Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Lost Vanguard Class Guide: Best Arts and Skills

Lost Vanguard is a type of Defender class in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and is the default class of Monica. Read on to learn more about the class, including its best arts, skills, characters, accessories, and gems, as well as find out how to unlock the class.

Lost Vanguard Class Overview

Lost Vanguard Basic Information

Class Role Default Character
Lost VanguardLost Vanguard Defender ImageDefender MonicaMonica
Attack Defense Health Support
A stout Defender, guarding allies all around with shield and Arts, while crushing foes with a mace.

Character Class Rating

Noah Mio Eunie
Taion Lanz Sena

Class Rating is the speed at which each character ranks up an individual class, so the lower their Class Rating, the slower it takes for them to rank up the class.

How to Unlock Lost Vanguard

Recruit Monica by Completing Their Hero Quest

Lost Vanguard is the default class of Monica, a hero in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To unlock this class and equip it to your main characters, you must first complete their Hero Quest: Vandham's Heir.

Vandham's Heir Walkthrough

Complete Promise to the Future to Unlock Rank 20

After you unlock this class, it will have a rank cap of 10, so you are unable to upgrade its Arts and skills further than that rank. To break the rank cap and extend the limit up to Rank 20, you must first complete the quest Promise to the Future.

Promise to the Future Walkthrough

Best Lost Vanguard Characters

Recommended Characters
LanzLanz SenaSena

The best character for Lost Vanguards are extremely bulky tank characters that can withstand plenty of hits. High defense and HP characters like Lanz and Sena make amazing Lost Vanguards.

Best Lost Vanguard Arts

Recommended Combat Arts

Art Attack Type AoE Base Effect
ShockwaveShockwave Physical Attack One Target Enemies performing Arts will be knocked back.
Taunt PulseTaunt Pulse Stance Self Deals continuous damage to enemies in a fixed radius and draws in more aggro.
Mighty BeatMighty Beat Physical Attack Frontward AOE Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.

Aggro-increasing Arts that also deal damage are best for Lost Vanguard builds since they draw enemies to them while also whittling down their health. Taunt Pulse is especially great at performing this task and is highly recommended.

Recommended Master Arts

Rank 1 and 10 Master Arts

Art Base Effect Class Rank
Crash OutCrash Out AOE / High Aggro
Rank 1
Solid StanceSolid Stance Def. Up / Atk. Down
Rank 10
Gale SlashGale Slash AOE / Aggroed ↑
Rank 1

Like in Combat Arts, Aggro-increasing Arts are best for the Lost Vanguard class since damage does not matter much for the class. Solid Stance is also highly recommended since the decreased Attack barely effects them.

Rank 20 Master Arts

Art Base Effect Class Rank
Blossom DanceBlossom Dance High aggro / Pierce
Rank 20

The Talent Art of Lost Vanguard only really works well when attacking Machine enemies. When attacking other enemy types, an aggro-increasing Art like Blossom Dance is much more ideal for Lost Vanguard builds.

Best Master Skills for Lost Vanguard Builds

Rank 5 Master Skills

Skill Effect Class Rank
Defensive SoulDefensive Soul Boosts Physical Defense by 10%.
Rank 5
ProtectorProtector's Pride Boost recharge speed by 30% when non-Defenders are targeted.
Rank 5
Natural SelectionNatural Selection Reduced damage taken by 20% when HP is at 30% or lower.
Rank 5

Lost Vanguards will constantly be battered by attacks from enemies, so Master Skills that help them last longer on the battlefield are ideal. Defensive Soul is the best skill of the buch, but is not as necessary since the class already has incredible Physical Defenses.

Rank 15 Master Skills

Skill Effect Class Rank
Tenacious BlockerTenacious Blocker Boosts Block Rate by 30% when HP is at 30% or lower.
Rank 15
Mind for GuardingMind for Guarding Increase damage reduction rate when blocking by 10 percentage points.
Rank 15
Fortified Ether GuardFortified Ether Guard Boosts Ether Defense by 10%.
Rank 15

When they become available, it is best to replace most if not all your Master Skills with the Rank 15 Master Skills listed above. Fortified Ether Guard specifically is the most recommended Master Skill since the class has lower Ether Defense than other Defenders, but it is only available in the Post Game.

Best Accessories for Lost Vanguard Builds

Increased Maximum HP Increased Block Rate Boosts aggro from Auto-Attacks
Iron Temple GuardIron Temple Guard Heavy Weak GuardHeavy Weak Guard Lazure VambracesLazure Vambraces

Accessories that are fit for Defender classes are ideal for Lost Vanguard builds, especially those that increase their HP and Block Rate as these are especially important for the class.

List of Accessories

Best Gems for Lost Vanguard Builds

Increased Maximum HP Boosted aggro from Arts Deals damage when Damage is Taken
Ironclad IIronclad Brimming Spirit IBrimming Spirit Ultimate Counter IUltimate Counter

The most vital stat for Lost Vanguards is their HP, so increasing this stat with Gems is ideal. Ultimate Counter is another highly recommended Gem due to how many hits the class can withstand.

All Gems and Their Effects

List of Lost Vanguard Arts

Talent Arts

Base Art Information
Thunder SteelThunder Steel Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 500%
Buff/ Debuff Bind Reaction None
Recharge Type Role Action Recharge Recharge Gauge 3
Effect Boosts damage dealt to Machines by 70%.

Combat Arts

Base Art Information
ShockwaveShockwave Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 180%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Knockback
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 7
Effect Enemies performing Arts will be knocked back.
Taunt PulseTaunt Pulse Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 12
Effect Deals continuous damage to enemies in a fixed radius and draws in more aggro.
Mighty BeatMighty Beat Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 165%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Smash
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 4
Effect Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 50%.
Shield WallShield Wall Area of Effect Self Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Ether Anchor Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect While performing guard Arts, periodically recover 3% of HP.
Electro FieldElectro Field Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Armor Veil Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect Field range of effect - small

Master Arts

Art Rank Mastered
Shield WallShield Wall 1
Mighty BeatMighty Beat 10
Thunder SteelThunder Steel 20

Hero-Exclusive Arts

Base Art Information
Geo BreakerGeo Breaker Area of Effect Frontward AOE Power Multiplier 195%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Smash
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 3
Effect Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 70%.
Bolt FlingerBolt Flinger Area of Effect AOE around User Power Multiplier 0%
Buff/ Debuff Armor Veil Reaction None
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 8
Effect Field range of effect - medium
Lightning StrikeLightning Strike Area of Effect One Target Power Multiplier 325%
Buff/ Debuff - Reaction Blowdown
Recharge Type Auto-Attack Recharge Recharge Gauge 7
Effect Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 70%.

Arts Guide: List of All Arts and Effects

List of Lost Vanguard Skills

Class Skills

Skill Base Effect
Com anCom an' Get Me! When blocking, deals 100% of Attack damage to enemy drawing aggro.
Now ThatNow That's Tactics! At start of Chain Attack, increase TP by 5.
Never Again!Never Again! Grants 10% chance to absorb attack dealt to allies within range.
Stay Right ThereStay Right There When taking damage, 10% chance to inflict Knockback on assailant.

Master Skills

Skill Rank Mastered
Now ThatNow That's Tactics! 5
Com anCom an' Get Me! 15

List of All Skills

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1 Anonymousover 2 years

Don’t put attack decreasing stances on tanks. Strong attacks draw aggro better then using a low power draw aggro effect. And hp is never a concern, focus on increasing block rates, increasing received healing and agility.


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