Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Segiri's Hero Quest: Inhumanity Walkthrough

Segiri Inhumanity.png

Completing Inhumanity allows Segiri to join your party in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to learn how to unlock this Hero Quest, its detailed walkthrough, rewards, location, and which hero you can recruit in Inhumanity.

Related Quests
Charity and Hypocrisy Tactical Eradication Severed Connection Imminent Illusion
Writer's Block Side Story: Mio The Illusion Returns Inhumanity

Inhumanity Location and Rewards

Aetia Region - Captocorn Peak

Zoomed Out Map Zoomed In Map

How to Unlock and Recommended Level

Chapter Chapter 6
How to Unlock Complete the standard quest “The Illusion Returns”.
Recommended Level 56
Quest Giver N/A


4600 G 4900 EXP 10 SP
Item Rewards

Inhumanity Unlock Conditions

Clear 'Charity and Hypocrisy'

Charity and Hypocrisy Team vs Hard Hoxes.png

Before you can unlock this quest, you need to clear the standard quest Charity and Hypocrisy first.

Acquire the info 'Herding Monsters' at Colony 4 and discuss it at a rest spot afterward. The quest takes you to Barren Knoll at Eagus Wilderness where you need to defeat 17 Hard Hoxes.

Charity and Hypocrisy Walkthrough

Clear 'Tactical Eradication'

Tactical Eradication Maxie.png

Once you've cleared Charity and Hypocrisy, return to Colony 4 and listen in on a conversation between two NPCs near the Colony 4 Canteen to unlock the info 'Tactician's Plan'. Discuss it at a rest spot afterward to unlock the quest 'Tactical Eradication'.

Talk to Maxie's team members to know more about the monsters you need to defeat around Colony 4.

Tactical Eradication Walkthrough

Clear 'Imminent Illusion' in Chapter 4

The standard quest Imminent Illusion should also be cleared first before you can unlock Segiri's Hero Quest This quest will automatically be unlocked and completed as you progress through Chapter 4.

Imminent Illusion Walkthrough

Clear 'Severed Connection'

Mysterious Raider LV 38.png

Another quest you need to clear is 'Severed Connection in Colony 4. After clearing the quests above, return to Colony 4 and head toward the quest-related event.

You'll need to fight the Mysterious Raiders at Murmur Rise for this quest.

Severed Connection Walkthrough

Clear 'Writer's Block'

NPCs A Novel Book.png

You're also required to clear the Standard Quest 'Writer's Block' before you can unlock Segiri's Hero Quest. Unlock it by talking to an NPC in the City then, gather all 5 items the writer told you to bring her.

Writer's Block Quest Walkthrough

Clear 'Side Story: Mio'

The Hero Quest 'Side Story: Mio' should also be cleared before you can unlock Inhumanity. Completing it allows the character Miyabi to join your team.

Side Story: Mio Walkthrough

Clear 'The Illusion Returns'

Inhumanity Accepted.png

After clearing all the quests above, head to Captocorn Peak in the Aetia Region to trigger the quest The Illusion Returns. Defeat the Mysterious Raiders to complete the quest and unlock Inhumanity.

The Illusion Returns Walkthrough

Inhumanity Hero Unlocked

Unlocks the Hero Segiri

Starting Class
Starting Role
Attacker Image Attacker
Voice Actors
ENG: Brigid Leahy JP: Ai Kayano
Segiri is the commanding officer of Colony 0, a unit of soldiers not affiliated with either Keves or Agnus tasked with special operations assigned by Moebius F. Her original designation was No. 7 before Sena gave her the name Segiri.

Inhumanity Walkthrough

Inhumanity Walkthrough

Talk to Holis in the City

After you've unlocked the quest, head for the City to talk to Hollis. He will brief you about Segiri's condition then asks you to head for the Caelum Residential Quarter where you'll talk to his aide.

After the cutscene, enter the room and talk to Segiri. You'll get the info 'No. 7' right after so discuss it at a rest spot.

Talk to the Lambda Soldier and Make Onigiri

Lambda Soldier.png

Follow the quest marker to the Lambda Soldier at Colony Lambda to receive a Snow-White Mythrice then head for the Michiba Canteen to make onigiri.

Give the onigiri to Segiri at her quarters afterward and watch a cutscene.

Retrieve the Ferron at Captocorn Peak

Hazard Neutralization.png

Head for Captocorn Peak at the Aetia Region to retrieve the Ferron. Segiri joins your party temporarily and you'll get the traversal skill Hazard Neutralization that allows your team to traverse dangerous fields safely.

Head for Colony 0 and Talk to the Soldiers

Colony 0 Soldiers.png

With Hazard Neutralization, your team can now cross the poisonous swamp that used to block the way to Colony 0. Watch a short cutscene then talk to the soldiers in the colony.

Defeat No. 7

No. 7.png

There will be a short cutscene after talking to No. 4 and you have to fight No. 7. Defeating them will clear the quest and recruits Segiri to your team. It also unlocks the Machine Assassin class for Sena.

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Hero Quests.png

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Side Story: Mio Inhumanity
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