Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 List of Arts
Take down your enemies with ease by mastering the various types of Arts found in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on for a complete list of Combat, Talent, and Master Arts for all Classes, as well as learn more about what arts are and their different types.

All Arts for Each Class

All Arts by Class
SwordfighterSwordfighter ZephyrZephyr Medic GunnerMedic Gunner TacticianTactician
Heavy GuardHeavy Guard OgreOgre Flash FencerFlash Fencer War MedicWar Medic
Guardian CommanderGuardian Commander ThaumaturgeThaumaturge YumsmithYumsmith Full Metal JaguarFull Metal Jaguar
StrategosStrategos StalkerStalker Lone ExileLone Exile IncursorIncursor
Lost VanguardLost Vanguard SigniferSignifer Soul HackerSoulhacker Martial ArtistMartial Artist
TroubadourTroubadour SeraphSeraph Machine AssassinMachine Assassin LifesageLifesage
Royal SummonerRoyal Summoner Noponic Champion.pngNoponic Champion - -

Click on any of the links above to quickly navigate to a class and their list of arts!


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Ground BeatGround Beat
Master at Lv. 1
300% Physical Attack
Xenoblade 3 - Sword StrikeSword Strike 150% Physical Attack
Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from side.
Xenoblade 3 - Edge ThrustEdge Thrust 120% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 100%.
Xenoblade 3 - Air SlashAir Slash 250% Physical Attack
When canceling, boosts damage dealt by 25%.
Xenoblade 3 - Shadow EyeShadow Eye
Master at Lv. 10
0% Buff
Attack Up (Self)
Halves own aggro value.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Overclock BusterOverclock Buster
Master at Lv. 20
750% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking dazed enemies by 150%.

Swordfighter Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Butterfly BladeButterfly Blade 110% Physical Attack
Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Air FangAir Fang 145% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt against attacking enemies targeting you by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Wide SlashWide Slash
Master at Lv. 1
245% Physical Attack
While Art is active, evades enemy attacks at the cost of a low Critical Rate.
Xenoblade 3 - Glow RingGlow Ring
Master at Lv. 10
180% Physical Attack
Target Lock (One Target)
Xenoblade 3 - Speed DemonSpeed Demon 0% Stance
Boosts evasion by 30% and reduces damage dealt by 15%.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Gemini StrikeGemini Strike
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Evades attacks. Also boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.

Zephyr Class Guide

Medic Gunner

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Myopic ScreenMyopic Screen
Master at Lv. 1
200% Ether Attack
Xenoblade 3 - Group HealGroup Heal 180% Healing
Xenoblade 3 - Power RingPower Ring 0% Set Field
Attack Up (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small
Xenoblade 3 - Ether CannonEther Cannon
Master at Lv. 10
330% Ether Attack
Accuracy Down (One Target)
Xenoblade 3 - VortexVortex 240% Ether Attack
Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Healing RingHealing Ring
Master at Lv. 20
0% Set Field
Regenerate (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small

Medic Gunner Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - OverfallOverfall
Master at Lv. 10
220% Ether Attack
Ether Defense Down (One Target)
Xenoblade 3 - Stormy SkiesStormy Skies 200% Healing
Xenoblade 3 - Hazy FigureHazy Figure 0% Set Field
Evasion Up (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small
Xenoblade 3 - Avenging EagleAvenging Eagle 180% Ether Attack
Evasion Down (Frontward AOE)
Xenoblade 3 - Dark BannerDark Banner
Master at Lv. 1
110% Ether Attack
Sleep (Frontward AOE)

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Tidal WaveTidal Wave
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Heals all allies when Art hits, to a maximum of 150% of Healing Power.

Tactician Class Guide

Heavy Guard

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Bull RushBull Rush 200% Physical Attack
Xenoblade 3 - Crash OutCrash Out
Master at Lv. 1
200% Physical Attack
Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Uppercut SlashUppercut Slash 300% Physical Attack
Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Variable TurretVariable Turret 200% Physical Attack
Blocks enemy attacks while Art is active.
Xenoblade 3 - Solid StanceSolid Stance
Master at Lv. 10
0% Stance
Reduces damage taken by 25% and damage dealt by 25%.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Mad TauntMad Taunt
Master at Lv. 20
0% Taunt

