Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Mio Best Arts and Classes

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Mio Best Arts and Classes
Mio is one of the main characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Read on to see the best arts, classes, builds, and accessories for Mio, including the best Ouroboros Arts and Soul Tree Abilities, as well as to learn about their Ascension Quest!

Mio Character Profile

Basic Information

Starting Class
Starting Role
Defender Image Defender
Voice Actors
ENG: Aimee-Ffion Edwards JP: Minami Tsuda
The other protagonist of this story, Mio, is a soldier of Agnus and an off-seer like Noah. She is a specialist in evasion, which allows her to unleash powerful counters while dodging enemy attacks.

Mio Best Arts

Best Early Game Arts

Name Area of Effect Recharge Gauge Effect
Butterfly BladeButterfly Blade One Target 3 Auto Attacks Boosts aggro generated when using Arts by 50%
Air FangAir Fang One Target 4 Auto Attacks Boosts damage dealt when attacking enemies targeting you by 50%
Wide SlashWide Slash One Target 8 Auto Attacks While Arts is active, evades enemy attacks at the cost of a low Critical Rate.

Equip these Arts initially to make Mio a formidable opponent. Butterfly Blade and Air Fang, in particular, are useful for inflicting damage while gaining aggro from enemies. Wide Slash, when time properly, will allow you to dodge enemy attacks while dealing damage. Speed Demon can be used as well.

Mio Best Accessories

Early Game Accessories

Increased Speed Increased Damage when Targeted
Gear SupportGear Support Beastfang NecklaceBeastfang Necklace

We recommend equipping items that increase Mio's while she is using the Zephyr class, as this will increase her chances of evading enemy attacks. Since her role is a Defender, any items that increase aggro from enemies should also be equipped when possible.

Mio Best Classes

Best Classes for Mio

Best Classes
XC3 - Lone Exile IconLone Exile XC3 - War Medic IconWar Medic XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar IconFull Metal Jaguar

Mio Class Compatibility

Rank Class
XC3 - Zephyr Icon XC3 - Thaumaturge Icon XC3 - Troubadour Icon XC3 - Lifesage Icon
XC3 - Swordfighter Icon XC3 - War Medic Icon XC3 - Signifer Icon XC3 - Soulhacker Icon
XC3 - Tactician Icon XC3 - Ogre Icon XC3 - Yumsmith Icon XC3 - Lone Exile Icon XC3 - Guardian Commander Icon XC3 - Strategos Icon XC3 - Martial Artist Icon XC3 - Lost Vanguard Icon XC3 - Flash Fencer Icon
XC3 - Heavy Guard Icon XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar Icon XC3 - Incursor Icon XC3 - Seraph Icon XC3 - Machine Assassin Icon
XC3 - Medic Gunner Icon XC3 - Stalker Icon XC3 - Royal Summoner Icon XC3 - Noponic Champion Icon

All Classes and How to Unlock

Mio Best Builds

Full Metal Jaguar Build

DPS Build
Class Master Skills
XC3 - Full Metal Jaguar IconFull Metal Jaguar Split-Second Counter
Fighting Prowess
Critical Strike
Master Arts Arts
Violent Flurry
Wide Slash
Glow Ring
Falcon Swoop
Gems Accessories
Steady Striker
Analyze Weakness
Vibrant Armring
Hero Vambraces
Bronze Gauntlet

Mio Best Ouroboros Arts

Arts List

Arts Area of Effect Effect
Radiant RingRadiant Ring AOE Around User Target Lock
Deadly TwisterDeadly Twister One Target Evades enemy attacks while Art is active.
Full Moon DropFull Moon Drop One Target Interlink Lv3:Break all

Radiant Ring locks on to the target, allowing you deal damage while deals with the enemy's attacks. If combos in battle are not a priority, Full Moon Drop can be replaced with Jaguar Slash.

Mio Best Soul Tree Abilities

Soul Tree Chart

Abilities marked with a ★ should be unlocked as soon as possible.

Prioritize Skill and Status-Related Abilities

We recommended unlocking any skill or status-related abilities in Mio's Soul Tree. Abilities that allow you to evade enemy attacks while dealing counter damage will be particularly useful when dealing with multiple enemies.

Skill-Related Status-Related
Biting BackBiting Back Attack PlusAttack Plus

Mio Ascension Quest

Side Story: Mio

At the start of the game, you cannot rank up the Zephyr class past Rank 10. To break the class limit and unlock Rank 20 for the class, you must first complete Mio's Ascension Quest: Side Story: Mio.

Side Story: Mio Walkthrough

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