Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Isurd's Hero Quest: Unwavering Resolve Walkthrough

Unwavering Resolve Isurd.png

Completing Unwavering Resolve allows Isurd to join your party in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn how to unlock this Hero Quest, its detailed walkthrough, rewards, location, and which hero you can recruit in Unwavering Resolve.

Unwavering Resolve Location and Rewards

Pentelas Region - Clearwater Shelf

Zoomed Out Map Zoomed In Map

How to Unlock and Recommended Level

Chapter Chapter 4
How to Unlock Complete Chapter 3 and unlock Colony Lambda. Once you do, speak to Isurd inside the command tent.
Recommended Level 27
Quest Giver N/A


1940 G 1760 EXP 10 SP
Item Rewards

Unwavering Resolve Hero Unlocked

Unlocks the Hero Isurd

Starting Class
Starting Role
Healer Image Healer
Voice Actors
ENG: Iam Boullion JP: Tomoaki Maeno
Isurd is a seasoned tactician and commander of the Agnus’ Colony Lambda in. Once a former mentor to Taion, taking him under his wing to train him up as a tactician, Isurd now greets his former ally as an enemy.

Isurd Profile and Hero Rating

Unwavering Resolve Walkthrough

Unwavering Resolve Walkthrough

Go to Mine No. 3

After talking to Isurd at the Command Tent, head to Mine No. 3 at the Urayan Tunnels. You can reach it by going up a long slope south of Colony Lambda.

Rescue the People Trapped in the Mines

Because of the collapse in the mines, your squad has to go around to get to the people on the other side. Below is our step by step guide on how to get to the other side of the mines to rescue the people.

Step by Step Walkthrough
After the cutscene, go straight until you see two tall metal structures. Hop to the right side and follow the path until you see an elevator. Take the elevator up.
Get off the elevator and enter the tunnel up north.
3 Turn right after exiting the tunnel and climb the ladder.
Follow the path until you see a tunnel to your left. Enter it and keep walking until you get to the other side.
After exiting the tunnel, take the elevator on your left.
6 Exit the elevator and move the rock blocking your path.
7 Continue forward and defeat the enemies inside the cave-in.

Return to Colony Lambda

Isurd Office.png

After defeating the enemies in the cave-in, return to Colony Lambda and talk to Isurd again.

Go to the Cave at Pira Bluffs and Defeat the Auto-Levnises

Auto Levnis.png

Go south of Colony Lambda towards Pira Bluffs and defeat the Auto-Levnis there. Defeating completes the quest and recruits Isurd to your party. It will also unlock the Strategos Class for Taion.

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