Heavy Guard Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Big ImpactBig Impact 220% Physical Attack
Inflicts Blowdown on enemy when attacking from front.
Xenoblade 3 - HammerheadHammerhead 110% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 100%.
Xenoblade 3 - Giant SwingGiant Swing
Master at Lv. 1
270% Physical Attack
Xenoblade 3 - CannonballCannonball 180% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking dazed enemies by 100%.
Xenoblade 3 - Maximum VoltageMaximum Voltage
Master at Lv. 10
0% Stance
Attacks become unblockable and damage dealt is boosted by 20%.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Pressure DropPressure Drop
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack

Ogre Class Guide

Flash Fencer

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Cross ImpactCross Impact
Master at Lv. 10
120% Physical Attack
Power Charge (One Target)
Buffs self with Power Charge when Art hits.
Xenoblade 3 - AccelerationAcceleration 0% Stance
Boosts auto-attack and Arts speed. Also raises damage taken by 25%.
Xenoblade 3 - Null SlashNull Slash 160% Physical Attack
Increases Critical Rate by 50% when attacking from side.
Xenoblade 3 - Hidden ThornHidden Thorn
Master at Lv. 1
300% Physical Attack
Bleed (One Target)
Xenoblade 3 - Revolution EdgeRevolution Edge 150% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 100%.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Saber StrikeSaber Strike
Master at Lv. 20
375% Physical Attack

Flash Fencer Class Guide

War Medic

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Multi BlastMulti Blast
Master at Lv. 1
200% Ether Attack
Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
Xenoblade 3 - Advanced CooldownAdvanced Cooldown
Master at Lv. 10
0% Set Field
Defense Up (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small
Xenoblade 3 - Heal BulletHeal Bullet 150% Healing
Xenoblade 3 - Cure BulletCure Bullet 0% Clear Debuffs
Debuff Barrier (AOE around User)
Xenoblade 3 - Vital BulletVital Bullet 0% Buff
Delayed Healing (AOE around User)

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Technical HealTechnical Heal
Master at Lv. 20
165% Healing

War Medic Class Guide

Guardian Commander

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Shield BashShield Bash
Master at Lv. 10
180% Physical Attack
Xenoblade 3 - Noble TauntNoble Taunt
Master at Lv. 1
0% Taunt
Xenoblade 3 - Falcon SwoopFalcon Swoop 180% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt by 50% when Awakened.
Xenoblade 3 - Grand ProtectionGrand Protection 0% Stance
Boosts Block Rate by 40% and reduces damage dealt by 15%.
Xenoblade 3 - Imperial SwordImperial Sword 300% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt by 50% when Awakened.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Deflector FieldDeflector Field
Master at Lv. 20
0% Defense
Awakening (Self)
Absorb attacks taken while Art is active, also become stronger for a time.

Guardian Commander Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Divine ProtectionDivine Protection 0% Set Field
Armor Veil (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small
Xenoblade 3 - Rank SplitterRank Splitter 180% Physical Attack
Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
Xenoblade 3 - Violent FlurryViolent Flurry
Master at Lv. 1
270% Physical Attack
30% chance to ignore defense.
Xenoblade 3 - Spearpoint ThrustSpearpoint Thrust
Master at Lv. 10
180% Physical Attack
Bind (One Target)
Xenoblade 3 - Leaping CurrentLeaping Current 0% Clear Debuffs
Attack Up (AOE around User)

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Demise ThrustDemise Thrust
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack

Thaumaturge Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Extended SlashExtended Slash 270% Physical Attack
Shackle Blocking (One Target)
Boost damage dealt when attacking from the front by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - FlashbackFlashback
Master at Lv. 10
120% Physical Attack
Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from one side.
Xenoblade 3 - Energy GrenadeEnergy Grenade
Master at Lv. 1
120% Ether Attack
Blaze (AOE on target)
Field range of effect - small
Xenoblade 3 - RechargeRecharge 0% Set Field
Critical Rate Up (AOE around user)
Field range of effect - small
Xenoblade 3 - DeterminationDetermination 0% Stance
Deal 150% more and take 25% less damage while within a field effect.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Sword of ValorSword of Valor
Master at Lv. 20
750% Physical Attack
Damage Link (One Target)

Yumsmith Class Guide

Full Metal Jaguar

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - DemolitionDemolition
Master at Lv. 1
300% Ether Attack
30% change to ignore defense.
Xenoblade 3 - Dead SetDead Set 0% Buff
Accuracy Up (Self)
Fully removes own aggro.
Xenoblade 3 - QuickdrawQuickdraw
Master at Lv. 10
180% Ether Attack
Evades attacks. Also boosts damage when attacking from the front by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Fatal BarrageFatal Barrage 200% Ether Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking from behind by 100%
Xenoblade 3 - SuperstormSuperstorm 200% Ether Attack
Evasion Down (One Target)
Boosts accuracy by 30%.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Violent StreakViolent Streak
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Deals defense-bypassing damage; also evades attacks while Art is active.

