Legendary) x15
Vagrant Jade(Rare) x10
Ultra Pure Gemstone(Legendary) x2
Ether Cylinderx3
Obsidian Kananus Mane(Common) x15
Horrish Propeller(Common) x15
Elegant Ansel Feather(Legendary) x15
Tailwind IXTailwind IX Increases Agility by 30. Ultra Pure Gemstonex3
Slender Flamii Bone(Legendary) x20
Powdered Skwaror Leaves(Common) x20
Ether Cylinderx3
Lightweight Velites Base(Legendary) x20
Pentashroom(Legendary) x10
Fine Ageshu Wing(Rare) x20
Tailwind XTailwind X Increases Agility by 35. Ultra Pure Gemstonex5
Pale Skeeter Wing(Legendary) x30
Ether Cylinderx3
Golden Brog Oil(Legendary) x30
Shining Ellook Antler(Legendary) x30
Antol Leg Chitin(Rare) x30
Fine Ageshu Wing(Common) x30

Should You Use Tailwind Gems?

Good Choice For Increasing Evasion

The Tailwind Gems significantly increase your character's evasion, which is ideal for Defenders who evade enemy attacks in battle. Make sure to equip these gems when you can.

Best Gems to Craft

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 List of Gems
All Gems and Their Effects

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List of Defender Gems

List of Defender Gems
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List of Healer Gems

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List of General Combat Gems

List of General Combat Gems
General Combat GemsDisperse Bloodlust General Combat GemsDoublestrike General Combat GemsEmpowered Combo
General Combat GemsIronclad General Combat GemsSteady Striker


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