Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Chapter 2

This is a walkthrough for the Chapter 2 section of Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on for a complete walkthrough of the chapter, as well as boss strategy and other tips and tricks!

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Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Chapter 2 Objectives

1 Reach the southern Aetia Region
Complete the Standard Quest, The Hillside Hulk
3 Rest up at the Hillside Ferronis Hulk
Don't forget to pick up the items you made through the Fabricator!
4 Change Noah's class to Zephyr
You will also be prompted to change the rest of the team's classes, Master Arts, and Master Skills.
5 Head south of Aetia and defeat three Bodom Grebels
6 Continue south to the Fornis region
7 Go south through the Eagus Wilderness
8 Reach the oasis
Complete the Standard Quest, Riku and Manana
You will now be able to cook at Rest Points. Near the end of the Standard Quest, you will also unlock Gem Crafting.
10 Continue going south through the Eagus Wilderness
11 Escape from Colony 4's attacks
Colony 4 units will spawn along the way.
12 Head to the Colony 4 Barracks
The Soul Trees for Ouroboros will also be unlocked.

2. Obtain Rare Materials from Fabricators

XC3 - Fabricator

You will find your first Fabricator after completing The Hillside Hulk. These machines can provide you with rare materials in exchange for Gold. Be sure to use these whenever you have money to spare!

Recharge the Ferronis Hulk with ether first

XC3 - ether channel

To use a Fabricator, you must recharge its Ferronis Hulk with ether first. Ether can be extracted from Ether Channels using an ether cylinder.

2. Meet Shillshill the Nopon Trader

XC3 - Shillshill

After The Hillside Hulk, you will also meet Shillshill who will automatically convert sell-only items to Gold as you pick them up in the field. This will save you the trouble of selling each item yourself.

4. Unlock the Change Class Feature

XC3 - Changing classes

Class changing will be possible in Chapter 2. Although you will only have a few choices at the start, it is recommended to change classes upon reaching max rank on your current class to acquire Master Arts and Master Skills from other classes.

All Classes and Roles

9. Always Have a Cooking Effect Active

XC3 - Cooking at Rest Points

You will be able to cook at Rest Spots during Riku and Manana. Each food gives various buffs that affects battle rewards. Be sure to always have one of these effects active to make farming a lot easier!

How to Cook Food | Recipe List and All Dishes

Side Quests

The following Standard Quests and Hero Quests are available from this chapter.

Chapter 2 Standard Quests

There are no known available side quests for this area yet.

List of All Standard Quests

Chapter 2 Hero Quests

There are no known available side quests for this area yet.

List of All Hero Quests

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