Full Metal Jaguar Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - No Love LostNo Love Lost
Master at Lv. 1
190% Ether Attack
Phys. Def. Down (One Target)
Xenoblade 3 - Mirror TrapMirror Trap 0% Buff
Counter Heal (AOE around User)
Xenoblade 3 - HornetHornet
Master at Lv. 10
270% Ether Attack
Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to a maximum of 100% of Healing Power.
Xenoblade 3 - MoondogMoondog 0% Set Field
Regenerate (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small
Xenoblade 3 - Earth BindEarth Bind 110% Ether Attack
Bind (One Target)

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - SoulfireSoulfire
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Attack Down (One Target)
Heals all allies when Art hits, to a maximum of 150% of Healing Power.

Strategos Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Night HuntNight Hunt
Master at Lv. 10
0% Stance
Boosts back attack damage by 30% and reduces aggro drawn when attacking.
Xenoblade 3 - LandslideLandslide 225% Ether Attack
Boosts damage to launched enemies by 100%. Also evades attacks while Art is active.
Xenoblade 3 - Staying PowerStaying Power
Master at Lv. 1
0% Set Field
Art Follow-Up (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small
Xenoblade 3 - Driving ArrowDriving Arrow 135% Ether Attack
Bleed (AOE around User)
Inflicts Bleed when Art hits enemy rear.
Xenoblade 3 - Rapid ShotRapid Shot 355% Ether Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 100%.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Refreshing RainRefreshing Rain
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Deals 50% more damage against enemies who are at 30% HP or less.

Stalker Class Guide

Lone Exile

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Demon SlayerDemon Slayer 120% Physical Attack
Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Eye of the StormEye of the Storm 150% Defense
Deals 200% of Attack damage when you take damage.
Xenoblade 3 - Gale SlashGale Slash
Master at Lv. 1
200% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking enemies targeting you by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Soaring TempestSoaring Tempest
Master at Lv. 10
200% Physical Attack
Xenoblade 3 - Jaws of DeathJaws of Death 0% Stance
Boosts damage dealt by 30% and aggro drawn when attacking by 25%.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Blossom DanceBlossom Dance
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Deals damage that ignores defense. Also boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.

Lone Exile Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Reversal EdgeReversal Edge 110% Physical Attack
Boosts Critical Rate against enemies performing Arts by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Glitter StreamGlitter Stream
Master at Lv. 10
145% Physical Attack
Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from side.
Xenoblade 3 - SidewinderSidewinder 180% Physical Attack
Increases Critical Rate by 50% when from back.
Xenoblade 3 - Aerial SlashAerial Slash
Master at Lv. 1
270% Physical Attack
Grants high Critical Rate; also evades enemy attacks while Art is active.
Xenoblade 3 - Mystic VisionMystic Vision 0% Stance
Increase Critical Rate by 25% and critical hit damage bonus by 25 percentage points.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Supreme SwordSupreme Sword
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking launched enemies by 100%.

Incursor Class Guide

Lost Vanguard

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - ShockwaveShockwave 180% Physical Attack
Enemies performing Arts will be knocked back.
Xenoblade 3 - Taunt PulseTaunt Pulse 0% Stance
Deals continuous damage to enemies in a fixed radius and draws in more aggro.
Xenoblade 3 - Mighty BeatMighty Beat
Master at Lv. 10
165% Physical Attack
Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Shield WallShield Wall
Master at Lv. 1
0% Defense
Ether Anchor (Self)
While performing guard Arts, periodically recover 3% of HP.
Xenoblade 3 - Electro FieldElectro Field 0% Set Field
Armor Veil (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Thunder SteelThunder Steel
Master at Lv. 20
500% Ether Attack
Bind (Frontward AOE)
Boosts damage dealt to Machines by 70%.

Lost Vanguard Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Resonant FlagResonant Flag
Master at Lv. 10
0% Buff
Grants own buffs to all allies.
Xenoblade 3 - IlluminateIlluminate 180% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt for each active buff.
Xenoblade 3 - AureoleAureole
Master at Lv. 1
0% Buff
Applies 1 random buff(s) to self.
Xenoblade 3 - Heal HarmonyHeal Harmony 0% Set Field
Regenerate (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small
Xenoblade 3 - Spirited ChargeSpirited Charge 0% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt for each active buff.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Cry of FaithCry of Faith
Master at Lv. 20
0% Buff
Applies 2 random buff(s) to all allies.

