Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Raise Rank: CP Farming Guide

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - CP Farming Guide

CP or Class Points are needed to master the different classes in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn how to raise your class rank fast, as well as some useful tips to make farming CP easier.

XC3 Farming Guides
Affinity Nopon Coins Gold

How to Farm CP Fast

Perform Chain Attack Overkills

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Overkill

Performing a Chain Attack Overkill is one of the best ways to get a lot of CP in a single battle. Players can use this mechanic when fighting Elite or Unique Monsters in order to maxmimize the amount of CP they gain in a single battle.

With CP rewards scaling based on how much damage you deal after Overkill is triggered, this method rewards players that know their way around the Chain Attack gameplay mechanic.

How to Perform Chain Attacks

How to Earn CP Using the Overkill Method

1 Make sure to set Overkill to On before starting. Press + and go to System > Game and make the change if needed.
2 Head to an area that has enemies with the same (or higher) level as your party.
Note: If you have the game set to Easy, look for an area where the monsters are 5+ levels higher than your party, instead.
3 Find an Elite Monster (HP bar marked by blue wings) within this area.
4 Engage the Elite Monster in combat. Make sure to charge your Chain Attack gauge by performing the following actions during combat:
・Cancel Attacks to Arts
・Perform Combos
・Perform Role Actions
5 When the Chain Attack gauge is full, wait until the Elite Monster is at 20% HP or less. Once it drops below the threshold hit + to start the Chain Attack and trigger the Overkill mechanic.
6 After killing the monster, save and quit out. Re-enter the game to respawn the monsters in the area before repeating steps 4 and 5 to farm CP.
7 When you start outleveling the Elite Monster by 3-5 levels, switch areas and look for another one with a similar level.

Defeat Unique Monsters for a Large CP Bonus

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Defeat Unique Monsters

If the search for Elite Monsters with similar levels proves too tedious, you can also opt to look for and kill Unique Monsters. However, do note that unlike Elite Monsters, Unique Monsters only grant a lot of CP the first time you defeat them. Succeeding battles with the same monster will only reward you with a regular amount of CP.

All Unique Monster Locations

Overkill Unique Monster Using Ouroboros Chain Orders

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Use Ouroboros Chain Orders

One of the easiest ways to maximize the one-time drop of Unique Monster CP is by using the Overkill method on them alongside Ouroboros Chain Orders. Unlocked at the end of Chapter 3, this additional Chain Attack feature deals a massive amount of damage, multiplying your CP rewards at the end of the Chain Attack.

Chain Farm Normal Monsters on Easy Difficulty

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Level Differences

Do note that monster levels play a large part when you're farming CP, decreasing or increasing based on whether your character is ahead or behind them in levels. For easier farming (without having to reset the game), you can set the difficulty to Easy and farm normal enemies at or above your current character level.

Level Difference CP Gain
Same Level 100%
1 Level Lower 95%
2 Levels Lower 86%
3 Levels Lower 78%
4 Levels Lower 69%
5 Levels Lower 63%

To check whether you are farming CP at an ideal location, check the level numbers above the monsters' heads. If the numbers are highlighted, you are still farming efficiently. If the numbers are gray, it would be better to switch to a location with monsters closer to your current level.

Pay Attention to Class Aptitude

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Pay Attention to Class Aptitude

Each character will have their own set of classes which they find easier to master. Make sure to check the Class Aptitude of each character vs. their current class to know how fast or slow mastering it will be.

To view the Class Aptitude of each party member, hit + and go to Characters > Class. Press ZR to display class info and cycle through each class available to the character. The letter rating at the top right of the class info tooltip indicates how easy it is for the current character to master the class.

CP Farming Tips

Increase CP Gain by Cooking or Eating Meals

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Eat CP Boosting Meals

Cooking or eating meals will grant players a variety of bonuses. Boost your CP acquisition rate by eating dishes that affect this stat. Colony Canteens will allow you to buy meals by paying Gold, or you can opt to have meals cook your Meals when camping at Rest Spots.

Easy-To-Get CP Boosting Dishes

Meal Effects & How to Get
Yapolta Veggie BeansYapolta Veggie Beans Effect: 20% CP Boost
Duration: 22 minutes
Can be purchased at the Colony 9 Canteen after you complete Zeon's Hero Quest.
Feisty-Spicy ZestbeansFeisty-Spicy Zestbeans Effects:
・15% CP Boost
・5% Collectible Boost
Duration: 49 minutes
Unlocked after eating Yapolta Veggie Beans. Once Manana learns the recipe, this meal can be cooked at Rest Spots.

Equip Accessories that Increase Class Aptitude

Another way to optimize CP farm and gain is by equipping Accessories that increase your Class Aptitude. With a higher aptitude, characters have an easier time mastering classes, meaning less CP farming overall.

Accessory Equip Effect
Master NecklaceMastery Necklace
Legendary Rating
Increases Class aptitude.
Scholar NecklaceScholar Necklace
Legendary Rating
Increases Class aptitude.

Note: The items listed above are difficult to obtain as they are legendary accessories that cannot be bought at the Nopon Coin X-change.

Recruit Teach as a Party Member

Since the fastest method for racking up CP revolves around Chain Attacks, make sure to recruit Inscrutable Teach via his Hero Quest when it becomes available.

Teach, when used in a Chain Attack, will give +10 Tactical Points (TP) for all active party members, easily helping you hit Bravo and Amazing ratings at the end of Chain Orders and Attacks.

Set Game Difficulty to Easy

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Set Game to Easy

For players who simply want an easier time farming CP, you can momentarily set your game to Easy difficulty by navigating to System > Game > Difficulty. CP rewards are unaffected by difficulty, so take advantage of this feature if farming at Normal or Hard proves too tedious.

However, do note that on easy mode, you will have to adjust your strategy when using the Overkill method. Instead of looking for enemies that are the same level as you, look for ones that are 5+ levels higher.

Difficulty Setting Differences

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