Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Royal Summoner Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Royal Summoner is a type of Attacker class in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and is the default class of Melia. Read on to learn more about the class, including its best arts, skills, characters, accessories, and gems, as well as find out how to unlock the class.

Royal Summoner Class Overview

Royal Summoner Basic Information

Class Role Default Character
Royal SummonerRoyal Summoner Attacker ImageAttacker MeliaMelia
Attack Defense Health Support
A fearsome Attacker combining dynamic elemental attacks with reliable support.

Character Class Rating

Noah Mio Eunie
Taion Lanz Sena

Class Rating is the speed at which each character ranks up an individual class, so the lower their Class Rating, the slower it takes for them to rank up the class.

How to Unlock Royal Summoner

Recruit Melia during the Post Game

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Unlock Melia

After completing the main story, return to Castle, 1st Floor in the Keves Castle Region and head north for a quest related event. Melia will join your party and unlock the Royal Summoner class.

How to Recruit Melia and Hero Rating

Best Royal Summoner Characters

Recommended Characters
NoahNoah TaionTaion

Noah benefits from greatly from channging to a Royal Summoner, due to his initial class being an Attacker type as well as being the Class Inheritor. Although Taion's intial class type is Healer, this allows him to use the royal Summoner's Ether-based attacks to great effect.

Best Royal Summoner Arts

Recommended Combat Arts

Art Attack Type AoE Base Effect
StarfallStarfall Ether Attack One Target None
Elemental DischargeElemental Discharge Ether Attack One Target Boosts elemental damage by 50%.
Summon ElementSummon Element Ether Attack AOE around User None

Using Summon Element and Elemental Discharge in tandem will be the main means for dealing damage with the Royal Summoner, increasing your overall attack as the battle progresses by summoning and discharging Elements. The high damage output from Starfall is further enhanced by its ability to Topple enemies.

Recommended Master Arts

Rank 1 and 10 Master Arts

Art Base Effect Class Rank
OverfallOverfall Ether Def. Down
Rank 10
Maximum VoltageMaximum Voltage Unblockable / Atk. Up
Rank 10
Glitter StreamGlitter Stream Side Break
Rank 10

Glitter Stream adds Break to the list of debuffs that a Royal summoner can inflict, while Maximum Voltage makes it harder for enemies to avoid taking high damage. As many of the Royal Summoner's Arts are Ether-based, lowering the Ether Defense of enemies with Overfall is very helpful to have.

Rank 20 Master Arts

Element Genesis is the best Talent Art for the class and we do not recommend replacing it with a different Talent Art.

Best Master Skills for Royal Summoner Builds

Rank 5 Master Skills

Skill Effect Class Rank
Cypher EdgeCypher Edge Boosts Critical Rate by 10%.
Rank 5
Ethereal AbilityEthereal Ability Boosts damage dealt by ether Arts by 30%.
Rank 5
Now ThatNow That's Tactics! At start of Chain Attack, increase TP by 5.
Rank 5

Ethereal Ability is particularly useful due to the Royal Summoner having mostly Ether-type attacks. Since Royal Summoners have decent Critical Rate, increasing it further with Cypher Edge can increase their damage output.

Now That's Tactics! makes them more effective during Chain Attacks, and increases the boost they receive when attacking first in a chain.

Rank 15 Master Skills

Skill Effect Class Rank
Covert AttackCovert Attack Reduces aggro generated from attacks by 20%.
Rank 15
Dynamite SpiritDynamite Spirit Boosts damage dealt by 20% when HP is at 90% or higher.
Rank 15

Once you have access to a few Rank 15 Master Arts, it is best to replace some of those above with Covert Attack and Dynamite Spirit to reduce aggro and boost your damage.

Best Accessories for Royal Summoner Builds

Master Arts are charged before battle Reduced aggro when auto-atacking Increased Attack
Wind BraceletWind Bracelet Gold NecklaceGold Necklace Silver BeltSilver Belt

Since a Royal Summoner's effectiveness requires time, equipping items that allow you to use your Master Arts as soon as possible is very helpful. Aggro reduction from auto-attacks allows you to summon and discharge Elements without pressure from enemies.

List of Accessories

Best Gems for Royal Summoner Builds

Redcued aggro when using Arts Increases Dexterity Increases Attack
Disperse Bloodlust IDisperse Bloodlust Accurate Grace IAccurate Grace Steelcleaver ISteelcleaver

Reducing aggro when using arts is important for staying healthy when using Arts, while increased Dexterity and Attack will make their attacks more powerful and accurate.

All Gems and Their Effects

List of Royal Summoner Arts

Talent Arts

Base Art Information
Element GenesisElement Genesis Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 750%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 4
Effect Boosts damage by discharging all elementals on Art execution.

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
Power EffectPower Effect Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 50s
Effect Boosts damage dealt by 80% and damage taken by 40%.
StarfallStarfall Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 300%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Topple
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 30s
Effect None
Shadow StitchShadow Stitch Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 200%
Buff/ Debuff Bind Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 35s
Effect Inflicts Bind when Art hits enemy rear.
Elemental DischargeElemental Discharge Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 200%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 16s
Effect Boosts elemental damage by 50%.
Summon ElementSummon Element Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 120%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 30s
Effect None

Master Arts

Art Rank Mastered
Summon ElementSummon Element 1
Elemental DischargeElemental Discharge 10

Hero-Exclusive Arts

Base Art Information
Starlight KickStarlight Kick Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 360%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Topple
Recharge Type Time Recharge Recharge Gauge 26s
Effect None

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

List of Royal Summoner Skills

Class Skills

Skill Base Effect
Here Shall I StandHere Shall I Stand Boosts Element Damage by 60% and Element buffs by 30%.
Fortified Ether GuardFortified Ether Guard Boosts Ether Defense by 10%.
Essence of EtherEssence of Ether Boosts allies attack by 20%, and lowers enemy Guard Rate by 5%. (The effect cannot be stacked)
Elemental BoostElemental Boost Damage dealt when unleashing Elements is increased by 20%. (Maximum is 400%)

Master Skills

Skill Rank Mastered
Essence of EtherEssence of Ether 5
Fortified Ether GuardFortified Ether Guard 15

List of All Skills

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1 Anonymousover 2 years

Fortified Ether Guard and Essence of Ether are mixed up here, Essence of Ether is the level 15 Master Skill, Fortified Ether Guard is the level 5 Master Skill.


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