Signifer Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Draining VacuumDraining Vacuum 300% Ether Attack
Heals nearby allies when Art hits to max of 100% of Healing Power.
Xenoblade 3 - DigDig 150% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 100%.
Xenoblade 3 - Double BiteDouble Bite 150% Physical Attack
When canceling, boosts damage dealt by 25%.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Final CountdownFinal Countdown
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt for each Soulhacker Art or Skill learned.

Soulhacker Class Guide

Martial Artist

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Detonating HitDetonating Hit 165% Physical Attack
Inflicts Daze on enemy when attacking from side.
Xenoblade 3 - FocusFocus 0% Stance
Boosts Arts recharge speed by 20% and shortens auto-attack intervals by 25%.
Xenoblade 3 - Jackal ClawJackal Claw
Master at Lv. 10
270% Physical Attack
Grants a high Critical Rate; also evades enemy attacks while Art is active.
Xenoblade 3 - Impulse WaveImpulse Wave
Master at Lv. 1
110% Physical Attack
Boosts damage by 20% for every enemy in battle (max. 200%).
Xenoblade 3 - Destructive ChargeDestructive Charge 180% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the front by 50%.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Raging ForceRaging Force
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Depletes Art recharge. Also boosts damage relative to number of Arts used up.

Martial Artist Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Autumn RainAutumn Rain 0% Buff
Regenerate (AOE around User)
Xenoblade 3 - Way HomeWay Home
Master at Lv. 1
270% Ether Attack
Xenoblade 3 - Ring oRing o' Roses
Master at Lv. 10
0% Set Field
Fast Recharge (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small
Xenoblade 3 - Twin MoonsTwin Moons 180% Ether Attack
50% chance to remove all buffs from target upon landing a hit.
Xenoblade 3 - Shadow ParadeShadow Parade 0% Stance
Boosts Arts recharge speed by 25% and increases damage taken by 25%.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Glittering MelodyGlittering Melody
Master at Lv. 20
0% Buff
Pause Buff Timer (All Allies)
Recharges Arts for all allies able to fight by 50%. (Does not affect self.)

Troubadour Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Crimson LanceCrimson Lance
Master at Lv. 10
180% Physical Attack
Inflicts Topple on enemy when attacking from side.
Xenoblade 3 - FlamelordFlamelord
Master at Lv. 1
165% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the front by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Inferno DanceInferno Dance 340% Physical Attack
Blaze (Frontward AOE)
When using Art, reduces HP by 10% of current HP.
Xenoblade 3 - Leveling FireLeveling Fire 0% Stance
Boosts damage dealt by 50%, but reduces HP when using Arts.
Xenoblade 3 - DragonDragon's Snarl 140% Physical Attack
When using Art, reduces HP by 10% of current HP. Grants a high Critical Rate.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Empyrean SalvoEmpyrean Salvo
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Blaze (Frontward AOE)
Boosts damage dealt by 50% when Awakened.

Seraph Class Guide

Machine Assassin

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Tyrant CrossTyrant Cross
Master at Lv. 1
180% Physical Attack
Applies 1 randomly chosen debuff(s) when Art hits.
Xenoblade 3 - Fatal BiteFatal Bite
Master at Lv. 10
200% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt when attacking from the side by 100%.
Xenoblade 3 - Terror OnslaughtTerror Onslaught 200% Physical Attack
Resistance Down (One Target)
Inflicts Resistance Down when Art hits enemy rear.
Xenoblade 3 - Havoc SlayerHavoc Slayer 300% Physical Attack
When an attack hits, spreads target's debuffs to other enemies in range.
Xenoblade 3 - Mega CrescentMega Crescent 120% Physical Attack
Extends debuff effect duration by 10% when Art hits.

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Viral VectorViral Vector
Master at Lv. 20
500% Physical Attack
Applies 1 randomly chosen debuff(s) when Art hits.

Machine Assassin Class Guide


Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - RedemptionRedemption 165% Healing
Xenoblade 3 - Saber SlashSaber Slash 180% Ether Attack
Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
Xenoblade 3 - Hydro BlastHydro Blast
Master at Lv. 1
270% Ether Attack
30% chance to ignore defense.
Xenoblade 3 - Aqua MindAqua Mind
Master at Lv. 10
0% Stance
Continuously heals nearby allies' HP, boosts recharge speed by 25%.
Xenoblade 3 - WaterlilyWaterlily 0% Set Field
Regenerate (AOE around User)
Field range of effect - small

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Divine SwordDivine Sword
Master at Lv. 20
750% Ether Attack
Ignores enemy defense. Also heals all allies to a maximum of 150% of Healing Power.

