Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Cook Food | Recipe List and All Dishes

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Food Recipes and Dishes

Food and Dishes are items in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 that give additional meal effects for a limited amount of time. Read on to learn how to cook food at Rest Spots or buy them in colonies, as well as see a list of all food in the game with their recipes, effects, and durations.

List of Food Recipes and Dishes

Food Meal Effects Duration
Brisky-Breezy ToastieBrisky-Breezy Toastie ・15% Enemy Drop Boost
・15% Collectible Boost
49 minutes
Cerise-Caprice Acqua PazzaCerise-Caprice Acqua Pazza ・20% EXP Boost
・10% Enemy Drop Boost
49 minutes
Creamy-Dreamy Fish PieCreamy-Dreamy Fish Pie ・20% Enemy Drop Boost
・45% Collectible Boost
54 minutes
Crumblecrunch Block BarCrumblecrunch Block Bar ・35% Enemy Drop Boost
・35% Collectible Boost
60 minutes
Feisty-Spicy ZestbeansFeisty-Spicy Zestbeans ・15% CP Boost
・5% Collectible Boost
49 minutes
Full-Filling CrispygrillFull-Filling Crispygrill ・25% Enemy Gold Boost
・15% Collectible Boost
49 minutes
Highly-Piley OceanHighly-Piley Ocean's Bounty ・30% CP Boost
・10% Enemy Drop Boost
60 minutes
Kerfluffled Torpedo WrapKerfluffled Torpedo Wrap ・5% EXP Boost
・5% CP Boost
49 minutes
Manana DoodlenoodlesManana Doodlenoodles ・35% EXP Boost
・35% CP Boost
20 minutes
MananaManana's Battle Soup ・5% EXP Boost
・5% CP Boost
49 minutes
MananaManana's Battle Soup DX ・15% EXP Boost
・10% CP Boost
・15% Enemy Drop Boost
54 minutes
Mild Sizzle-Fizzle StewMild Sizzle-Fizzle Stew ・20% CP Boost
・10% Collectible Boost
49 minutes
MiyabiMiyabi's Rice Special ・15% CP Boost
・15% Enemy Gold Boost
・15% Enemy Drop Boost
60 minutes
Monicurry SpecialMonicurry Special ・25% EXP Boost
・25% Enemy Gold Boost
・20% Enemy Drop Boost
47 minutes
Shiny-Briny Lobster BoilShiny-Briny Lobster Boil ・30% Enemy Gold Boost
・25% Enemy Drop Boost
・10% Collectible Boost
60 minutes
Squishy-Fishy GrillwrapSquishy-Fishy Grillwrap ・15% EXP Boost
・5% Collectible Boost
60 minutes
Stringy-Wingy Veggie LeclatiStringy-Wingy Veggie Leclati ・5% EXP Boost
・15% Enemy Gold Boost
49 minutes
Well-Dressed Maktha SaladWell-Dressed Maktha Salad ・10% Enemy Gold Boost
・20% Enemy Drop Boost
49 minutes

How to Cook and Get Food

Cook Food at Rest Spots

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Cook Food at Rest Spot

Manana can cook many dishes at rest spots found around the world. Dishes can be crafted either with different ingredients found while exploring the world or with coins.

Nopon Coins are a quick and easy way to cook food and craft other items if you lack the ingredients to make them.

What Are Rest Spots?

Purchase Food in Colonies

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Order Food in Colonies

In addition to crafting dishes at Rest Spots, you can also purchase already cooked food items inside colonies with Gold. This is a quick and easy way to give buffs to your characters while on the move.

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5 Anonymousover 2 years

Saucy-Glossy Gem Lobster duration is 93m and the Whole Wild Lobster duration is 51m

4 Anonymousover 2 years

Crumblecrunch Block Bar, effect Drop an Collectible boost 35%, Ingredients, Noise Bite 3, Skyclam 2, Fluffy Cloud Ear 3, Knockout Wasabi 1, Egg Seed 2. Duration 76m Obtained after Getting Colony 0 set up in Li Garte Prison Camp and eat the Nutritious Block Bare for 1500g, effect Drop Boost 40% Duration 59m


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