Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Levialord Empireo Boss Guide

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - How to Beat Levialord Empireo

Levialord Empireo is one of the Superbosses in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Check out where to find Levialord Empireo, how to beat it, and the best party setup against this boss!

Levialord Empireo Superboss Information


Levialord Empireo Lv. 110
Xenoblade 3 - Levialord Empireo
Region Cadensia Region
Location The Aegis Sea
Type Ravoon (Aquatic Life)


Levialord Empireo can be found swimming around the Aegis Sea in the southeast corner of the Cadensia Region. From the Hargan Point Camp (where you encounter Triton and Colony 15), simply take your boat and head southeast until you arrive at a cluster of rocks blocking your way into a large water arena. Swim inside to find Levialord Empireo waiting for you.

How to Beat Levialord Empireo

Levialord Empireo Boss Guide

Raise Flash Fencer to Rank 20

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Raise Flash Fencer to Rank 20

In order to blitz through this boss fight, you will need to ascend Ethel and raise Flash Fencer to Rank 20. This is needed in order to max out the skill Capabale Hands which grants you a 100% Talent Art gauge at the start of every battle.

This skill is important for this superboss battle guide as it will allow you to defeat Levialord Empireo using only one cycle of Unlimited Sword when used correctly.

Ethel Ascension Quest Conditions

Begin the Fight by Using Unlimited Sword

The key to this fight is dealing as much damage as you can before your unique Talent Art expires. Make sure to pop Unlimited Sword once the fight starts and start building up your Chain Attack gauge using your powerful Lucky Seven Arts.

To easily beat Levialord Empireo, make sure to use Final Lucky Seven at least twice before you enter the Chain Attack. Ideally you will want to already be at Interlink Level 3 with 10+ seconds left on Unlimited Sword when you start your Chain Attack.

Note: Make sure to skip using the Night Breaker + Dimension Ripper fusion combo since its effects are easily resisted by the superboss and it has a long animation before dealing damage.

Make Sure You Have Harmonic Wave Unlocked

Harmonic WaveHarmonic Wave AOE / Pierce / Wounded ↑
Unlocked during the later events of Chapter 7.

In order to achieve Interlink Level 3 before the timer of Unlimited Sword runs out, make sure to have unlocked the partner Combat Art of Tachyon Slash called Harmonic Wave. Fuse both throughout the fight to not only build up Interlink levels, but also to charge your Talent Art, Final Lucky Seven.

Build Up Attacker TP and Deal Damage During the Chain Attack

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Chain Attack Order for Boss Battle

During the Chain Attack, focus on building up the TP of Noah and Melia. Pick an Attacker Order (Noah's, Sena's, Melia's) and follow the chart above to quickly build up TP and reach (at least) a Bravo rating for your first Chain Order.

Note: The goal of your first Chain Attack is to end with an Ouroboros Chain Attack for maximum damage. Do not try to max out the number of Chain Orders you can do as you will be playing with 3 Healers and Melia - all of whom can end the Chain Attack prematurely.

Use Noah's Interlink Level 3 to Deal Critical Damage

Recommended Ouroboros Arts
Rolling Smash:
・Deals very high damage.
・Very short attack animation allowing for more Art usage.
・Easy to attack cancel into an attack or Art.
Unison Strike:
・Deals multiple instances of damage.
・Grants you a High Crit. Rate during the combo.
・Does not move the Ouroboros' position when attacking.

Once the Chain Attack ends and before Unlimited Sword expires, pop Noah's Ouroboros form by hitting the Left D-Pad button. At Interlink level 3, you should be dealing the maximum amount of damage using your Ouroboros Arts.

Additionally, since you're still in the Unlimited Sword form, your original Ouroboros Talent Art (Mega-Spinning Edge) will be replaced by Origin Blade which you can use to deal a massive amount of damage to the superboss.

Finish the Fight with a Chain Attack

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Finish with a Second Chain Attack

If Levialord Empireo is still left with 10~15% of HP after you use your Ouroboros form, it can easily be finished off by charging up the Chain Attack gauge and performing a final Chain Attack sequence.

Attack cancel your Arts to quickly charge the gauge and make sure to follow the original Chain Attack opening in order to have a Bravo or Amazing rating for your first Chain Order.

Best Party Setup Against Levialord Empireo

Recommended Leader Setup

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Flash Fencer IconFlash Fencer
Master Arts Class Arts
Violent Flurry Violent Flurry
Aerial Slash Aerial Slash
Night Hunt Night Hunt
Cross Impact Cross Impact
Null Slash Null Slash
Hidden Thorn Hidden Thorn
Master Skills Gems

Equip Unlimited Sword and Ignore Regular Arts

Most if not all your damage will come from either Unlimited Sword, Chain Attacks, or your Ouroboros form. This means that you will not really need to use any of the normal Arts for the Flash Fencer as long as you use up the entirety of Unlimited Sword's duration.

The only thing to keep in mind is that you have to equip Unlimited Sword to Noah's Talent Art slot before the battle. Otherwise, you'll be left with the regular Flash Fencer Talent Art which is next to useless in this superboss battle.

Equip Rolling Smash & Unison Strike as Interlink Arts

Since one of the best ways to deal damage is via Noah's Ouroboros form, make sure to equip both Rolling Smash and Unison Strike before the battle (your third can be Phantom Slash since it also has a quick animation).

Make sure not to equip Bounding End or Glorious Wing. The former has your Ouroboros backstep during the animation, usually placing you outside of melee range and wasting precious Interlink time. The latter has a long animation while dealing no damage - opposite of what you want to do as the main DPS.

Recommended Party Members

Member/Class Role
・At Rank 20, the Abundant Oceans skill will give your party a whopping 15% damage reduction buff.
・Healing skills that activate on hit are very useful for the fight given how many AOE attacks will hit the entire party.
・Rank 20 Group Heal on Eunie heals almost everyone to full HP in a single use.
・Skills and items can be specialized to focus on healing and ally revival (in case of wipes).
・Has high TP and damage during Chain Attacks. Can also enable easy reactivations by being a Defender.
・Draws aggro really well as primary Defender.
・Takes advantage of Lanz's durability, often entering the fight with close to 13,000 HP as secondary Defender.
・Can draw aggro if Taion is knocked out or if he goes into Ouroboros form.
・Can keep a constant stream of party buffs up especially when paired with the Art buffs of Noah's Unlimited Sword.
・Low skill cooldowns at Rank 20 means buffs are applied faster and last longer.
・Amazing secondary source of damage since her skills hit hard during Chain Attacks.
・Heroic Chain guarantees an Amazing rating during your final Ouroboros Chain Order.

Do Not Equip Break or Burst Arts

Levialord Empireo is highly resistant to Break as even Interlink Level 3 Break Arts have no effect throughout the entire fight. Swap out any combo Arts you may have in your party for either heals, buffs, defense-piercing attacks, or aggro generating Arts as these have more utility during the fight.

Equip One Healer and Defender with Brute Memory if Available

Brute MemoryBrute Memory
100% chance to survive a KO with 1HP and five seconds of invincibility (once per battle, does not stack.)

If you are tackling Levialord Empireo with a party below level 99, make sure you have at least 2 Brute Memory accessories in your party. One should be given to a Healer and the other to a Defender in order to avoid wipes (especially when the superboss enters its enraged mode).

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