Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Unlock Alexandria and Ascension Quest Conditions

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Alexandria
Alexandria is a recruitable hero in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn more about Alexandria's stats, Arts, skills, and chain attack bonuses as well as how to unlock Alexandria's Hero Quest and Ascension Quest!

How to Unlock Alexandria

Complete Her Reasons Hero Quest

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Unlock Alexandria

To unlock Alexandria as a Hero, you first need to complete her Hero Quest: Her Reasons. To accept this quest, you must battle her Dies Arch, then fight her different colony members scattered across the map.

Alexandria's Hero Quest: Her Reasons Walkthrough

Alexandria Profile and Voice Actor

Class Role
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Incursor IconIncursor Attacker ImageAttacker
Tier Rank Nation
S Rank Icon Agnus
Voice Actors
ENG: Sharlit Deyzac JP: Ami Koshimizu
Alexandria is an Attacker and Incurser and uses a sword as her weapon. She can easily land critical hits using her arts and deal massive damage against enemies.

Alexandria Hero Rating

Attack Defense Healing Support

Alexandria Strengths and Weaknesses


Alexandria is a great Hero to use for her Chain Attack effect which boosts Critical Hit chances. She is best used in tandem with other high Critical Rate classes like Stalker or Flash Fencer

Her high Attack and Critical Rate stats make her an excellent heavy hitter for the team.


Alexandria, like many Attackers, has weak defenses which makes her extremely fragile on the battlefield. Her attacks are also typically close-range, meaning that she will very often be up close with the enemy.

Alexandria Ascension Quest Unlock Conditions

Inescapable Past

After recruiting Alexandria, they and their class will be capped at Rank 10. To break the class limit and rank them up to Rank 20, you must first complete their Ascension Quest: Inescapable Past.

Inescapable Past Walkthrough

Alexandria Best Arts

Best Combat Arts

Art Attack Type AoE Base Effect
Reversal EdgeReversal Edge Physical Attack One Target Boosts Critical Rate against enemies performing Arts by 50%.
SidewinderSidewinder Physical Attack Frontward AOE Increases Critical Rate by 50% when from back.
Luminous IllusionLuminous Illusion Physical Attack One Target Grants a high Critical Rate; also evades enemy attacks while Art is active.

The best arts for Alexandria increase her Critical Hit chance or damage since this will be how she mainly deals massive damage to enemies. Etched Deep is also an excellent Art if you want to use her to execute combos.

Alexandria Arts And Skills

Arts List

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
Reversal EdgeReversal Edge Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 110%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 3
Effect Boosts Critical Rate against enemies performing Arts by 50%.
SidewinderSidewinder Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 180%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 7
Effect Increases Critical Rate by 50% when from back.
Etched DeepEtched Deep Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 500%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 3
Effect Inflicts Break on enemy when attacking from side.
Luminous IllusionLuminous Illusion Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 325%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 7
Effect Grants a high Critical Rate; also evades enemy attacks while Art is active.
Mirage DivideMirage Divide Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 235%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 5
Effect Boosts damage against enemies performing Arts by 70%.

Talent Art

Base Art Information
Supreme SwordSupreme Sword Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 500%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 3
Effect Boosts damage dealt when attacking launched enemies by 100%.

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

Skills List

Skill Base Effect
Adriot BladeAdriot Blade Boosts damage dealt by 4% when landing a critical hit (up to a maximum of 150%).
Floating KillFloating Kill Boosts Critical Rate by 60% when attacking a launched enemy.
VigilanceVigilance Boosts Critial Rate of auto-attacks by 50%.
Eye for Weak PointsEye for Weak Points Each successful attack boosts Critical Rate by 1% of inital value (up to a maximum of 100%).

List of All Skills

Alexandria Default Equipment

Default Accessories

Slot Accessory Effect
1 Ice HeadbandIce Headband Boosts Critical Rate by 20%.
2 Vibrant ArmringVibrant Armring Boosts damage dealt by 10% when HP is at 90% or higher.
3 Thermo HeadgearThermo Headgear Increases Critical Rate by 15 percentage points.

List of Accessories

Default Gems

Slot Gem Effect
1 Steady Striker ISteady Striker Shortens auto-attack interval.
2 Steelcleaver ISteelcleaver Increases Attack.
3 Analyze Weakness IAnalyze Weakness Increases critical hit damage bonus.

All Gems and Their Effects

Alexandria Chain Attack Effects

Whistling Blades
Initial TP 30
Completion Bonus During Chain Attack, increase Critical Rate by 25 percentage points.
Heroic Chain Multiplies TP by 125% when first in line to attack, and makes all attacks critical.

Chain Attack Guide

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1 Anonymousover 2 years

Alexandria ability to combo chain attacks is ridiculous and she is easily the most broken character in the game.


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