Xenoblade Chronicles 3

List of Main Characters and Protagonists

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Main Characters

There are six main characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 who are all playable and make up your main party members in the game. Read on to see a list of all main characters, their classes, nations, and voice actors, as well as how to switch characters.

List of Main Characters

There are a total of six playable main characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 that you can control as a member of your party. However, Noah and Mio are the main protagonists of the game.

List of Main Characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Noah Mio Lanz
Eunie Taion Sena


Character Starting Class
Voice Actors
Eng: Harry McEntire
JP: Ryôhei Arai

Noah is one of the protagonists of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and a solider of Keves. He is also an “off-seer” who mourns for soldiers who’ve lost their lives on the battlefield. He is an Attacker with balanced abilities, who specializes in fighting Bosses.

Noah Profile, Best Arts, Skill Trees, and Usage Guide


Character Starting Class
Voice Actors
Eng: Aimee-Ffion Edwards
JP: Minami Tsuda

The other protagonist of this story, Mio, is a soldier of Agnus and an off-seer like Noah. She is a specialist in evasion, which allows her to unleash powerful counters while dodging enemy attacks.

Mio Profile, Best Arts, Skill Trees, and Usage Guide


Character Starting Class
Voice Actors
Eng: Jack Bardoe
JP: Kosuke Tanabe

Lanz is an ally of Noah’s who wields a great sword that doubles as a shield. He uses his giant weapon to draw in enemy attacks and protect his allies.

Lanz Profile, Best Arts, Skill Trees, and Usage Guide


Character Starting Class
Voice Actors
Eng: Kitty Archer
JP: Megumi Han

Eunie is a childhood friend of Noah and Lanz who has a sharp tongue and rough personality. She specializes in setting up support fields that heal and strengthen her allies in battle.

Eunie Profile, Best Arts, Skill Trees, and Usage Guide


Character Starting Class
Voice Actors
Eng: Oliver Huband
JP: Ryohei Kimura

Taion is a tactician who fights alongside Mio using his smarts and insight. He is known for supporting his allies by putting enemies to sleep or nullifying their damage.

Taion Profile, Best Arts, Skill Trees, and Usage Guide


Character Starting Class
Voice Actors
Eng: Rebecca LaChance
JP: Miyuki Satô

Sena is an ally of Mio and Taion. Despite her petite figure, Sena wields immense physical strength! She is an Attacker who specializes in powerful, single blows, using her giant hammer to crush her enemies easily.

Sena Profile, Best Arts, Skill Trees, and Usage Guide

How to Switch Characters

Press L or R to Switch Character Control

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Switching Characters

You can switch which character you control at any time while in battle or exploring the world. While exploring, press L or R to switch between different characters. In battle, you'll need to press ZR to open the Tactics menu then press L or R to switch which character you control on the field.

You Cannot Change Your Main Party

Xenoblade Chronicles Cannot Change Party

Because these six are the main characters of the game, they cannot be swapped out or changed with any other character or hero at any point in the game. They will always stay in your party.

You can however customize each of your party members so they can occupy different roles on the battlefield.

How to Customize Your Character

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides

Xenobalde Chronicles 3 - List of All Playable and Recruitable Characters

List of All Playable and Recruitable Characters

Main Characters

Main Characters
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List of Main Characters

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List of Recruitable Heroes


1 Amelia over 2 years

Noah is hot af


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