Lifesage Class Guide

Royal Summoner

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Power EffectPower Effect 0% Stance
Boosts damage dealt by 80% and damage taken by 40%.
Xenoblade 3 - StarfallStarfall 300% Ether Attack
Xenoblade 3 - Shadow StitchShadow Stitch 200% Ether Attack
Bind (One Target)
Inflicts Bind when Art hits enemy rear.
Xenoblade 3 - Elemental DischargeElemental Discharge
Master at Lv. 10
200% Ether Attack
Boosts elemental damage by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Summon ElementSummon Element
Master at Lv. 1
120% Ether Attack

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Element GenesisElement Genesis 750% Physical Attack
Boosts damage by discharging all elementals on Art execution.

Royal Summoner Class Guide

Noponic Champion

Combat Arts

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Dual FlashDual Flash 180% Physical Attack
Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
Xenoblade 3 - Dazzling IllusionDazzling Illusion 0% Stance
Boosts evasion by 20% and boosts aggro drawn when attacking by 25%.
Xenoblade 3 - Refractive EdgeRefractive Edge 220% Physical Attack
Evades attacks. Also boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50% at the cost of a low Critical Rate.
Xenoblade 3 - Tri-SlashTri-Slash
Master at Lv. 10
110% Physical Attack
Xenoblade 3 - Lustrous SpikeLustrous Spike
Master at Lv. 1
145% Physical Attack
Boosts damage dealt by 50% each time the character is incapacitated (to a maximum of 250%).

Talent Art

Art Power Mult. Type and Effect
Xenoblade 3 - Shining RefrainShining Refrain
Master at Lv. 20
145% Physical Attack
Evades attacks. Boosts damage by 50% each time the character is incapacitated (to a max. of 250%).

Noponic Champion Class Guide

What are Arts?

Techniques Used to Defeat Enemies and Support Allies

Using Arts can help you win battles easily

Arts are techniques ranging from Attacks to Support skills that you can use in battle. These are used to dish out stronger damage to enemies, as well as provide support to allies such as buffs and healing.

Characters can use various Arts depending on their respective classes, roles, and forms. The wide variety of Arts available allows you create a battle strategy that suits every possible predicament.

Arts Brief Explanation and Showcase

Assigned to a Face Button

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Arts Per Button

Each Art is assigned to a face button, allowing for easy access during pinch moments, as well as times wherein players need to unleash hard-hitting attacks.

After using an Art, the skill will cool down before it can be used again.

List of Controls and How to Change Mapping

Types of Arts

Jump to a Section!
Combat Talent Master
Fusion Ouroboros Enemy

Combat Arts

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Combat Arts

Lanz knocking down an enemy using a Combat Art.

Combat Arts are skills that are geared towards offense. These range from abilities that can buff attacks, or even attacks that deal more damage than regular blows.

Some Combat Arts have effects such as being able to topple foes, rendering them defenseless for a short period of time.

Talent Arts

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Talent Arts

Talent Arts are special skills that can be unleashed upon filling up the charge gauge around its Arts icon.

The parameters to fill up these Talent Art gauges vary, with some requiring consistent dodging of enemy attacks or even successfully landing attacks in various ways.

All Talent Arts for Each Class

Master Arts

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Master Arts

Noah using the Master Art, Overclock Buster!

Master Arts are skills that are unlocked upon maxing out a class. These Master Arts are not class-locked, which means characters will be able to keep these abilities even after switching classes.

All Classes and Roles

Fusion Arts

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Fusion Arts

Fusion Arts are skills that combine two Arts and stack its effects together. For example, a character can use a Combart Art on top of being buffed or healed by another Art.

Being able to mix and match these Arts will be the key to utilizing the effects of every skill and bring out the best of your characters in battle.

Ouroboros Arts

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Ouroboros Arts

Ouroboros Arts are skills that can be unleashed only when characters are in their Ouroboros forms. These Arts provide massive enemies to enemies and can also be charged up much like Talent Arts.

All Ouroboros Arts and How to Unlock

Enemy Arts

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Art Stealing

Enemy Arts are special Arts used by monsters and enemies. Once you have unlocked the Soulhacker class in Chapter 5, you can steal these Arts and use them on your own characters.

In order to unlock Enemy Arts, you'll need to defeat different Unique Mosnters scattered across the map.

All Enemy Arts and How to Unlock

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