Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Unlock Isurd and Ascension Quest Conditions

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Isurd
Isurd is a recruitable hero in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn more about Isurd's stats, Arts, skills, and chain attack bonuses as well as how to unlock Isurd's Hero Quest and Ascension Quest!

How to Unlock Isurd

Complete Hero Quest Unwavering Resolve

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Unlock Isurd

To unlock Isurd as a Hero, you first need to complete Isurd's Hero Quest: Unwavering Resolve. This quest can be accepted by talking to Isurd in his office after completing Chapter 3 of the game.

Isurd's Hero Quest: Unwavering Resolve Walkthrough

Isurd Profile and Voice Actor

Class Role
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Strategos IconStrategos Healer ImageHealer
Tier Rank Nation
A Rank Icon Agnus
Voice Actors
ENG: Iam Boullion JP: Tomoaki Maeno
Isurd is a seasoned tactician and commander of the Agnus’ Colony Lambda in. Once a former mentor to Taion, taking him under his wing to train him up as a tactician, Isurd now greets his former ally as an enemy.

Isurd Hero Rating

Attack Defense Healing Support

Isurd Strengths and Weaknesses


Isurd's Healing Power stats is one of the highest among the heroes, making him an incredibly effective Healer. He also possesses many amazing Healing Arts that can cast regenerative field effects or heal allies when they are hit.


Due to his high investment in Attack and Healing Power, Isurd has meager defenses compared to other heroes, so he can easily be taken down if not properly defended by other teammates.

Isurd Ascension Quest Unlock Conditions

Effervescent Heart

After recruiting Isurd, they and their class will be capped at Rank 10. To break the class limit and rank them up to Rank 20, you must first complete their Ascension Quest: Effervescent Heart.

Effervescent Heart Walkthrough

Isurd Best Arts

Best Combat Arts

Art Attack Type AoE Base Effect
GyreflowGyreflow Set Field AOE around User Field range of effect - medium
Mirror TrapMirror Trap Buff AOE around User None
MoonshadowMoonshadow Ether Attack One Target None

Isurd has arguably some of the best Arts for any Healer in the game. Gyreflow is the most recommended among these Arts since it casts a regenerative field, which comes in handy during many battle.

Isurd Arts And Skills

Arts List

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
GyreflowGyreflow Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Regenerate Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 5
Effect Field range of effect - medium
Razor WindRazor Wind Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 325%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect Heals nearby allies when Art hits, to max of 100% of Healing Power.
No Love LostNo Love Lost Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 190%
Buff/ Debuff Phys. Def. Down Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect None
Mirror TrapMirror Trap Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Counter Heal Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect None
MoonshadowMoonshadow Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 130%
Buff/ Debuff Bind Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 9
Effect None

Talent Art

Base Art Information
SoulfireSoulfire Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 500%
Buff/ Debuff Attack Down Reaction None
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 4
Effect Heals all allies when Art hits, to a maximum of 150% of Healing Power.

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

Skills List

Skill Base Effect
Prowess GambitProwess Gambit Buffing an ally boosts damage dealt by 20% (up to a maximum of 200%).
Sapping GambitSapping Gambit Extends duration timers of debuffs applied to enemies by 30%.
Strengthening GambitStrengthening Gambit Extends duration of buff effects issued by 30%.
Preemption GambitPreemption Gambit 60% chance to grant all allies Attack Up on a preemptive attack.

List of All Skills

Isurd Default Equipment

Default Accessories

Slot Accessory Effect
1 Circlet of IntellectCirclet of Intellect Boosts Healing by 20%.
2 Chipped Black BroochChipped Black Brooch Ignores 15% of enemy's ether defense when landing a hit.
3 Lustrous ArmringLustrous Armring Boosts damage dealt by 30% when HP is at 90% or higher.

List of Accessories

Default Gems

Slot Gem Effect
1 Steady Striker ISteady Striker Shortens auto-attack interval.
2 Swelling Scourge ISwelling Scourge Boosts power of debuffs applied to enemies.
3 Swelling Blessing ISwelling Blessing Boosts power of buff effects issued by self.

All Gems and Their Effects

Isurd Chain Attack Effects

War of Attrition
Initial TP 40
Completion Bonus Reduces enemy physical and ether defense by 15% during Chain Attack.
Heroic Chain Guarantees a "Bravo" rating when Hero completes and order.

Chain Attack Guide

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