Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Disperse Bloodlust Gem Effects and How to Craft

Disperse Bloodlust is a type of General Combat Gem that can be crafted in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn about all levels and effects for the Disperse Bloodlust Gem and the required crafting materials for each level!

List of Disperse Bloodlust Gems

Level and Required Materials

Gem Effect Required Crafting Materials Gold Nopon Coins to Craft
Disperse Bloodlust IDisperse Bloodlust I Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 20%. Volffskin(Common) x1
Disperse Bloodlust IIDisperse Bloodlust II Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 22%. Rhogul Axe Crest(Common) x1
Ether Cylinderx1
Kaleidoscelery(Common) x1
Aspar Eyeball(Common) x1
Disperse Bloodlust IIIDisperse Bloodlust III Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 25%. Sweet Kapiba Lard(Common) x1
Quinini(Common) x1
Noble Feris Mane(Rare) x1
Ether Cylinderx1
Gooey Upa Egg(Common) x1
Disperse Bloodlust IVDisperse Bloodlust IV Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 27%. Springy Medooz Bell(Rare) x1
Soft-Shelled Aligo Egg(Common) x1
Pure Gemstonex1
Ether Cylinderx1
Million-Leaf Dill(Common) x1
Amoney Flower Lure(Rare) x1
Disperse Bloodlust VDisperse Bloodlust V Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 30%. Pure Gemstonex1
Ether Cylinderx2
Variable Centuris Claw(Rare) x2
Ories Headplate(Rare) x2
Black Blossom(Common) x1
Giant Serprond Scale(Rare) x2
Disperse Bloodlust VIDisperse Bloodlust VI Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 32%. Rich-Smelling Anlood Bone(Rare) x2
Pure Gemstonex1
Ether Cylinderx2
Avis Mech Sword(Common) x2
Anlood Antler(Legendary) x2
Blue Sorghum(Common) x1
Disperse Bloodlust VIIDisperse Bloodlust VII Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 35%. Wraithwood(Rare) x1
Ultra Pure Gemstonex1
Ekidno Jawbone(Common) x3
Ether Cylinderx2
Obsidian Kananus Mane(Legendary) x2
Enpedia Headpiece(Legendary) x2
Antol Queen Compound Eye(Rare) x3
Disperse Bloodlust VIIIDisperse Bloodlust VIII Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 37%. Ultra Pure Gemstonex2
Ether Cylinderx3
Buloofo Fossil(Rare) x10
Aspar Eyeball(Legendary) x15
Vollgull Mask(Common) x15
Amoney Flower Lure(Legendary) x15
Evil Drague Eye(Common) x15
Disperse Bloodlust IXDisperse Bloodlust IX Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 40%. Ultra Pure Gemstonex3
Supersonic Vang Organ(Legendary) x20
Ether Cylinderx3
Bloody Doomcap(Legendary) x10
Quardun Fang(Common) x20
Giant Serprond Scale(Legendary) x20
Royal Ardun Horn(Rare) x20
Disperse Bloodlust XDisperse Bloodlust X Reduces aggro generated when using Arts by 45%. Ultra Pure Gemstonex5
Ether Cylinderx3
Fleshy Blant Petal(Legendary) x30
Vollgull Mask(Legendary) x30
Antol Queen Shell(Rare) x30
Antol Queen Compound Eye(Legendary) x30
Ories Horns(Common) x30

Should You Use Disperse Bloodlust Gems?

Ideal for Atacker and Healer Classes

Reducing aggro is important for both Attacker and Healer classes, allowing you to focus on attacking enemies or supporting allies without distractions. We recommend equipping the Disperse Bloodlust Gem to any Atacker or Healer class that has and extra Gem slot available.

Best Gems to Craft

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 List of Gems
All Gems and Their Effects

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List of Healer Gems

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List of General Combat Gems

List of General Combat Gems
General Combat GemsDisperse Bloodlust General Combat GemsDoublestrike General Combat GemsEmpowered Combo
General Combat GemsIronclad General Combat GemsSteady Striker


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